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12-05-2014, 01:37 AM

Re: Rolfe Harris

Rolf Harris who is charged with 12 counts of indecent assault and 4 of making indecent images of children, is now on bail to appear at his trial in April. He has pleaded not-guilty to all charges,

The point I was making is that he obviously isn't as pure as the driven snow as many seem to think and the post above certainly proves it.

I taught in a special needs unit where some of the older girls were in care and taught a girl who had been sexually abused by her father since she was tiny. She had told her mother who refused to believe her and would do nothing about it. He eventually started on her younger sister and that was the catalyst for her to tell a high school teacher. When I worked with her she was still saying she didn't know whether she could go through the court case and accuse a man she loved. I told her that even people we love can do the wrong thing. Yes, these men are very manipulative and emotionally controlling and use fear as a weapon which can last for many years.
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12-05-2014, 06:24 AM

Re: Rolfe Harris

This story is very sad and is no doubt repeated across the country (the world even), several women I have known in my life where abused by their fathers, uncles neighbours etc.

I think one of the possible and plausible reasons why this woman continued in this situation was the issue of shame. I suspect that child abuse or abuse of women generally (including domestic abuse) was hidden from view for so long (and let's face it this isn't a new phenomena) is that children/women feel they are somehow to blame for what is happening which seems illogical to us from the outside. It is the shame and self-blame which allows these manipulative self-deluded men to continue doing what they do.

And how are we not to know that this woman believed herself to be "in love" with Rolf. Doesn't make her any less abused - he was the adult she was the child.

At the heart of any continuing abuse is betrayal, manipulation, power and I think most poignantly shame and the fear that if it was ever revealed the victim would be somehow culpable - bit like women who wear mini-skirts, are drunk etc.. they're seen as fair game, even today.

Originally Posted by jaywalker ->

Rolf Harris who is charged with 12 counts of indecent assault and 4 of making indecent images of children, is now on bail to appear at his trial in April. He has pleaded not-guilty to all charges,

The point I was making is that he obviously isn't as pure as the driven snow as many seem to think and the post above certainly proves it.

I taught in a special needs unit where some of the older girls were in care and taught a girl who had been sexually abused by her father since she was tiny. She had told her mother who refused to believe her and would do nothing about it. He eventually started on her younger sister and that was the catalyst for her to tell a high school teacher. When I worked with her she was still saying she didn't know whether she could go through the court case and accuse a man she loved. I told her that even people we love can do the wrong thing. Yes, these men are very manipulative and emotionally controlling and use fear as a weapon which can last for many years.
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12-05-2014, 07:57 AM

Re: Rolfe Harris


When you think of all the other highly "respectable" men who have been found guilty of similar things, I now am inclined to believe any man is capable of it[/QUOTE]

Really ?
Uncle Joe
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30-06-2014, 05:25 PM

Re: Rolfe Harris

Rolf Harris, has today been found guilty on four charges of indecent assault. Although he hasn't yet been sentenced, the judge has warned that a custodial sentence is inevitable.
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30-06-2014, 05:37 PM

Re: Rolfe Harris

Well there you are - you cannot judge a book by the cover .....
This guy gave the impression he was a goodie, 'look, I love animals'
As with Saville - 'look - aren't I good, all that I do for you in the name of charity'
Makes me sick and very angry !
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30-06-2014, 06:10 PM

Re: Rolfe Harris

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Well there you are - you cannot judge a book by the cover .....
This guy gave the impression he was a goodie, 'look, I love animals'
As with Saville - 'look - aren't I good, all that I do for you in the name of charity'
Makes me sick and very angry !
Yes, it makes me sick and very angry. These people think they can do what they want and get away with it, leaving victims scarred for life.

Who will it be next, I wonder........................
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30-06-2014, 06:13 PM

Re: Rolfe Harris

Originally Posted by alice76 ->
Yes, it makes me sick and very angry. These people think they can do what they want and get away with it, leaving victims scarred for life.

Who will it be next, I wonder........................
Hopefully no more priests !
It is the worst crime of all to do this to a child, I cry when its mentioned - I cant bear it frankly .......
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30-06-2014, 06:36 PM

Re: Rolfe Harris

The people who knew that all this was going on have to answer to it. It's ridiculous to imagine that all the abuse went on without anyone else being aware of it. Especially with Jimmy Saville. The are hospital managers who need to take responsibility for what he did. They had tip offs about it and took no action, just because of who he was. Which we now know was a decrepit old perverted scumbag. I hope he rots in hell.
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30-06-2014, 06:38 PM

Re: Rolfe Harris

Originally Posted by alice76 ->
The people who knew that all this was going on have to answer to it. It's ridiculous to imagine that all the abuse went on without anyone else being aware of it. Especially with Jimmy Saville. The are hospital managers who need to take responsibility for what he did. They had tip offs about it and took no action, just because of who he was. Which we now know was a decrepit old perverted scumbag. I hope he rots in hell.
Oh, they knew what was going on, turned a blind eye - they are as bad as he was
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01-07-2014, 10:08 AM

Re: Rolfe Harris

Listening to the news this morning about Rolf Harris apparently he has been linked with Jimmy Savile and some of the hospitals that he worked at.

Also they can now report that Australia is looking into more claims of sexual abuse.

It never ends.
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