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21-01-2012, 02:39 AM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by pixie ->
yah I have a few times lol
Yes you have Pixie, and so have I, by the same people.
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21-01-2012, 08:15 AM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by Bonny ->
It has been establised that so many of us enjoy being online but have you had any bad experiences?Do you want to just enjoy yourself and have a laugh and "meet" new people and have some good discussions without that one person who always seems to try to spoil that for you.Have you been so upset that at times it has brought tear's to your eye's?Yes we all know that all you have to do is shut your PC down but some are very sensitive and what they should do is not always visable to them at the time.At the age most of us are we should ignore these people.....but do you?
Bully,s are cowards and if you ignore them they go away, if they are that thick that they stay hit them with everything you have and they will leave.

I once got punished for stopping a bully when I was at school, granted I hit him with a swinging door but he never bullied again.
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22-01-2012, 09:51 AM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Only once by a woman who I later discovered had five seperate identities on the same Forum.She used to respond to her own posts in different guises.Talking to herself basically...... Being new to forums and a little naive in the world of cyber I genuinely thought she was five different people.
She berated any post I made then would instantly console me under one of her other personas.
You live and learn don't you ?
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22-01-2012, 12:37 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->
Bully,s are cowards and if you ignore them they go away, if they are that thick that they stay hit them with everything you have and they will leave.

I once got punished for stopping a bully when I was at school, granted I hit him with a swinging door but he never bullied again.
Yes Antibrown but ive watched people ignoring people online that are obviously doing their best to upset them in anyway they can and all it did was make the "bully" worse.Yes you can block etc but why let these spiteful creatures basically get away with it.I agree though there are ways of dealing with this type of scumbag.As for in the RW...funny enough as an Adult hopefully that should be alot easier to cope with then being a Child.Child Bullying IMO is the worse.
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22-01-2012, 12:57 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by Lady Angler ->
Only once by a woman who I later discovered had five seperate identities on the same Forum.She used to respond to her own posts in different guises.Talking to herself basically...... Being new to forums and a little naive in the world of cyber I genuinely thought she was five different people.
She berated any post I made then would instantly console me under one of her other personas.
You live and learn don't you ?
Oh LA I can so identify in what you say here.I have come across that type of thing so much.Sometime's the Site's are to blame for not checking the person's IP Addy.Other times a blind eye come's to mind.Its not easy of course if the offending person is using a Proxy.Some Site's ban people using them which has to be a good thing I believe.I was on a Site and it was also so obvious that a certain person was talking to themselves half the time and also yes had so many ID's and many were very cruel indeed.Then there was the time when a Mod paraded as a Man when indeed was a Woman and in actual fact played out the role as the "wife" also.What a nasty piece of work this person was and the word hypocrite don't even come close to describe this person and "do as I say and not what I do" springs to mind BIGTIME.I also have no idea what planet some of the Sites Admin are on at time's watching what's going on and doing nothing about it.Thank goodness from what ive seen here that type of thing dosen't go on and I would also think it would be stopped straight away if ever it started.I also remember being an Internet Virgin and completely green to all the "tricks of the trade" and being so taken in by somebody.She befriended me and all was great until I found the She was a He.I will not tolerate that kind of thing and so he/she became History.People sometime's forget there is flesh and blood behind the words typed who have feeling's.Not all of us are "hard" and can just laugh all what is thrown at us off.Also some may have just lost a partner or a pet and are at their lowest and its just a shame that certain type of people just don't care who their victims are.
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22-01-2012, 04:17 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

I hate confrontation of any sort and have a tendency to just walk away even on line. Got too much other legit things to get worked up about. If I feel I do need to appologize for my part of whatever might have been involved, I will and then 'walk away' (so to speak). I have too just resently told a relative through marrage that I was uncomfortable with things he was 'chatting' about and not to contact me anymore and then 'walk away'. I don't 'run and hide', but do say my piece and leave.
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22-01-2012, 04:24 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by ClaireMarie ->
I hate confrontation of any sort and have a tendency to just walk away even on line. Got too much other legit things to get worked up about. If I feel I do need to appologize for my part of whatever might have been involved, I will and then 'walk away' (so to speak). I have too just resently told a relative through marrage that I was uncomfortable with things he was 'chatting' about and not to contact me anymore and then 'walk away'. I don't 'run and hide', but do say my piece and leave.
Yes Claire at time's in our lives we do have to just walk away and I also have done that in the RW and online for reasons that maybe only I would understand but knowing I had too.
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22-01-2012, 04:51 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

I'm fairly new to forums Bonny, I joined one local forum here and an international forum that deals mostly with the jewellery trade. Thankfully I have not come across any bullying so far on either, but some of the stories told in this thread have raised my eyebrows, especially the woman with all the different identities talking to herself, sad and funny at the same time.
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22-01-2012, 05:01 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

I have never been bullied online. I have come across some right nasty people but I will stand up for myself.
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22-01-2012, 05:08 PM

Re: Have You Been Bullied Online?

Originally Posted by jemflux ->
I'm fairly new to forums Bonny, I joined one local forum here and an international forum that deals mostly with the jewellery trade. Thankfully I have not come across any bullying so far on either, but some of the stories told in this thread have raised my eyebrows, especially the woman with all the different identities talking to herself, sad and funny at the same time.
The person i came across with more IDs then I have come across before IMO was just an evil cow .My heart went out to the people who were taken in by her as like in life there are many innocent people who believe all they read...I know as I was once one of those.I believe also that if you actually have led a life to the full and are of normal thinking the thought of having many IDs shouldn't come into your thought's as deceiving people whether it be in the RW or online should be a NO NO.Enjoy your time online Jemflux .by the looks of it you won't have to encounter what some have.
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