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12-12-2015, 12:09 AM

Re: Previous lives

[QUOTE=eyes_of_a_painter;767075]I have done some exercises in regards to this topic. My results have been a bit confusing. I will add that I can't fathom that my entire existance in this vast and very old universe is limited to 80 or 85 years. My existance needs to have more value.

I am not sure though that if it would benefit me to know who I was in a past life. For sure my past experiences would be confusing and could even cause trauma. I think thats why the inner mind blocks those past lives. What we don't remember cannot harm us[/QUOTE]

It is also possible that knowledge of past experiences might bring you joy and enlightenment perhaps?

However, I agree I don't think we are supposed to remember - else we would.

Personally, over the years, I used to feel connections with Cornwall, it used to feel like 'home' to me, as if that is where I belonged.

One day, several years ago, I allowed someone to regress me. I 'went back' to a castle on a coast somewhere. It was very clear, I felt my parents both worked at this castle.
I had to go with them sometimes but stay out of sight of the gentry. I used to watch them at their banquettes through a crack in a door or wall.
I could also see myself walking along the sand with my Mother and looking at our footprints. She wore a long dark brown frock. We were very poor.

Could this have been in Cornwall? I shall probably never know, because I don't want to be regressed again.
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12-12-2015, 09:44 AM

Re: Previous lives

I have a strong magnetic pull to a mining community - long before I had seen any footage regarding them
When I did see footage, tears came easily and still do
Also to either Native American culture or Chinese, saw myself washing decorated pots at a river - I have a 'sense' for both these cultures
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12-12-2015, 10:06 AM

Re: Previous lives

I believe we do reincarnate . I trained in regression many years ago and have regressed quite a few people . All were just ordinary folk but seemed to have lived these life's . I do ask the questions relevant to this lifetime , such as is there a king or queen or elder , some just don't know . We often record the regression so the person can hear it for their self's , often they are surprised . I do accept that it could be sub concious make believe and we've talked a lot about this , some tell me it's been a fascinating experience and it's not affected their life at all .

My personal belief is we do reincarnate , and the experiments have been very interesting but I guess we will never really know , but in some ways it makes sense
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12-12-2015, 10:27 AM

Re: Previous lives

I have always had a strong affinity with Shropshire - a feeling I belonged there - and had no idea why, except for it's natural beauty. However, since compiling my family tree I discovered that my paternal grandmother's family were originally from Shropshire - she never mentioned this connection so I had no prior knowledge - just a feeling of belonging. Strange. This 'feeling' could be interpreted as a past life but I think it's a lingering memory.
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12-12-2015, 10:41 AM

Re: Previous lives

Originally Posted by Nom ->
No im simply a piece of meat and bones, when im gone, im gone.
Quite so Nom I think the whole concept of 'previous lives' is a fiction as is the idea of an after life.

It is easy to imagine things based on snippets of information we have accumulated in our minds over the years and attribute them to a 'previous life' .
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12-12-2015, 10:56 AM

Re: Previous lives

From time to time, someone posts the question ... "If you could go back in time ....... "? We all seem to have our favourite periods that we'd like to visit, so it's not unreasonable to think that we once may have lived in those times. I don't think there's any more to it than that.

There is also the question of inherited memory. Could experiences of our parents (obviously before we were conceived) be passed through our DNA ? I believe that there has been research in this area suggesting that some form of memory can be inherited.
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12-12-2015, 11:05 AM

Re: Previous lives

Originally Posted by Grumblewagon ->
From time to time, someone posts the question ... "If you could go back in time ....... "? We all seem to have our favourite periods that we'd like to visit, so it's not unreasonable to think that we once may have lived in those times. I don't think there's any more to it than that.

There is also the question of inherited memory. Could experiences of our parents (obviously before we were conceived) be passed through our DNA ? I believe that there has been research in this area suggesting that some form of memory can be inherited.
That sounds logical George more so than having had 'a previous life' ..
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12-12-2015, 11:07 AM

Re: Previous lives

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Quite so Nom I think the whole concept of 'previous lives' is a fiction as is the idea of an after life.

It is easy to imagine things based on snippets of information we have accumulated in our minds over the years and attribute them to a 'previous life' .
Completely agree Megs

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12-12-2015, 11:18 AM

Re: Previous lives

It did a bit of regression, glad I did, Never looked back since.
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12-12-2015, 11:31 AM

Re: Previous lives

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
It did a bit of regression, glad I did, Never looked back since.

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