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13-12-2013, 02:26 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
Well I have to disagree with you. I appears that 'trolls' are just bullys in the eyes of the film maker - hence the word 'cyberbullying' used in the article. I thought many were contentious thread starters which is far from how the film maker sees them - and others of the same age too apparently. Don't ever remember anyone saying they were sadistic maniacs in previous threads?
I have stated it (not in your words) several times - trolls are malicious. Can't say it much plainer really.
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13-12-2013, 04:21 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
Cyberbullying victim Jess Davies makes film to target trolls

My own behaviour lately on this forum has made me consider this far more .

What can happen to you if you persist being a Troll...
Most of the time I would ignore you.

But at times if you made a rather more stupid comment(Iran is land locked sort of thing) would point it out in a nice way to make you look stupid
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13-12-2013, 04:23 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

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13-12-2013, 05:39 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

According to the video clip, Trolls are self governing, when they get into full Troll mode, their fingernails extend so far, precluding typing, at which point the Troll looked rather distressed.
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13-12-2013, 05:42 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

I came on a thread yesterday and needed to comment. It was about the poor woman who was killed in Leeds by dogs. Coming from Leeds I felt that I needed to say something. You MKJ started the thread which I wanted to join in with because of my Leeds connection as well as having empathy for anyone killed by a dog. Then for no reason that I could see from the thread
you started on Julie and sorry but I could not understand that. You may have different points of view but you may have different ones from me. I haven't banned anyone on here and have been on here since last year. I think we should be able to have our own opinion on here without someone jumping down our throat because of it. When it becomes personal and totally off the thread I do get distressed by that. I was brought up in peace in my house, and there is enough violence around the World all of my 66 years. I don't need to see it on here. I had two sons and brought them up in a peaceful home and they have never been in trouble all of their lives. They are not Zombies but they don't use aggression to get their way.
Lets hope that Trolls don't get their own way and cause havoc to what I think is a great site with some really interesting threads. That's from a woman of age who has seen a lot more than most people who have lived.
I hope my wise mind helps people not hinder them. Take care all.
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13-12-2013, 05:48 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

Lovely, sensible post ......
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13-12-2013, 05:56 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
According to the video clip, Trolls are self governing, when they get into full Troll mode, their fingernails extend so far, precluding typing, at which point the Troll looked rather distressed.
Can't say that has happened to me yet so I can't be a troll .

What bothers me about this cyberbullying - troll stuff lark is where do you pass from disliking someone (s) to being a bully / troll - if ever? I mean some people I just don't like - and they me - so arguments and name calling are bound to ensue. It could be on a particular forum you might dislike quite a lot of people and appear vindictive to others who happen to take part in the same thread.

I will be honest I really dislike having to hold my tongue on any issue or with anyone over anything. I speak out regardless of any repercussions but...who then dictates you are a troll? Seems to me the only regulation that can be imposed on someone like myself is self regulation where you consider your own behaviour cos someone imposing sanctions will just make things worse.

I think the whole troll / wumming stuff is confusing on a forum such as this one. We are just very different people airing our views. We are bound to get clashes of personalities and differences of opinion. I suppose where it becomes personal is the line drawn in the sand and that is already in place here so everything seems fair to me.

To sum up I don't think I, or anyone, is a troll or wum on this forum but just people who are from all walks of life, with very different attitudes and ideas - all healthy it seems to me (well bar for my attitude to a few lately - currently undergoing self regulation ).

Originally Posted by BowieEyes ->
You MKJ started the thread which I wanted to join in with because of my Leeds connection as well as having empathy for anyone killed by a dog. Then for no reason that I could see from the thread
you started on Julie and sorry but I could not understand that.
Yes, I realise that I was far too strong in my replies to Julie in the thread mentioned and have thought long and hard about it since. Julie is obviously a nice woman but this isn't the first time in my life I have taken a dislike to someone quite intensely, but as I pointed out I don't dislike Julie overall. After some self analyses as to why I take umbrage in dog / religion type threads with Julie it is to do with intractability - a closed mind. This just drives me up the wall and I can't really find a cure for it. When I come across it I just want to lash out. This isn't Julie's failing but my own so now I know what it is I should be able to avoid such lapses in etiquette in the future - but I wouldn't put money on it as it is just the way I am. Anyway the mods will step in if I go overboard...
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13-12-2013, 06:13 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

I started a thread not that long ago about Trolls on the internet and I cannot understand why these people try to intimidate or bully others on forums or elsewhere.

What can you possibly gain from it apart from a sense of achieving a malicious one-upmanship on someone that you have no real idea about?

What kind of Turd does that?

Do you know for example if your target is suffering from a mental problem such as depression?

Do you know if that person is using the internet to reassure him or herself that others do care a little about their fellow man enough to offer words of sympathy or encouragement?

People DO post for support you know!

Do you know if that person is perhaps teetering on the edge of contemplating suicide?


Passing off that kind of behaviour is a cop-out! stevmk2
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13-12-2013, 06:18 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

It's all about interpretation, I was just about to type something that I think was very funny, but stopped when I realized that in the extreme, at this moment in time, it could be misconstrued, it will have to wait for a month or so.
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13-12-2013, 06:52 PM

Re: Cyberbullying - Trolls

Originally Posted by BowieEyes ->
you started on Julie and sorry but I could not understand that. You may have different points of view but you may have different ones from me. I haven't banned anyone on here and have been on here since last year. I think we should be able to have our own opinion on here without someone jumping down our throat because of it. When it becomes personal and totally off the thread I do get distressed by that. .
That is exactly why I'm no longer a regular poster on here. I got sick of being jumped on all the time by certain people.
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