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20-06-2016, 09:20 AM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

I agree Barry,
If Blair hadn't taken us to war with Iraq, we'd still be winning Eurovision!
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20-06-2016, 09:38 AM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Amusing Barry, but I do get your point! There are no experts because this has never happened before. We all know that change may make things difficult for a while, but it will be too late to vote when we discover the horrors of remaining. I learned nothing from Cameron's answers, apart from the fact that he wants to stay...... but why would we want him to run this country when he has already made it clear that he is incapable of controlling our borders? Based on what the EU is currently achieving, I have no desire to be European and have always felt like this since the Common Market ( which was good at the time) started to change the boundaries of control over the member countries.
I agree with Twink.
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20-06-2016, 09:45 AM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

Originally Posted by Purdy ->
My God! did HE get his Y fronts in a twist or what??

He really dosn't like being put on the spot does he?
His face goes red, he starts to swet, and we thought he was a bit aggressive in parts.

Its was good to hear an audience finally ask some of the questions that we've been throwing at "him" for the last weeks

same old story from him wasn't it? answered just about every question with economy, jobs,trade, same old same old!
I would have like to have heard, what the EU have in mind in a couple of months, but he's keeping stum about that!

and did you notice,how he has now changed the "Proposals" to dead cert reforms in a contract? last week in an interview he had change the "reforms" very cleverly into "Proposals" now he's changed his mind again.
still I suppose if 27 Heads have said they agree well, thats written in stone then, isn't it
and the Benefits has changed to not getting any to not getting all
He evaded every question.

He said NOTHING that would want us to even think about changing our minds about leaving,the opening picture of Pinocchio suits him well.
bet he darted for loo quickly afterwards with all that water he supped to.
I did but only to be sick!
Well said Purdy.

If we vote to stay in the EU will have us by the nuts!

At least now you know what a snake oil salesman looks like!
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20-06-2016, 09:53 AM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

Originally Posted by Barry ->
A fair representation of last night's proceedings I agree. I used to rate Cameron in his early days in power, but he is turning into one of the worst duplicitous, self serving Prime Ministers we've ever had, almost, but not quite on a par with Blair, but catching up fast...
Good job her doesn't want to do a 3rd term, because I am sure very few voters would let him.
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20-06-2016, 09:58 AM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Good job her doesn't want to do a 3rd term, because I am sure very few voters would let him.
Please don't tell me he has changed sex as well Twink!
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20-06-2016, 10:11 AM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

Originally Posted by Boozercruiser ->
Please don't tell me he has changed sex as well Twink!
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20-06-2016, 11:25 AM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

Good article here about Cameron by Dominic Lawson in the Mail today...

Cameron the chameleon
LAST week, David Cameron was asked to compare his feelings about the referendum campaign on the UK’s future in or out of the EU with those he had in 2013 over whether Scotland should remain part of Great Britain. The Prime Minister replied: ‘I feel equally passionate about this.’

Now that’s a bit odd. Because in September 2014, Cameron told a different group of journalists that he would ‘not be heartbroken’ if Britain left the EU and that ‘I feel about a thousand times more strongly about our United Kingdom than I do about the European Union’.

But then Cameron is always saying he’s ‘passionate’ about something and then deciding that he isn’t — or vice versa. For example, during this campaign, he has pooh-poohed the notion of Turkey being admitted to the EU. But six years ago he told Turkish journalists: ‘I will remain your strongest possible advocate for EU membership. This is something I feel very strongly, very passionately about.’

Cameron now feels ‘very passionately’ that Britain faces economic disaster — and Europe the prospect of war — if the UK should leave the EU. But those who know him tell me these are opinions he had never remotely held until the referendum debate began.

So why does he make such extreme claims now? As one of his confidantes put it to me: ‘He’s extraordinarily competitive. Once he’s decided what side he’s backing, he just wants to win and will say whatever he thinks will achieve that.’ Well, he wouldn’t be the first politician of whom that could be said.

I think it’s also a question of ego. Whatever anyone else might think, the PM was very proud of what he gained in his ‘renegotiation’ in Brussels. You can tell this by the fact that at every opportunity he refers to it as ‘my renegotiation’. Last week, he told The Times that, historically, trade deals within the EU have ‘British fingerprints’ over them ‘and the most recent are mine, following my renegotiation’.

This is one reason why, whatever Cameron says now, he will resign if the referendum goes against him. He will take it as a personal rejection; and about that, he will certainly feel passionately.
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20-06-2016, 12:45 PM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Not to worry Twink.
Even I have dropped a few bloopers in my time!
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20-06-2016, 12:47 PM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

Originally Posted by Barry ->
Good article here about Cameron by Dominic Lawson in the Mail today...

Cameron the chameleon
LAST week, David Cameron was asked to compare his feelings about the referendum campaign on the UK’s future in or out of the EU with those he had in 2013 over whether Scotland should remain part of Great Britain. The Prime Minister replied: ‘I feel equally passionate about this.’

Now that’s a bit odd. Because in September 2014, Cameron told a different group of journalists that he would ‘not be heartbroken’ if Britain left the EU and that ‘I feel about a thousand times more strongly about our United Kingdom than I do about the European Union’.

But then Cameron is always saying he’s ‘passionate’ about something and then deciding that he isn’t — or vice versa. For example, during this campaign, he has pooh-poohed the notion of Turkey being admitted to the EU. But six years ago he told Turkish journalists: ‘I will remain your strongest possible advocate for EU membership. This is something I feel very strongly, very passionately about.’

Cameron now feels ‘very passionately’ that Britain faces economic disaster — and Europe the prospect of war — if the UK should leave the EU. But those who know him tell me these are opinions he had never remotely held until the referendum debate began.

So why does he make such extreme claims now? As one of his confidantes put it to me: ‘He’s extraordinarily competitive. Once he’s decided what side he’s backing, he just wants to win and will say whatever he thinks will achieve that.’ Well, he wouldn’t be the first politician of whom that could be said.

I think it’s also a question of ego. Whatever anyone else might think, the PM was very proud of what he gained in his ‘renegotiation’ in Brussels. You can tell this by the fact that at every opportunity he refers to it as ‘my renegotiation’. Last week, he told The Times that, historically, trade deals within the EU have ‘British fingerprints’ over them ‘and the most recent are mine, following my renegotiation’.

This is one reason why, whatever Cameron says now, he will resign if the referendum goes against him. He will take it as a personal rejection; and about that, he will certainly feel passionately.
That's one very good reason to vote LEAVE!
Mind you, there are hundreds more!
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20-06-2016, 03:35 PM

Re: Cameron in live Question time on BBC1 at 6.45PM

Ts is one reason why, whatever Cameron says now, he will resign if the referendum goes against him. He will take it as a personal rejection; and about that, he will certainly feel passionately.

I dont think he'll volunteer to go if he loses, and the Labour party wants him to stay to negotiate the new arrangements.
but having said, he didn't like being compared to N. Chamberlain, but rather sees himself as a Churchill (he wishes)
He wants to go down in History as the Great Statesman who kept Britain at the "Top Table" in Europe.
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