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17-01-2015, 05:56 PM

Re: Complain up, not down

Originally Posted by Jem ->
Good post Alice. Yes I’m afraid that’s how it’s always been, complaining all the way down to the proverbial kicking of the cat when the only way to get results is to go right to the top, but that’s deliberately made impossible by mountains of red tape and threats.
One tiny bit of light at the end of the tunnel is more and more people realise this now and very few actually take their grudge out on the ordinary staff, folks understand now that the rot is all at the top and has to be sorted out up there, in my opinion.

Thank you Jem. You've taken my post literally and are not pointing the finger. I wasn't talking specifically about the nhs. I mean every aspect of life.

I think I meant I hate weak management!
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17-01-2015, 06:14 PM

Re: Complain up, not down

Originally Posted by Honey ->
some NHS Manager roles have changed, at one time there were bed managers who dealt with admissions, now they've been replaced by typists who don't have a medical background, they cannot go to cardiac arrest incidents which used to be a bed manager's role because they had medical skills and could organise the arrest team.

The NHS simply isn't run the way it should be imo
I dont know of typist bed managers. If that's in your area - bloody hell!
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17-01-2015, 06:23 PM

Re: Complain up, not down

Yes, I agree. The same applies to private concerns also. My son had a mobile phone problem for which he was getting no resolution. He wrote to the Chief Exec. and things were resolved in a week.
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17-01-2015, 06:36 PM

Re: Complain up, not down

Too much emphasis on non productive management, with high wages and little or no answerability for their failings. Put the emphasis back on the front line staff.
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17-01-2015, 07:21 PM

Re: Complain up, not down

Alice, you can be as insulted as you like. I've been insulted by their attitude of treating patients like comodities . They didn't seem to care about care about patients, it was all about targets and neat paperwork.
(Note that I am talking about Aberdeenshire.)

When I said that the service was unacceptable, I've been told "This is the NHS and you can take it or leave it".
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17-01-2015, 11:32 PM

Re: Complain up, not down


When I said that the service was unacceptable, I've been told "This is the NHS and you can take it or leave it".[/QUOTE]

Well I have to agree that was an awful thing to say. That is an embarrassment.
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18-01-2015, 12:01 AM

Re: Complain up, not down

I've almost lost count of the complaints I made when my Mum was in her last few months of life. She had some appalling treatment (or lack of), and only once did I actually receive an apology. The most ridiculous lies were told, but I think I found the very worst of it was, the majority of problems were caused by lack of communication and non-existent liasion between different wards , and the GP.
I discovered the GP could not access Mum's hospital records and vice versa, so half the time, no one knew what the other one had done, until a letter arrived some time after.
This being the case, I began keeping records myself of all Mum's treatments, medication, appointments, consultants names and conversations!! It was exhausting, but at least if I was asked anything about her treatment I was able to supply accurate answers to whoever did the asking. This was a very long term problem and I can't tell you how much it wore me down. "The system" was such an eye opener. My poor Mum.
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18-01-2015, 12:06 AM

Re: Complain up, not down

The Wife, Daughter and Son are employed within the NHS, they do a good job given they are at the receiving end of an angry public.
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18-01-2015, 12:08 AM

Re: Complain up, not down

I always complain up. I clench my fists, shake them at the clouds while screaming, "God... You bastard!"
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18-01-2015, 12:09 AM

Re: Complain up, not down

The way I see it is this.

Companies that offer a service, like mobile phones, etc rely on customers buying their goods and services, so they will try to make the effort to resolve problems and show good customer relationships.

The NHS? Well, it's a huge organisation that provides medical care to the sick and, unless a Government takes a radical decision to close it and provide a new alternative, is answerable to no-one and can do whatever the heck it likes! Why else do whistleblowers get ostracised for speaking out? I wanted to complain about a manager, and someone did, they were told 'X is doing a good job'. I didn't complain because of the closed ranks in management.

So I bit my tongue and left the department, taking a position elsewhere.

Read a headline in Mail Online just minutes ago which was enough to sadden me. A woman having an asthma attack died in her partners arms because two ambulances sent to her were diverted to other cases, 'because she was still breathing'.

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