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  1. First Bone.
  2. Our Pip
  3. ARCHIEs DIARY (Archie is Robert's ginger tom)
  4. Rules for the Cat.
  5. Bait and switch - for dog lovers
  6. Greedy.
  7. Swallows............
  8. All better now
  9. Birds
  10. Oh Dear....You have to Smile.
  11. Lovely BBC advert
  12. 6 Month Check In.
  13. Proof that cats are better than dogs
  14. I don't mind sharing.
  15. Wish Him Luck.
  16. Photos of Asti
  17. A Trio of Water Birds.
  18. Keeping dogs interested
  19. Asti has a problem
  20. Cat and hedgehog
  21. My pip
  22. Walking by Moonlight
  23. Kissable!
  24. Dog destroyed after seal attack
  25. Safari Park's Meerkat Leaf Treat.
  26. Puppy Farmer Caught.
  27. Do you recognise this bird.
  28. Who said dogs are stupid!
  29. Agility
  30. A true WW2 story about a cat named 'BLUE'
  31. Dog stays with 82 yr old owner
  32. Heartwarming baby elephant rescue story
  33. For Mags. The first story of 'Prince'
  34. Slow Motion Agility.
  35. 'Prince' and his reflection.
  36. This Needs to Stop NOW.......
  37. "Prince" and his petpals.
  38. Elderly cat
  39. Asti has her Eye operation
  40. New Series with Rolf Harris
  41. cat put in tumble dryer
  42. Maria the goose
  43. Ethan the Dog Poisoned, Buried and Brought Back To Life
  44. Thunderwear for dogs!
  45. Oscar the howlalongadog
  46. Dogs going into extinction.
  47. Poor Wee Hedgehog.
  48. Next Test Looming.
  49. Does your cat have a second home??
  50. How to be cosy
  51. Animals watching television
  52. lovely pictures of animals in the snow
  53. Bed Time
  54. Pets
  55. Pet Insurance
  56. Muffin
  57. Do Your Dogs Like To Roll?......phew
  58. 'Say Raaarrr'
  59. My cat hates the travel box
  60. Muffin
  61. Stupid dogs? Stupid cats more like
  62. All puppies must go by Christmas
  63. A home without a pet is not a home
  64. Frosty dog.
  65. Doggy Xmas
  66. jingle goats
  67. Unusual Pet?
  68. News Story
  69. Bambi & Thumper really do exist!
  70. Watch this puppy eating
  71. The Cat was locked out
  72. Observe how the dog interacts with the child
  73. Seasonal message.
  74. A little lost I think
  75. Snow cat!
  76. I've Never Seen This Before.
  77. R.I.P. Pashkan Maggie.
  78. Dirty Secrets of the Pet Food Industry.
  79. My Girls..........
  80. Got our jackets on
  81. Things you can learn from your cat
  82. A selection of photographs
  83. Poor Wee Dageus..
  84. Rare Bird
  85. Winterwatch
  86. Be Warned. Animal Hater at Work.
  87. The Horse
  88. Wet dogs
  89. miserable hens
  90. Bedtime comfort
  91. Pets and road grit..
  92. Paws
  93. Can you spot the 'invisible animal?
  94. Arnie the "babysitter"
  95. Animals are precious
  96. Doggy wimps
  97. can cats reason things out
  98. We've all heard the phrase that a dog is Man's Best Friend.
  99. Whale
  100. Cat bouncing off walls
  101. Tis freezing out there
  102. What to Do with Doggy Poo
  103. Remember Patch and Monty
  104. Dogs understand Human perspective:)
  105. Dogs eating dinner in style
  106. Robins
  107. Unleash the Dogs of War
  108. My poor little Goldie
  109. What would you do ?
  110. first haircut
  111. Dog Safe Glue
  112. Tina and Chandi
  113. My New Pal...
  114. Horses anyone?
  115. does anyone know what this is?
  116. Cat entertains the baby
  117. Poor old Winnie
  118. There was a young bird who lived in a shoe....
  119. Why dogs are better than cats
  120. Oh, that explains it...
  121. Any advice on repelling pigeons?
  122. Dog persistently chewing
  123. Another idea for nesting...
  124. On a Lighter Note......
  125. Pigs in muck.
  126. My evening chuckle
  127. Kitty v Macbook !
  128. New goat
  129. Just so tired
  130. Cat food for the over 50s?
  131. How cross was I
  132. The mouse doesn't like incense
  133. Firefighters give cat oxygen after fire rescue
  134. Squeeze them 'till they bleed
  135. Cat walks the dog home
  136. Obese dog mystery solved...
  137. mean man won't play with the dog
  138. Want to own the world's largest egg?
  139. Kitten vs Easter egg :)
  140. Kitten attacking apples (great sound track)
  141. Snoring Dormouse
  142. Just a cat on top of a sheep
  143. Should Grandparents be allowed to look after dogs?
  144. Raccoon playing with sprinkler
  145. Devotion
  146. Three Men vs. Fifteen Hungry Lions
  147. Cutest !!!!
  148. trying to adopt - a pug!
  149. prize winning film from the Elk Foundation
  150. Gobsmacked.......
  151. Hami
  152. friends
  153. patch and monty
  154. Meet Wilma
  155. Goodbye Toby, a good and gentle friend
  156. Sugar's Babies
  157. Magpies
  158. God made a Dog
  159. Too Cute
  160. Tip for growing cats
  161. At Last it's Time.
  162. Amazing little creatures.....
  163. His will be done
  164. Fun with Crazy Talk 6
  165. Cheap way to keep moggies entertained
  166. lovely baby goat
  167. clever dog
  168. My dog doesn't resepct my partner
  169. Skye Terriers Endangered Breed.
  170. Foxes
  171. The World's Ugliest Creatures
  172. Photos on the Members own Albums
  173. Elephants and their amazing memories
  174. Animal Behaviour...............
  175. Look what I got
  176. Chhouk: The Elephant With a Prosthetic Foot
  177. Pet food?
  178. What have you done for your pet...
  179. Oscar & archie
  180. Keeping Chickens
  181. Ladybirds
  182. As Promised.
  183. Spa Offers Weight Loss Program For Dogs, Accupressure and Massage
  184. Luxury Dog Kennels
  185. Nando
  186. Baby Humming bird rescue
  187. do animals understand language
  188. The Owl and the Pussycat
  189. What your cat and dog are thinking
  190. Bird Feeding.
  191. sleepy pets awwwwwwww
  192. Ruthless Killers?
  193. Frontline Como
  194. Kitten in Hamster Ball
  195. Owning an elderly animal
  196. Ferrets and Polecats
  197. I will do what it takes
  198. Ready for the world
  199. Advice For Many Different Pets
  200. Bandit
  201. Dogs - sheesh!
  202. Who Else Lets Birds Out Free Flight?
  203. Does Anyone On Here Own Rats?
  204. Any Advice On Keeping A Few Chickens
  205. Midge the miracle?
  206. No Dogs Allowed - Or Ponies ....
  207. Animal's ability to help human's
  208. A Poem to all of us who've lost a beloved pet.
  209. For Jade !
  210. Cats Communication Revealed
  211. Therapy Dogs
  212. Dogs look up to us, cats look down PIgs is equal
  213. When is a mongrel not a mongrel?
  214. Teeth cleaning for cats
  215. Looking for a Pug
  216. Our moggies would love this
  217. Thought I would share this. Really cheered me up
  218. puppy sitting
  219. Daisy who believed!
  220. Meerkat Giggles Over Tummy Tickle!
  221. slight incontinence
  222. No post for dog owners!
  223. Poor Patch ..RIP Monty
  224. Dog Seizures
  225. Yet another dog mauled to death
  226. Nothing unusual here
  227. Cats - sheesh!
  228. On a Lighter Note than Lately
  229. He's getting to grips with Agility now.
  230. Tobi
  231. Other animals
  232. Ever get the feeling you want to leave planet ?
  233. A slighty Different view of Cat Behavior
  234. Albino Frogs.
  235. I Put Down Ray
  236. Shelties
  237. Here's Mickey!!
  238. Boy Forms Touching Bond With Tiny Sparrow
  239. Meet Harvey Moon
  240. Cat an' Mouse !
  241. Feeding puppies
  242. Pet sitters - what insurance covers their cost ?
  243. Introducing Heidi........
  244. Sugar Glider
  245. The Wonder of Dogs
  246. So many pets?
  247. My Izzy seems unwell
  248. Rude Awakening!
  249. An advert
  250. Before and After