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07-01-2016, 02:42 PM

Re: Saddest thing

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
The saddest time, a few days ago when realisation hit me
I've got along with the belief that I would find something out there to give me peace from pain, even if it was for a while
Now I realise that all the money spent has been pointless and I 'am' to spend the rest of my life in this misery.
There is nothing that will help me, and the saddest thing is the realisation that I will never be able to go to bed, relax and get away from the torment.
Feeling very sad about that.
I’m very sorry to hear that Patsy but never give up the hope that something will be developed to ease the pain, things are changing so fast in the world of medicine these days anything can happen. You are always in good form and an inspiration to all who have to suffer constant pain.
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07-01-2016, 02:50 PM

Re: Saddest thing

I am sure that we have all had many sad things happen in our lives, but some you remember more than others. When I was 12 I came home from school and my mum asked me to go to the grocers for something. I got into the small friendly shop and heard a lady and the shopkeeper talking about a girl who had been killed in a car accident on holiday. There was a photo of the girl in the newspaper, so I asked if I could see it... only to discover that it was my best friend. My mum never got what she sent me to the shop for because I just ran home crying.
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07-01-2016, 03:11 PM

Re: Saddest thing

Very true, some extremely sad stories here, and not only about death, but pain, as in Patsy's experience.

So I would say, sadness at rushing to the hospital following the phone call that all the family should be at Dad's bedside, as we'd all left him just hours earlier, arriving just after midnight to be told he'd already gone. The regret that we should have stayed, and knowing he'd passed away without any family beside him.

And watching my Mum's life finally ebbing away as the life support was switched off, after 3 and a half weeks.

Sadness at my own pain and inability to do the things I used to do, and to be restricted in activities nowadays.
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07-01-2016, 03:29 PM

Re: Saddest thing

Losing my babies, and Tasha my niece dying, never thought w would get over that one. Grace having a stroke as she was born, but that didn't turn out as the doctors to,d us it would and she is actually almost fully functioning very brainy child so rom the sadness came happiness that time.
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07-01-2016, 03:34 PM

Re: Saddest thing

mine was more than one ---
but was of my young neice who was dying so young ..with MS.iwhispered goodbye its time to go she held my hand felt her finger tighten ... her sisters round her bed so heartbroken ....
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07-01-2016, 04:06 PM

Re: Saddest thing

Losing my two closest friends, one to a brain tumour and one to multiple myeloma, also losing my little Bichon Maltese last year. Many other things have made me very sad, including a baby with AIDS who died in my arms.
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07-01-2016, 05:05 PM

Re: Saddest thing

Originally Posted by susan m ->
This time last year I found my friend dead , a gorgeous 67 year old , the curtains were still drawn at 1 pm , I used the key and called out to her as I went up the stairs . First time I'd ever seen anyone who had passed . Strangely enough I was calm phoned the ambulance etc . And calmed the other two neighbours , phoned daughter and stayed for a couple of hours until undertakers had been . When I got home I broke down and it hit me .

Just to add a little bit to make you smile , her daughter contacted me 2 days ago to say as the family sat down to Christmas dinner a beautiful butterfly landed on the table . How sweet is that .
Susan, By coincidence, the day my dog Cassie died on 30th December, a beautiful butterfly flew into the house and landed on Cassie's bed!
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07-01-2016, 05:31 PM

Re: Saddest thing

Like most folks, I have had my share of unhappy events.
I try not to dwell on them, they never go away. I try to keep them in my heart, whilst carrying on with life.
Unhappy experiences broaden your understanding of humanity, it's suffering and its joys.

I am in the final stages of Parkinsons disease which has assailed me for over 20 years. I've fought it every day but now it's winning. I am ready to go anytime, but I am already sad about not seeing my family, only perhaps in
the hereafter
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07-01-2016, 06:47 PM

Re: Saddest thing

Being with my middle daughter when the vet put her dog to sleep, it was heartbreaking.
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07-01-2016, 07:05 PM

Re: Saddest thing

How can we choose just one?

Each time I think a piece of me dies too.. I feel pain .
People who know about my life ask how I cope, I always laugh and say one day at a time.

Each event leaves a scar and I wonder how long it will be before there is more scar than me left....
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