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22-09-2013, 12:28 AM

Re: Alcohol costs

Far worse than pot. I knew some serious druggies that have passed away in bad circumstances. I knew some alcoholics that did the same. I have friends that are recovering alcoholics and druggies. How could you not at my age and being an ex hippie and druggy myself? We all know drinkers that have a problem.
My friends that smoke weed are fine, even the ones that still smoke after more than 40 years. I don't smoke pot anymore, I stopped in my 30s.
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22-09-2013, 09:34 AM

Re: Alcohol costs

Personally, I don't see much point in discussing which drugs are more or less dangerous than others. It's all about moderation - even water will kill you if you drink too much of it! The dangers arise when moderation disappears and addiction (either physical or emotional) hits.
The other issue, of course, is that different people are affected in different ways by the same substance. I've always been a lousy drunk, for example - I get ill long before I get really drunk. As a result I've never been in any great danger (as an adult) from heavy drinking, because I've always been violently ill after a couple of pints. My mum, on the other hand, could drink vast quantities without getting either drunk or ill and never had a hangover in her life!
Like lowfiron, I went through the hippy stage and tried most things but never found anything that was remotely as stimulating or exciting as sex or rock-climbing. Most of us went through the LSD phase with no lasting ill-effects. One friend however only ever did one "trip" and he is now schizophrenic and still suffers flashbacks from his trip in the summer of 1967.
What makes alcohol such a dangerous drug is the fact that it is socially acceptable. The very fact that TV programmes about British young people drinking themselves insensible are regarded as entertainment ("Sun sand & A&E", "The Bouncers" etc) rather than serious documentaries about a real social problem says it all really!
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22-09-2013, 09:45 AM

Re: Alcohol costs

Spot on with your observation ....
Especially the last paragraph
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29-09-2013, 03:53 PM

Re: Alcohol costs

Interesting to see (on T.V.) how many folk are so aggressive nowadays. I remember a lot of very happy drunks unless they had the D.T's. Must be the mix of drugs & drink.
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29-09-2013, 04:15 PM

Re: Alcohol costs

Originally Posted by chris ->
Interesting to see (on T.V.) how many folk are so aggressive nowadays. I remember a lot of very happy drunks unless they had the D.T's. Must be the mix of drugs & drink.
I really think its a 'more' aggressive society today .....
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29-09-2013, 04:23 PM

Re: Alcohol costs

Yes I think that also unless its being old makes you worry about things. The least thing sets me off.
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29-09-2013, 10:37 PM

Re: Alcohol costs

So start up the temperance union again. Crime rates are down so your violence claim doesn't hold water. You watch too much TV and buy the media spectacle.
You can whine about alcohol all you want, what's your solution? Maybe you might want to contribute more to mental health (which in the U.S. we do practically nil) services. Perhaps more and better jobs might curb alcohol abuse. Close your pubs earlier (which will not make a difference).
What's the solution?
Excuse me, I'm going to have a beer.
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22-10-2013, 10:04 AM

Re: Alcohol costs

According to a study, excessive alcohol use causes a large economic burden to states. Dining places and bars charge a markup on alcoholic drinks, but individuals have been spending more to them there than in shops. However, it has every little thing to do with higher prices, instead of consumption. Resource for this article: [link removed]
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22-10-2013, 11:17 AM

Re: Alcohol costs

Two weeks ago I experienced first hand the dangers of alcohol. I had dropped my daughter off at her flat after she had joined us for Sunday Dinner and was driving home at about 11.45pm. The main road I was on had a 30mph limit enforced by lots of cameras, so I was driving at about 27-28mph. As I went through a green traffic light a car came out of the road on my left at considerable speed and hit my car in the passenger door. My car spun through 360 degrees, bounced off the high kerb, spun back again and left me facing back up the road I had driven down. I turned the engine off and got out of the car only to see the car which had hit me smash into another car as he tried to get away. All three cars in the incident were insurance "write-offs" but amazingly everyone got out of the cars without any major injuries. The police breathalised all three drivers (as they do) and surprise, surprise, the Nigerian guy who hit me was drunk as a skunk. Not only that, but he had no insurance.
This idiot could quite easily have killed me, himself, his passengers (3 more drunks) and the driver of the other car he hit - all because he thought it was OK to drink and drive.
I think maybe it is time for a strict no alcohol limit on driving with some serious penalties for non-compliance.
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22-10-2013, 12:28 PM

Re: Alcohol costs

Originally Posted by lowfiron ->
So start up the temperance union again. Crime rates are down so your violence claim doesn't hold water. You watch too much TV and buy the media spectacle.
You can whine about alcohol all you want, what's your solution? Maybe you might want to contribute more to mental health (which in the U.S. we do practically nil) services. Perhaps more and better jobs might curb alcohol abuse. Close your pubs earlier (which will not make a difference).
What's the solution?
Excuse me, I'm going to have a beer.

Think there was an explosion in crime when America brought in Prohibition.
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