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01-02-2015, 05:19 PM

Re: Helping your kids

We've had a thread like this before and for my wife and I it's a constant worry they'll come back at us again because they can't manage.

If you count all the debts my wife and I have been saddled with by family or former family members, like my wife's 1st husband and my 1st wife, we'd be talking about £18,000+ over the years we're out of pocket with absolutely no chance of getting any of it back.

Not only will none of them get anything when we shuffle off but we will make sure that there is sod-all for them but the grand children will benefit in terms of - perhaps - trust funds for THEIR kids' schooling - but that's it!

My wife and I had nothing when we first got together but we worked and saved and still do so, once I retire we will look after ourselves only.

If we had all the money we'd coughed up for them I could retire early.

We have one son and one daughter that's actually improved their lives but the rest go from one crisis to the next so often it's become one continuous crisis and we have had quite enough of it thank you! stevmk2
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01-02-2015, 05:35 PM

Re: Helping your kids

Don't know if you call it bailing out , few years back I was left fair few properties and land , all rented out , I don't receive a penny myself but my daughter gets money paid into her account from the properties each month , what left over after expensive, go into a trust fund for my grand children ,
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01-02-2015, 06:21 PM

Re: Helping your kids

We were fortunate at being able to finance our three children through university so that they didn't have to start out in the big world with any debt. Our elder daughter won a scholarship to pay accomodation and course fees for her Phd, so it was only spending money that we provided.
Also helped with buying cars etc..

They're financially independant now and I hope they'll help us out when we're old and crumbly!
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01-02-2015, 10:50 PM

Re: Helping your kids

It amazes me that there are websites like this one explaining to people how bad it is to rescue adult children. People seem to have such little common sense these days. Did WE expect our parents to constantly rescue US? Would they have done? I don't think so. Something has drastically changed in parenting styles with this generation. It's probably because we have more disposable income than our parents but that doesn't make it sensible thing to do.
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01-02-2015, 11:02 PM

Re: Helping your kids

Never had any,never wanted any.
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01-02-2015, 11:04 PM

Re: Helping your kids

Originally Posted by Older git ->
Never had any,never wanted any.

What - money, or kids?
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01-02-2015, 11:08 PM

Re: Helping your kids

Kids of course. Money-I could cope with that
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01-02-2015, 11:14 PM

Re: Helping your kids

Originally Posted by Older git ->
Never had any,never wanted any.
I think I can understand that from your point of view OG. Shame is, like you well know, some folk don't deserve to have children. They blight their children's lifes.
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02-02-2015, 05:56 PM

Re: Helping your kids

Originally Posted by jaywalker ->
It amazes me that there are websites like this one explaining to people how bad it is to rescue adult children. People seem to have such little common sense these days. Did WE expect our parents to constantly rescue US? Would they have done? I don't think so. Something has drastically changed in parenting styles with this generation. It's probably because we have more disposable income than our parents but that doesn't make it sensible thing to do.
I don't think it's that simple jaywalker.

Our children were all brought up knowing full well that we didn't have more in terms of disposable income.

From what I see from ours it's peer pressure quite often and by that I mean they see friends and neighbours with all the latest clothes, shoes, technology, gadgets etcetera so they spend their money on that instead of paying bills because, for some strange reason, keeping up with fashions, fads, technology and gadgets is regarded as more important, especially it seems the latest Smart phone!

They often justify it by saying they can't have the children laughed at for not having the latest whatever-it-is, which is actually pretty stupid logic but they just don't see it!

There's also the ease at which people can get credit - it's insane but that's precisely what business wants from what I can see and, judging by the preferential treatment Wonga and the like get from the Government they obviously agree! stevmk2
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