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15-04-2016, 04:10 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
As a global Mod, you tell us you read every post. Clearly that isn't so, since I call to your attention, posts 2, 11, 14 & 17!!!
UJ I read them and dismissed them as mealy-mouthed flannel
Incidentally I am not modding this particular thread .

ETA I don't read every post that would be impossible , other Mods share that duty.
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15-04-2016, 04:11 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage

I saw them Joe and replied to them.

You've got to admit this union bloke sounds a right scabby scumbag... sorry, a left scabby scumbag.
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15-04-2016, 04:15 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage


I must admit that I am somewhat bemused by the entire thing.

The NUM is a very small Union, less than 2000 members.

The Derbyshire Branch only had 4 members, and three of them where paid Union Officials.

Three paid officials to look after one member?

Not very efficient is it?

Some may say that that looks like jobs for the boys.

The other thing that I do not understand is that Laverty was President of the NUM until 2010 when he was elected as an MP.

When he was elected an MP, he has admitted to receiving a Redundancy Payment from the NUM.

The payment was allegedly well north of £100,000 .

He was then replaced as President of the NUM by another member.

I am somewhat surprised that he received a Redundancy payment as MP's normally resign their jobs to become an MP.

If you resign, you are not entitled to a Redundancy Payment.

His job as NUM President was immediately filled by another NUM President, which I find strange as Redundancy Payments cannot be given if the post being made redundant is then replaced with a like for like job.

Redundancy Payments are tax Free up to £30,000, so if it did not qualify Redundancy Payment what was it and did he pay tax on all of the money?

Important questions, however Mr Laverty has refused to answer them, saying that it is a private matter between himself and the NUM.

I find this disconcerting, as Mr Laverty was appointed by Corbyn as Shadow Minister for Trade Unions and Civil Society.
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15-04-2016, 04:18 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
I saw them Joe and replied to them.

You've got to admit this union bloke sounds a right scabby scumbag... sorry, a left scabby scumbag.
Morty I am shocked to hear that any union would sanction money been taken from a benevolent fund to give to an official of that union

That puts all the tax avoiding scumbags in the shade for me...
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15-04-2016, 04:22 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I find this disconcerting, as Mr Laverty was appointed by Corbyn as Shadow Minister for Trade Unions and Civil Society.
Well ... I'm reluctant to condemn anyone purely because of their association with Crapmeister Corbyn but it doesn't inspire confidence ....I guess the term 'Shadow Minister' is apt.
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15-04-2016, 04:23 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I must admit that I am somewhat bemused by the entire thing.

The NUM is a very small Union, less than 2000 members.

The Derbyshire Branch only had 4 members, and three of them where paid Union Officials.

Three paid officials to look after one member?

Not very efficient is it?

Some may say that that looks like jobs for the boys.

The other thing that I do not understand is that Laverty was President of the NUM until 2010 when he was elected as an MP.

When he was elected an MP, he has admitted to receiving a Redundancy Payment from the NUM.

The payment was allegedly well north of £100,000 .

He was then replaced as President of the NUM by another member.

I am somewhat surprised that he received a Redundancy payment as MP's normally resign their jobs to become an MP.

If you resign, you are not entitled to a Redundancy Payment.

His job as NUM President was immediately filled by another NUM President, which I find strange as Redundancy Payments cannot be given if the post being made redundant is then replaced with a like for like job.

Redundancy Payments are tax Free up to £30,000, so if it did not qualify Redundancy Payment what was it and did he pay tax on all of the money?

Important questions, however Mr Laverty has refused to answer them, saying that it is a private matter between himself and the NUM.

I find this disconcerting, as Mr Laverty was appointed by Corbyn as Shadow Minister for Trade Unions and Civil Society.
I expect such behavior from some wealthy rightwingers but Laverty is supposed to be 'a man of the people' so to me is doing the dirty on 'his own' if not illegally then in principle .
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15-04-2016, 04:26 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Morty I am shocked to hear that any union would sanction money been taken from a benevolent fund to give to an official of that union

That puts all the tax avoiding scumbags in the shade for me...
It does doesn't it ... one likes to think union officials and reps are there to help their members, not themselves, and the recipient can hardly claim ignorance or innocence if it is indeed misappropriation of funds.
Tis truly and absolutely horrendous and rockets off the nasty Richter scale. I'm appalled.
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15-04-2016, 04:28 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Well ... I'm reluctant to condemn anyone purely because of their association with Crapmeister Corbyn but it doesn't inspire confidence ....I guess the term 'Shadow Minister' is apt.
Is that the same Corby who lost his tax return and suddenly had a revelation and decided he is pro staying in the EU having been vehemently against it until recently
I was prepared to give him a chance when he was appointed thinking him to be 'a man of principle' but he has turn out to be a bit of an insignificant wet shirt.
Heaven help us if he is ever PM , he might lose the country along with his tax return
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15-04-2016, 04:30 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage

Originally Posted by Meg ->
I expect such behavior from some wealthy rightwingers but Laverty is supposed to be 'a man of the people' so to me is doing the dirty on 'his own' if not legally then in principle .
Perhaps as a man of the people he believed he was entitled to his peoples money and it wasn't considered theft?
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15-04-2016, 04:44 PM

Re: The Labour MP and The NUM Benevolent fund Mortgage

I am not protecting this man obviously what he did is dreadful but the reason Union officials are paid is often they cannot get work because of their work with unions. He was therefore paid but it does sound overly generous salary but saying that I will likely be called jealous of his wealth.
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