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07-09-2015, 12:03 AM

Re: Winter's coming

Originally Posted by deylon ->
Like you Mupps, I feel sad at the obvious signs of winter. The clearing away of Summer plants for winter bulbs, not nearly so pretty,having to draw the curtains earlier at night ,no more days out, coming home after being out somewhere to find the light is fading. I do love the Autumn if we get nice weather, but the rain and darkness are so dismal.

What Rose did you buy ? I want a nice fragrant bush ros or patio rose.Ive looked around a little but havent seen one .Any Tips please ,also where to buy from.? A friend has one called Anniversary ,very highly scented, but when I asked at a garden centre for it they asked me ' What anniversary it was for '!!

I love fragrant roses deylon, that's why I don't care for florists roses, they might as well be made of paper for all the scent they have.

What colours do you like? The one I have just bought is a David Austin rose called "Munstead Wood." It's about 3+half foot high and a very, very deep crimson. I believe it has won awards for the most fragrant rose.

I also have "L'Aimant", a beautiful coral/pink, about 3ft, and again with a gorgeous fragrance.

"Tatton" is a lovely rich burnt orange colour which smells wonderful, its about 3 - 3.5 ft.

And an absolute favourite of mine is "Evelyn May" which is about 3.5 ft, and a sort of peachy/coral/pinkish rose with a scent to die for. Absolutely glorious.
This one is a Peter Beale rose (Classic Roses), but all the others are David Austin ones.
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07-09-2015, 07:56 PM

Re: Winter's coming

Thankyou Mups,I have made a note of the roses you mention and the site,I will look it up .Im not too bothered re colour ,as long as the scent is good. Can they be delivered ,as I have no transport ?
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07-09-2015, 11:38 PM

Re: Winter's coming

Yes, they will send them, but its so expensive. Can't you get a local garden centre to stock them for you, then you'd save the postage?

If you do have to send for them in the end, if I were you I'd wait till after October and order 'bare roots' rather than potted. Bare roots are quite a bit cheaper but only sent out during winter.
"Love Always" in another gorgeous scent and its a delicious soft clear pink.
Good luck with whatever you decide, I hope you like them.
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08-09-2015, 08:29 AM

Re: Winter's coming

Winter ? I am going to Kent for my summer holiday next week when we have got our summer holiday over with I will start worrying about autumn - hope to leave winter worrying to November.
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08-09-2015, 09:22 AM

Re: Winter's coming

what about the personalities of seasons - here in the top end of OZ we have two seasons - the hot and dry and hot and wet and that's it.

the hot and wet is the damp and dull and dulls the mind whilst the hot and dry is more enlivening!

but I think with the british seasons there must be so many shades of emotions to the changing seasons that affect our lives in different ways.

foggy novembers and bonfires - snowy xmases with a bit of luck - cold feet and hands

the final warmth of summer - less clothes and outdoor fun!

etc etc

how are you feeling now in september - which can have Indian summers

just watching a great doco about snowdonia and the local farmers and how they respond to changing seasons - it certainly affects their moods
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08-09-2015, 10:21 AM

Re: Winter's coming

The end of summer for me is when the leaves start to drop and the garden takes less time to do - everything fading or being cut back for next year.. then the nights draw in and the heating is on...
The television doesn't hold any interest for me but if I have a good book, a cuppa and my snuggle blanket, then I'll survive til Spring!
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