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01-04-2012, 07:19 PM

Re: A Magical Time

I'm a very poor sleeper and I usually go to bed about 12.30 - 1.00am. If I find myself still awake at 2.00am, I get up, go downstairs and make myself a cup of decaf tea, then work through my Sudoku puzzles and return to bed about 5.00am. I still get up in the morning round about 8.00am though...
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01-04-2012, 08:57 PM

Re: A Magical Time

Our first child (a son) was born while I was still in the navy and away from home. However, our second son and a couple of years later, our daughter were both born at home and I was present at their births, what absolutely magical times they were. What a long time ago that was, my youngest, Elisabeth, was 51 in January!
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01-04-2012, 09:32 PM

Re: A Magical Time

Some lovely magical times here.

I suppose my most magical time was when I was a child. Everything was magical then.
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01-04-2012, 09:40 PM

Re: A Magical Time

I go ro bed about 12 ish get up before 8 pm
hate being in bed to long
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02-04-2012, 12:13 AM

Re: A Magical Time

I generally never go to bed before 3am - it's been like that for years. I've always been a night owl, even when I was working!

A few years back, when my ex and I were on holiday in Ibiza (not the night-clubbing part), we stayed up all night long, just walking around and sitting by the sea, then seeing the sun rise, it was great. Only did it the once though.
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02-04-2012, 12:47 AM

Re: A Magical Time

because i work shifts, its hard to pinpoint a magical Time, so the closest i can get it to having time with my family day or night
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02-04-2012, 02:48 AM

Re: A Magical Time

Originally Posted by Berxer ->
I generally never go to bed before 3am - it's been like that for years. I've always been a night owl, even when I was working!

A few years back, when my ex and I were on holiday in Ibiza (not the night-clubbing part), we stayed up all night long, just walking around and sitting by the sea, then seeing the sun rise, it was great. Only did it the once though.

Exactly like me, Carmen. I've always been a night owl as well, even when working.

I remember long ago when my husband and I went on holiday to the Isle of Wight. A dear friend of ours had two holiday cottages there, and we took our cat Jinx with us.

One night it was very late and it was a stormy night, so we got up and drove to the nearby cliffs to watch the sea. It was a full moon, and the surge of the sea was violent, smashing up on the rocks, and it rained hard on the car. It was beautiful. That's another magical moment I'll never forget.
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02-04-2012, 10:56 AM

Re: A Magical Time

Originally Posted by Janela ->
Like Bob, our sleep pattern is a bit erratic. I just don't have a 'bed-time'. If I've had a few bad nights I'm happy going to bed at 9pm. and because we both like mornings, it's not a problem getting up at 5am. I do try to stay in bed 'til 7am in winter though.
Hearing the dawn chorus and watching the sunrise - magic.
Janela darlin' I don't think you'd be quite so enthusiastic about the dawn chorus here. We have Herring gulls nesting in between the chimney pots around us and they begin screeching and squawking around 04.30. As the spring and summer progresses this time moves to around 03.00 in mid-summer
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