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22-05-2015, 11:56 AM

Re: Sick Pay

Originally Posted by Eliza ->
I think some abuse the sick pay, my neighbour bragged about the new foot wear he had bought on Sick pay ,he levelled a man hole in his garden while he wAs off,so not that much wrong with him.
I agree Eliza. Some people abuse it and take great advantage of it. We get six months full pay, which then goes on to half pay. It's amazing the amount of people who make a sudden recovery at the six month mark . The sickness rate is horrendous. I really feel for anyone who doesn't receive sick pay and are genuinely sick but struggle into work as they have bills to pay.
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22-05-2015, 11:58 AM

Re: Sick Pay

Sick pay seems to be fair game for rather more people these days.

I know of one who had six weeks off on full pay after getting a splinter off a shelf at work but I don't believe it's too wide spread - yet.

Employers are scared stiff of litigation so they pay-up so it's a vicious circle in some ways.

I had problems trying to get my Line Manager to understand that any time I have off that's directly related to my disability is NOT Sick Leave.

Disability Discrimination legislation clearly states that a disability employee is entitled to time off with pay if it is directly connected to their disability, such as a hospital appointment or time off and it does not count as Sick Pay.

The term used is Reasonable Adjustments and employers are expected to allow for this.

Whether anyone would really think that Sick Pay is bad for the economy is probably likely to feel that other things like the Winter Fuel Allowance are also "bad" for the economy.

Whether we like it or not, those of us in work, in some ways, we all actually work for the State because we pay into it so we are entitled to some of the benefits or surely that then becomes BAD for the economy doesn't it?! stevmk2
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22-05-2015, 05:50 PM

Re: Sick Pay

While working as a podiatrist I went sick with a frozen shoulder , I had pain for months , eventually went off sick for eight weeks , the company only paid three weeks sick pay a year , I lived on £70 ssp sick pay for five weeks. I was worried sick, I returned to work still in pain and worked with pain throughout my last working years. I had no choice .

Retired now and pain free.
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22-05-2015, 08:59 PM

Re: Sick Pay

Being paid when you're out sick is a good safety net to have, however at the rate the hard earned workers rights are being stripped away I can't see it lasting much longer.
I was only paid for what I produced and was never paid sick pay in me life.
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08-10-2017, 09:44 PM

Re: Sick Pay

We are lucky, not much has changed.
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08-10-2017, 09:58 PM

Re: Sick Pay

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
My husband is off at the moment will be paid possibly in excess of 12 weeks full pay by his firm. Yes it's good for the economy as I can't imagine us not being able to pay our bills and likely eventually losing our flat could possibly be better for the economy.
I'm with you on this.

When I had cancer, I had probably a total of 8 months off work and I got paid in full. If that were not the case, we could have lost out house, or we'd have been very behind on the mortgage - no good for anyone.

Luckily, at the time I was working for an American company who look after their staff when ill. They allow a max of 12 months sick pay.
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