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26-01-2017, 10:25 PM

Re: Free Speech and Protest

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Quite true Purwell, the miners strike saw some of the worst violence ever seen during an industrial dispute [Orgreve] and just where did it get them.
Once the cheap coal from Poland goes up in price the pits will be re-opened, I may not live to see it, but it will happen.
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26-01-2017, 10:31 PM

Re: Free Speech and Protest

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
Once the cheap coal from Poland goes up in price the pits will be re-opened, I may not live to see it, but it will happen.
Why was it cheaper to import and ship coal from Poland?
Were the unreasonable demands by union leaders and the constant strikes a factor! Just asking like...
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26-01-2017, 11:29 PM

Re: Free Speech and Protest

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Quite true Purwell, the miners strike saw some of the worst violence ever seen during an industrial dispute [Orgreve] and just where did it get them.
Perhaps They were there.
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27-01-2017, 12:05 AM

Re: Free Speech and Protest

Originally Posted by Rehab44 ->
Why was it cheaper to import and ship coal from Poland?
Were the unreasonable demands by union leaders and the constant strikes a factor! Just asking like...
Cheaper to recover coal from open cast mining in Germany or Poland Rehab, here in Yorkshire we have some of the deepest mines in the country. There is still loads of coal down there and when it runs out elsewhere it might become more economical to reopen the deep mines.
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27-01-2017, 12:14 AM

Re: Free Speech and Protest

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
Perhaps They were there.
Perhaps you were? In your nice navy blue suit with no number on it.
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27-01-2017, 08:48 AM

Re: Free Speech and Protest

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
Once the cheap coal from Poland goes up in price the pits will be re-opened, I may not live to see it, but it will happen.

We import very little from Poland, the vast majority of coal we import comes from South America, followed by Russia.

We should not be importing any coal at all, we do not need coal to produce electricity, we have enough hard coal of our own to use in steel making.

We need to look to the future, Germany is going all out for renewables, last year German Industry had a weekends electricity free of charge, they had a surplus of renewable energy.

We have some of the biggest tides in the world, we are spending £40 Billion on a stupid HS2 scheme , spend that on tidal plants instead.
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27-01-2017, 11:44 AM

Re: Free Speech and Protest

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Cheaper to recover coal from open cast mining in Germany or Poland Rehab, here in Yorkshire we have some of the deepest mines in the country. There is still loads of coal down there and when it runs out elsewhere it might become more economical to reopen the deep mines.
Cheers OGF.
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27-01-2017, 11:51 AM

Re: Free Speech and Protest

Well wherever the coal comes from Swim the cheapest coal will be from opencast mining or from underground where miners are paid a pittance compared to our miners.
I notice you mention Russia and South America Swim, both of these places are not affected by the strict health and safety laws imposed by the EU and can save money in not providing the level of protection that our miners enjoyed, this can be demonstrated by the regular news items concerning lost personnel in the industry in other countries.

I don't see coal recovery returning to the UK in it's present form. Coal mines do not survive well when maintenance is withdrawn, they fill with water and due to subsidence, collapse. It would be very expensive indeed to return a coal mine back to being a profitable project. I do not see us sending people hundreds of feet below ground to work in the terrible conditions that miners endured in the 19th and twentieth centuries, plus the fact that all the skills will have been lost by that time.

I can see the method of coal recovery from underground be similar to fracking, where a small bore hole is drilled and the coal beneath is shattered into powder and washed out.
Which brings me nicely back to my original post. There would be much gnashing of teeth and objection by protesters, as there is now with fracking. Over the years the earth below our feet has suffered much worse abuse with the extraction of oil, gas and indeed coal.

The double standards exhibited by these protesters is laughable. They are quite happy to drive their cars, fly to warmer climbs for their holidays and enjoy a home supplied with energy. Instead of making a nuisance of themselves why don't they use their time more positively and try to come up with alternative methods of providing energy.

Nobody complained or protested when the first coal mines were dug, people were happy to stoke up their fires and enjoy the warmth. Nobody complained when the first airports were established. In fact as the cost of flying around the world got cheaper and available to most people with the airports expansion and use It enabled said protesters to assemble anywhere in the world at a moments notice after co-ordinating themselves using the internet.

We get nothing done in this country because of protesters. How long has the fiasco been going on concerning the third runway at Heathrow. It's a good job that some of the great inventors and engineers didn't have to put up with the mindless flat earthers who plague our progress now or else we would still be living in mud huts and driving around in horse and carts.
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27-01-2017, 12:28 PM

Re: Free Speech and Protest

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Well wherever the coal comes from Swim the cheapest coal will be from opencast mining or from underground where miners are paid a pittance compared to our miners.
I notice you mention Russia and South America Swim, both of these places are not affected by the strict health and safety laws imposed by the EU and can save money in not providing the level of protection that our miners enjoyed, this can be demonstrated by the regular news items concerning lost personnel in the industry in other countries.

I don't see coal recovery returning to the UK in it's present form. Coal mines do not survive well when maintenance is withdrawn, they fill with water and due to subsidence, collapse. It would be very expensive indeed to return a coal mine back to being a profitable project. I do not see us sending people hundreds of feet below ground to work in the terrible conditions that miners endured in the 19th and twentieth centuries, plus the fact that all the skills will have been lost by that time.

I can see the method of coal recovery from underground be similar to fracking, where a small bore hole is drilled and the coal beneath is shattered into powder and washed out.
Which brings me nicely back to my original post. There would be much gnashing of teeth and objection by protesters, as there is now with fracking. Over the years the earth below our feet has suffered much worse abuse with the extraction of oil, gas and indeed coal.

The double standards exhibited by these protesters is laughable. They are quite happy to drive their cars, fly to warmer climbs for their holidays and enjoy a home supplied with energy. Instead of making a nuisance of themselves why don't they use their time more positively and try to come up with alternative methods of providing energy.

Nobody complained or protested when the first coal mines were dug, people were happy to stoke up their fires and enjoy the warmth. Nobody complained when the first airports were established. In fact as the cost of flying around the world got cheaper and available to most people with the airports expansion and use It enabled said protesters to assemble anywhere in the world at a moments notice after co-ordinating themselves using the internet.

We get nothing done in this country because of protesters. How long has the fiasco been going on concerning the third runway at Heathrow. It's a good job that some of the great inventors and engineers didn't have to put up with the mindless flat earthers who plague our progress now or else we would still be living in mud huts and driving around in horse and carts.
Great post, loved for the Luddites
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