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29-04-2016, 04:50 PM

Re: Unread Emails

I prefer the landline telephone too! Texts and emails could get me into trouble as there is no expression in them plus the backward, forward messaging drives me mad!
Most of the time, if l have to correspond via text or email, l speak them and they are just printed out. Better than all that faffing with fingers!!
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29-04-2016, 05:43 PM

Re: Unread Emails

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I am exactly the opposite, I much prefer the phone, more personal, I can't stand text speak or whatever it is.

Email annoys me, when I was working the young ones would email me from 3 desks away rather than speak, it annoyed me.

We are losing the art of conversation.
Gibbs I am afraid people don't take into account the fact that someone lives alone and is the only person there to answer the phone.

You can bet your life if I am in the shower, the loo or hanging out the washing someone will decide to phone at that precise moment and I run like a mad thing only to have it stop the moment my hand touches the receiver with texts and emails I never miss a 'call'

And no I won't ring people back, I am too poor and mean to pay for someone elses call
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29-04-2016, 07:42 PM

Re: Unread Emails

Originally Posted by Meg ->
And no I won't ring people back, I am too poor and mean to pay for someone elses call
I agree with your sentiments.

If only we could use e-mails instead of Christmas cards, we'd save a ton of money.
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30-04-2016, 12:32 AM

Re: Unread Emails

I read and save in folders the emails I want to keep, others I just read and delete....or in the case of an "odd" subject and unknown sender, I just delete without opening.
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30-04-2016, 12:36 AM

Re: Unread Emails

I check my emails every day, always have done.
I 'Save' anything important till I've dealt with it, 'delete' everything else, and check and empty the 'junk' folder.
I also wipe cookies every day.
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30-04-2016, 01:26 AM

Re: Unread Emails

I'm with Meg on this one. Perhaps more so.

I survive quite nicely in the 21st Century without a mobile phone (or a credit card - not even EFTPOS).
Never sent or received a 'text' in my life.

This computer is used for this Forum, occasional Emails and the odd bit of research (to counter some of the nonsense from right-wingers, Islamophobes, christians and cat-lovers).

My only phone is the landline -which l loathe for all the reasons Meg gave PLUS
I see it only as a tool for business, emergencies or occasional contact with friends or family far away.
Much prefer to comunicate eyeball to eyeball and preferably with a nice sav blanc in hand.
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30-04-2016, 07:03 AM

Re: Unread Emails


Living on my own for a few years, I could go days not speaking to anyone, so I love the phone.
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30-04-2016, 07:45 AM

Re: Unread Emails

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
I'm with Meg on this one. Perhaps more so.

I survive quite nicely in the 21st Century without a mobile phone (or a credit card - not even EFTPOS).
Never sent or received a 'text' in my life.

This computer is used for this Forum, occasional Emails and the odd bit of research (to counter some of the nonsense from right-wingers, Islamophobes, christians and cat-lovers).

My only phone is the landline -which l loathe for all the reasons Meg gave PLUS
I see it only as a tool for business, emergencies or occasional contact with friends or family far away.
Much prefer to comunicate eyeball to eyeball and preferably with a nice sav blanc in hand.
Hells Bells Pumie, you've just described 80% of the people on this forum!
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30-04-2016, 06:02 PM

Re: Unread Emails

Probably right, Brer Fox.

But fortunately, many of those types can still produce an interesting and entertaining exchange even if they are so patently wrong !
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30-04-2016, 09:18 PM

Re: Unread Emails

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Probably right, Brer Fox.

But fortunately, many of those types can still produce an interesting and entertaining exchange even if they are so patently wrong !
Love your spirit Pumie, You are part of the reason I come on here.
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