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03-06-2010, 02:39 PM

Re: Gunman loose in Cumbra!

What is the place coming to. My thoughts are with all those who lost there lives because of that man bird! To think he even shot his twin brother as well as the family solicitor. Had the killing stopped there and then he killed himself would have been bad enough but to go on and shoot all those other innocent people. I cried last night and again this morning, when I watched the news.

It will take many a long year for the families and relatives to get over such a carnage. I know that those people in Dunblane whose youngsters, aged between 5 and 6 - 15 in total and their teacher was shot dead by the crazed Hamilton, are still trying to come to terms with it.
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04-06-2010, 12:22 AM

Re: Gunman loose in Cumbra!

I watched a local woman in Whitehaven saying that in such a small place everyone would be affected by the deaths of so many people. I didn't think I would know anyone as we are about 25 miles from where most of the blood was shed. However, this morning we found that my MIL neighbour was killed in Egremont and Kevin Commons the solicitor was our solicitor and we knew him well.
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04-06-2010, 08:26 AM

Re: Gunman loose in Cumbra!

It really brings the horror of what he did when you know folk who have been killed or hurt.

So sorry to hear that your MIL's neighbour and that your solicitor were amongst those shot by Bird.

My thoughts going to the families and to you.
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04-06-2010, 11:03 AM

Re: Gunman loose in Cumbra!

Thank you Brandykins, this thing is like a drop in the ocean the waves just go on and on affecting so many people.
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04-06-2010, 09:09 PM

Re: Gunman loose in Cumbra!

I listened to te BBC Scotland news today and each person that was interviewed were affected by it all. It will take a long long time for everyone, not just those who lost a dear one, or a friend who did, but everyone else as well.

I heard that the forthcoming Festival in 3 weeks will go ahead and, hopefully, that may help a little.

Take care.
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05-06-2010, 02:44 AM

Re: Gunman loose in Cumbra!

Appalling tragedy. We see this far to often here in the States with our lax gun ownership laws, but I never expected it to happen there too. My thoughts are with the grieving families who will never be the same.
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05-06-2010, 10:38 PM

Re: Gunman loose in Cumbra!

Had a text from head nurse at vets to say that the vet whose cousin was shot dead had been in touch and said it was like 'living in a bubble' all family are numb by whats happened and that her cousins wife may have to be sedated for a short while as she is in a bad way....dreadful.

Also said they were not being helped by the press always being there at the end of the driveway or keep knocking on the door to see if they would give an interview! Her Sister apparently went out with a walking stick and chased them away only for them to return. Personally, I feel that they should now be left alone to try and come to terms, if they ever can, with what has happened. They and all the other people have enough to cope with without being harrassed by the press!
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06-06-2010, 10:25 AM

Re: Gunman loose in Cumbra!

That's terrible, Merz I can understand the Press have a job to do but they can be pretty heartless at times and I'm sure they wouldn't like their own family treated to so much intrusion under the circumstances...
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06-06-2010, 06:52 PM

Re: Gunman loose in Cumbra!

One young woman was being interviewed on the day of the shootings. She was obviously traumatised as she had witnessed one of the deaths. You could tell by her voice she was in total shock but the interviewer kept saying 'Iknow this must be hard for you but tell us what you saw' I thought then this is not news it can't be it is not what I want to hear.

Fancy having to go through so much grief with everyone around watching your every move. I cannot grasp how hard it must be.

In my opinion the memorial services are being held too early many of the grieving families need time to grieve before memorial services surely I mean this horror only happened days ago why do they need a memorial service.
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