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26-08-2016, 07:59 AM

Re: Shoestring

Originally Posted by Nom ->
Very similar to me LD, there is an article in the paper today about middle class families saying they cant live on £ 50,000 a year having to borrow from family and buying supermarket clothes.
Overdone it on the mortgage? Too many children? Too many posh cars, that cost more to run/maintain?

Downsizing is the answer then, isn't it? Not sure about giving the children away, mind you!

Some of us dreeeeeeeeeem of getting that much money a year!!! Or even half that.

I tell you, if I had a family member (or friend) come to me with a begging bowl, and I knew they had that sort of income, I'd be sitting them down and giving advice on money management.
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26-08-2016, 08:10 AM

Re: Shoestring

One way to save money is not to go to the supermarket.
And whats wrong with supermarket clothes anyway?
Designer labels are just that labels if you go to where they are made ( usually China ) you will find them sending the same clothles everywhere just sticking a designer label on them.
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26-08-2016, 09:00 AM

Re: Shoestring

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
I have lived on a shoestring my entire life I think and still do. I have never been good when it comes to money. If I have it, I spend it. I can only blame myself for that as I have never really pushed myself to make lots of money although I'm sure I am capable of it.
My gran used to say "if you earn £1 and you only spend 99p you'll be fine' I didn't listen.

If I hadn't had such a sensible lass as a wife I'd have been benkrupt years ago

My biggest problem was using man maths to justify some of my spending
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26-08-2016, 09:01 AM

Re: Shoestring

Originally Posted by Tregonsee ->
I was expecting Eddie Shoestring.
Me too.
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26-08-2016, 09:04 AM

Re: Shoestring

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
One way to save money is not to go to the supermarket.
And whats wrong with supermarket clothes anyway?
Designer labels are just that labels if you go to where they are made ( usually China ) you will find them sending the same clothles everywhere just sticking a designer label on them.
I'm not so sure about that.
There's a distinct difference in quality between George at Asda and some of the more expensive ranges.

I don't think the spending public are that gullible.
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26-08-2016, 09:04 AM

Re: Shoestring

Being orphaned at 15 years and having to bring my self up with no state hand outs in those days, I lived on less than a shoestring for many years.
Now I am wealthy, I still live on a shoestring and never buy anything unless it's a bargain....old habits die hard.
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26-08-2016, 09:05 AM

Re: Shoestring

I was brought up in a poor family , no social security money in those days . I lived most of my life budgeting and putting money into tins for electric gas etc . Fed and clothed my children on a shoestring . Now I live on my basic state pension , I don't have a private pension . I dont need much , I can feed myself well by making stews and soups which taste wonderful , I've enough clothes in my wardrobe some years old . I've never known what it feels like to have money to spend spend spend . Yes I'd like more but it is what it is and I'm ok
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26-08-2016, 09:08 AM

Re: Shoestring

I have lived my entire life on a shoestring but am proud to say I have never been in debt.

There were many times when I went hungry and I have been homeless more than once and survived without being dependent on anyone other than myself.

With no one dependant on me and a son who has done very well and will help me out if need be (as he did when the kitchen roof leaked) I am better off now than I have ever been
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26-08-2016, 09:26 AM

Re: Shoestring

Originally Posted by malcolm ->
Being orphaned at 15 years and having to bring my self up with no state hand outs in those days, I lived on less than a shoestring for many years.
Now I am wealthy, I still live on a shoestring and never buy anything unless it's a bargain....old habits die hard.
Wealth and shoestring don't usually go hand in hand.
What's the point of wealth if you don't enjoy it?

It's rather like doing the lottery, winning the jackpot and staying in the same house, driving the same car and still holidaying in the same resort....why?

I suppose wealth can mean comfortable but wealthy, that's a big statement.

Pockets and shrouds?
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26-08-2016, 09:35 AM

Re: Shoestring

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
Wealth and shoestring don't usually go hand in hand.
What's the point of wealth if you don't enjoy it?

It's rather like doing the lottery, winning the jackpot and staying in the same house, driving the same car and still holidaying in the same resort....why?

I suppose wealth can mean comfortable but wealthy, that's a big statement.

Pockets and shrouds?
Have to agree with you money is a tool, I can't see point of having it and not using it, it should change lives. IMO.
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