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30-12-2014, 07:42 PM

Re: How to stop moaning?

Originally Posted by carol ->
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Diamond Lady.
Was any legal action taken against the hospital over it?
Thank you Carol. We did go to a specialist solicitor in Birmingham and they said we did have a case but we were not interested in any compensation, which would only have been about £700 for the loss of her life. I did however meet with the hospital afterwards to do everything I could to make sure no-one else had to go through what my daughter and ourselves went through. You know the type of thing, there was no Care plan, she was not able to speak to anyone when she needed to, always seeing different doctors and having to go over old ground with them all.

From what I can see, nothing has changed much with the system. I also found out that at that time we were in the wrong postcode for 'proper' care and treatment. I just thank goodness, that I know people don't commit suicide out of selfishness, thoughtlessness or anything else along those lines. They have this 'driven' thing inside of them, to get 'away'. It isn't something they 'think' through - at that point they are not able to think rationally. I read one woman's experience of depression and she said it was about 30 times more painful than childbirth - that puts it into perspective !!
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30-12-2014, 08:20 PM

Re: How to stop moaning?

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
So sympathise with you - that is a lot of the problem added to by medication - so very sorry to hear of your loss x
Thank you Patsy. We knew that Prozac didn't suit her at all, and brought on suicidal tendencies when she first took it. They put her on Lithium which worked well, until a boyfriend said she didn't need it as she was with him now !! !! When she had another bout of depression they wouldn't put her on Lithium saying it can damage some of the organs. She was put on two medicines. They assured us that one part of the medicine, was NOT Prozac. As she got worse, we were all still assured that the medicine was not a type of Prozac. However at the hearing when I asked the question, I was advised that it was.

It happened a long time ago now, in December 1999, she was just 28. I, like so many people who have suffered losses have learnt to live along side it now. I do however have great sympathy with anyone who suffers with depression.
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30-12-2014, 08:42 PM

Re: How to stop moaning?

Originally Posted by Diamond Lady ->
Thank you Patsy. We knew that Prozac didn't suit her at all, and brought on suicidal tendencies when she first took it. They put her on Lithium which worked well, until a boyfriend said she didn't need it as she was with him now !! !! When she had another bout of depression they wouldn't put her on Lithium saying it can damage some of the organs. She was put on two medicines. They assured us that one part of the medicine, was NOT Prozac. As she got worse, we were all still assured that the medicine was not a type of Prozac. However at the hearing when I asked the question, I was advised that it was.

It happened a long time ago now, in December 1999, she was just 28. I, like so many people who have suffered losses have learnt to live along side it now. I do however have great sympathy with anyone who suffers with depression.
Yes - there are of course different levels of depression, a friend here that I look out for has a level of depression, I managed to put a stop to one medication that made her absolutely paranoid, it was quite frightening for us both !
Now she has bad and not so bad days, still - very upsetting ..........
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30-12-2014, 08:46 PM

Re: How to stop moaning?

Originally Posted by Diamond Lady ->
Thank you for your kind words Alice. I'm very sorry that you too have experience of this terrible illness.
I have not had anywhere near the experience you had had. I have a great interest in mental health. Given my time again I'd choose to work in that area.

Your situation is incredibly sad and you've also been let down by health services. Its just awful and I feel for you.

Yes, I too sympathise with anyone who suffers from depression.
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30-12-2014, 10:40 PM

Re: How to stop moaning?

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Yes - there are of course different levels of depression, a friend here that I look out for has a level of depression, I managed to put a stop to one medication that made her absolutely paranoid, it was quite frightening for us both !
Now she has bad and not so bad days, still - very upsetting ..........
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Patsy. She must feel very fortunate to have your support and friendship through the difficult times. Not everyone understands and can so often expect people to pull themselves together.

As you say there are so many different levels. We can all feel down and often for no particular reason and in those times, that's when all the various coping strategies discussed previously can help.
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31-12-2014, 03:06 PM

Re: How to stop moaning?

Hope you're feeling a bit better at the year's end Steve. New year, new start. New things to look forward to

Same to everyone who is struggling with darkness and depression. Hope next year is a more peaceful one for you xx
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