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10-02-2017, 09:05 AM

Re: Euro Passport

Just "Don't go There".
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11-02-2017, 01:44 AM

Re: Euro Passport

interesting development in the French elections. Marine le pen has said she would bar French citizens from also holding citizenship of non EU countries with the exception of Russia.

The article describes her as "an admirer of vladimir putin". A lot of those it a new religion?
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11-02-2017, 04:59 PM

Re: Euro Passport

I know it is going off topic but at least we no longer have to endure those dreadful photo booth's for our passport photos where one has to stand and wait until the photos pop out of the machine, take a look and think..OMG! that photo is going to be for the whole world to see!.

As from now, it is okay for someone to take your passport photos with a mobile phone camera (selfie), transfer to your computer and print them off, enclosing them with your application either online or by envelope in the post. You are not of course, allowed to take it yourself. someone else must
take your photos and you are still not allowed to smile!
The bonus of course is if you don't like your photo's you can bloomin delete them until you get the ones you like. Yeah !!
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11-02-2017, 11:42 PM

Re: Euro Passport

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
I know it is going off topic but at least we no longer have to endure those dreadful photo booth's for our passport photos where one has to stand and wait until the photos pop out of the machine, take a look and think..OMG! that photo is going to be for the whole world to see!.
It is odd here, there are now so many rules about passport photos (no smile, no teeth showing, proportion of background to head etc etc) that it is far easier going to the Post Office (who process the application anyway) and having them take the picture.

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12-02-2017, 07:56 AM

Re: Euro Passport

For my last passport my husband took the picture with a digital camera and we emailed it to a place in Germany who made it fit the right size and sent us six copies . ( all for £6 !) They also fixed the back ground which for some reason had come out a greyish blue.
If you take your pic in a booth one usually comes out looking like a startled criminal !
To avoid this there are ways to improve ones passport picture
For a start take it in natural light .
Keep you mouth closed but smile slightly brace your teeth a bit and smile with your eyes .
Powder your face .
This somehow stops light reflection or something but makes the photo look better .
Take a several pics one it's going to be with you for 10 years
So one best to get one that doesn't frighten the horses or at least the grandchildren .
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13-02-2017, 11:34 AM

Re: Euro Passport

What a load of uninformed rubbish.

First the idea of having an EU passport after Brexit has only been mentioned. It cannot happen yet because the legislation necessary to allow it to happen has not yet been discussed let alone passed. It would take all the EU nations to agree. So if Brits want one they had better behave.
If you can prove your father was French when he registered your birth then you can claim French nationality. There are various websites which explain it and the process. But it take time and translating documents by official French approved translators. It costs about 30 euros a page.

With an EU passport you can avoid long queues into and out of European countries and can more easily do business there or hold a bank account without extra checks, be subject to the same laws across the whole of the EU so if you go to for example Hungary and get into trouble you know the same laws apply there as in France. Health cover may well be easier to get in the EU if you hold a passport. If it interests you you can juggle your GB pounds and euros to g et the best deals.
Be careful of French inheritance laws...any French property will come under French law and there at some ways around that. Speak to a notaire.
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13-02-2017, 12:26 PM

Re: Euro Passport

Originally Posted by Flicker ->

With an EU passport you can avoid long queues into and out of European countries a.
Eh? When I flew to Sweden from the UK I was the only Non EU passport holder, I had a counter all to myself and a nice blonde Swedish girl stamped my passport immediately.

Meanwhile at the EU Passport Holder counters the other 350 passengers shared about five Immigration Officers some of whom were not nice blonde Swedish girls.

I had to wait ages for my brother to get through immigration with his EU passport.
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13-02-2017, 12:47 PM

Re: Euro Passport

Well if the queue is longer you would have to, wouldn't you?
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13-02-2017, 01:23 PM

Re: Euro Passport

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
What a load of uninformed rubbish..
I think you'll find that if you sit down, that allows you to remove one foot from your mouth before replacing it with the other!

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
So if Brits want one they had better behave.
You are truly French aren't you! ......or maybe German?
Whatever you are, you're a great example of why getting out of Europe is something we must do as quickly as possible!
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13-02-2017, 04:14 PM

Re: Euro Passport

Originally Posted by lindyloo ->
i think you'll find that if you sit down, that allows you to remove one foot from your mouth before replacing it with the other!

You are truly french aren't you! ......or maybe german?
Whatever you are, you're a great example of why getting out of europe is something we must do as quickly as possible!
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