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10-08-2011, 11:33 AM

Re: London riots

Originally Posted by rueben ->
So So Sad It's heartbreaking to see the devastation that these mindless gangs are creating for innocent people. What sort of mentality abounds when copy cat rioting and plundering is spreading from city to city. The embarrassment and shame at the images being seen abroad inflicted on us by our own young is depressing. The good intentions of fair-minded level-headed people gathering together to clean up is good to see but it doesn't sweep the root problems away.It has been said many times that the youth of recent years need discipline and character building away from there home environment. Bringing back National Service gets mentioned.
I agree absolutely - except for National Service - I can't see our armed services wanting this scum!

I haven't seen anything happening this far North yet but then it's rained a lot up here. They wouldn't want their shop lifted designer clothes to get wet!

Take care everyone.
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10-08-2011, 12:02 PM

Re: London riots

We've done our shopping in the local town, as usual and all we saw was Corals, Specsavers and Blockbuster's windows smashed so that's just pure vandalism - Blockbuster's window wasn't open to the elements either - what can you possibly loot from Specsavers and a Bookies?!!! stevmk2
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10-08-2011, 02:17 PM

Re: London riots

Apparently there were more people than usual in Watford town centre last night but it stayed calm. I get regular e-mails from the police as part of a neighburhood watch scheme. Thankfully I am nowhere near the town centre although there isn't usually much trouble considering its a large town.

Stay safe everyone. If in doubt don't venture out in the evenings at the moment. It can't last forever

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10-08-2011, 04:51 PM

Re: London riots

Speaking to my mate over in Liverpool this morning and he tells me that things are quieter today where he lives but that his son and his team who work for the fire service were stoned as they tried to get to a callout last night.

Apparently they just carried on with the job in hand and said it was situation normal.
You gotta admire these guys, for without them we are in deep trouble.
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10-08-2011, 07:23 PM

Re: London riots

Went to the Garage for petrol today and the woman assistant told Joe that the police had called last to ask them to watch out for people buying large quantities of petrol in containers, it could be used for petrol Bombs.
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11-08-2011, 01:33 AM

Re: London riots

The hands of the Police have been tied to a certain degree so it's not the fault of the Police that they aren't able to carry out the duties that they would like.

Some folk have suggested bringing in the troops but for pity's sake I hope that Martial Law is not declared, otherwise there will be a blood bath, and we will have another Northern Ireland on our hands.

The troops must not be brought in, otherwise it would undermine the Police. This is a civil matter, not a military one. As has been said earlier, water canons should be made available, but where from? Northern Ireland have six at their disposal which they may well need on the 12th when it's the Apprentice Boys' March in Londonderry, so they won't be shipping those over as rioting is usually expected there on the 12th.

I was there between 1977 - 1979 and have seen at first hand (albeit by CCTV) and it is horrendous.

The Police have been issued with baton rounds (rubber bullets) and they should be authorised to use them, as the perpetrators won't come back for more if hit by one of them.
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11-08-2011, 09:20 AM

Re: London riots

What gives me hope for our country is the fact that so many decent people are stating their support of the police & volunteering their help where they can. I hope our magnificent police service can get some rest and respite soon.

There are too many people willing to condemn our police, they do make mistakes - they are human but on the whole they do a wonderful job in sometimes hellish conditions.
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11-08-2011, 09:30 AM

Re: London riots

Originally Posted by Mollie ->
The hands of the Police have been tied to a certain degree so it's not the fault of the Police that they aren't able to carry out the duties that they would like.
Although I agree with you to a certain extent I was absolutely disgusted with the throwaway line spouted by the BBC's Nick Robinson the other night when he said that Police officers were reluctant to get involved with rioters and demonstrators when one of their officers was recently charged with manslaughter!
What he was alluding to was the case of Ian Tomlinson who was clearly seen on CCTV in the G20 riot being pushed heavily from behind - unnecessarily - by one of the "Met's finest", who incidentally, like many Police officers in these situations, had removed his Police Number / ID tabs worn on uniforms.
PC Simon Harwood is and was a thug, regardless of his uniform and a man died after it emerged that he died from internal bleeding caused by a heavy fall. If we are going to condone Police thuggery then the yobs will respond in kind and we'll end up with even more weapons being used on our streets in "self-defense".
This country has a huge knife problem now and if you were to stop a group of these feral youths almost anywhere these days you'd find a knife in 65% of cases and, in some areas, even a gun in 15% of cases.
We need to support our Police Forces but we also need assurances that they do not descend to the tactics and habits of the people we want them to protect us from. stevmk2
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11-08-2011, 09:47 AM

Re: London riots

I agree Stevmk2, it seems that PC Simon Harwood is a thug but please, let us not tar them all with the same stick. We can only hope that any others like him are weeded out.

May I add that I was appalled by what looks like the deliberate running down & deaths of three young men. I hope whoever are responsible, are brought to justice.
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11-08-2011, 01:09 PM

Re: London riots

The International Olympic committe (IOC) today announced approval from the British Olympic Committee to add illegal immigrant rioting to the 2012 games. The BOC responded:" We are grateful to the IOC for their kind assessment of our worthy bid. We commenced preliminary trials this week and Tottenham are 3-1 up on Croydon. We regret to inform you that the Birmingham team were disqualified as one of their team spoke Engrish."
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