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08-08-2011, 08:39 AM

Re: Kids/Parents

well I hit my kids thats for sure I had 4 under 7 years old and they were a nightmare if they all misbehaved at once. On the whole they were well behaved but when they started I walloped the lot of them. Yes they are all well rounded adults who know how to behave.
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08-08-2011, 08:50 PM

Re: Kids/Parents

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->
Joe, I never hit my kids, I used to punish them other ways, like removing a favourite play thing or banning them from something but, only after I had left it 24 hours before dishing it out. Many times they said to my wife,' Why does'nt Dad hit us and get it over with '.

The waiting for a decision as to what punishment was to be admonished is the biggest punishment of all.
Thats how it was at our house AB. My mother was an "expert" at prolonging the punishment (which was sometimes waiting for physical punishment) and do you know I hated it and sometimes I hated her. A feeling of fear and impending doom hung over me and I wished she would get it over with. I didn't think it was a good thing at all it made me resentful and left me thinking that it was so unfair to "hold my wrongdoings over me." I resolved never to do it with my own children. Because of this I think any correction or punishment should be immediate and then done with - not drawn out like a Chinese water torture.
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08-08-2011, 09:22 PM

Re: Kids/Parents

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
Thats how it was at our house AB. My mother was an "expert" at prolonging the punishment (which was sometimes waiting for physical punishment) and do you know I hated it and sometimes I hated her. A feeling of fear and impending doom hung over me and I wished she would get it over with. I didn't think it was a good thing at all it made me resentful and left me thinking that it was so unfair to "hold my wrongdoings over me." I resolved never to do it with my own children. Because of this I think any correction or punishment should be immediate and then done with - not drawn out like a Chinese water torture.
Me too , my mother died when I was a baby and when I was 8yo my Father married a she devil . She would go for days ignoring my sister and myself for the slightest thing or telling us we were ugly and useless (and unbeknown to my father she kept us short of food ) and she would hit us too .

Those who say 'I was smacked and it never did me any harm '' amaze me because it certainly did me harm as did the emotional blackmail. I found a live in job when I was 15 to get away from home and it took me years to trust people or to have any self worth. I vowed whatever happened my children would not be treated this way.
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08-08-2011, 10:30 PM

Re: Kids/Parents

mine were just expected to behave outside the home and did, but a lot of parents just don't seem to want their kids and complain about the bother they are all the time, and don't set good examples
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09-08-2011, 07:31 AM

Re: Kids/Parents

Joe, I agree wholeheartedly that doing away with Corporal punishment is to blame for a lot of things. There is a big differance from a slap chastising a child and child abuse which a slap on the legs is called these days.

Parents are not parents any more they are providers of food to feed brats,not all children, the ones whose parents are to busy with their own social life than to be bothered with kids.
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09-08-2011, 07:37 AM

Re: Kids/Parents

Aerolor, Meg, I was hit quite a lot as a child for the least thing I did wrong and I promised never to hit my kids.

My methods taught the kids the difference between right and wrong and I think they have grown up very responsible to life and what it has to offer. The waiting for a poster to be removed from a wall or a cancelled event did more good than a thousand smacks.

What is worse, not knowing what will happen or being aware of an event?
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09-08-2011, 09:01 AM

Re: Kids/Parents

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->

Parents are not parents any more they are providers of food to feed brats,
Bit of an insult to parents who do struggle to raise good citizens against all the odds.

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->

What is worse, not knowing what will happen or being aware of an event?
We are not talking brutality here but an immediate correction be it loss of a privilege, a physical smack or a verbal ticking off has got to be better than cold calculated emotional punishment. I believe emotional punishment causes more long term damage to a developing mind than anything else apart from a violent abusive home.
I have to agree with Aerolor and Meg on this one.
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09-08-2011, 11:14 AM

Re: Kids/Parents

I also agree, my Dad worked nights and when my brothers and I misbehaved Mum would tell us to wait till Dad got up for the belt. The dread as the day went on was awful. He would line us up and the fear is still with me today as he went to unbuckle that belt. Being the oldest I got it hardest because 'I should have known better'.
My own kids had an immediate quick slap on the back of their legs from me or were sent into the corner. My grandkiddies have never had a hand laid on them, if they misbehave they are taken into another room by their parents and 'reasoned with' sometimes they are in there for 20 mins. The other children are not party to what was said. Consequently the naughtiest comes out of the room smiling, says a quick 'sorry' and always gets all the parents' attention. I don't know what the answer is.
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09-08-2011, 11:32 AM

Re: Kids/Parents

Originally Posted by RockriderSpain ->
Take them to dog training classes....................
Cruelty to dogs, why should they be subjected to the little brats.

Never regretted my decision not to have kids, dogs are soooo much nicer.
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10-08-2011, 08:04 AM

Re: Kids/Parents

Originally Posted by rueben ->
Bit of an insult to parents who do struggle to raise good citizens against all the odds.

We are not talking brutality here but an immediate correction be it loss of a privilege, a physical smack or a verbal ticking off has got to be better than cold calculated emotional punishment. I believe emotional punishment causes more long term damage to a developing mind than anything else apart from a violent abusive home.
I have to agree with Aerolor and Meg on this one.
There is no long term damage in my kids.

The 'leave it for now' tactics were only for when they did something bad, everyday misdemeanors went with a verbal telling off from me or a slap from the wife which I always disagreed with.
Smacking can be dangerous, you never know what damage may be done. I have seen people who have had problems from bruises which have been caused by a hard bang or smack and it has created other problems.
Blood clots can cause serious damage and can be created from the smallest knock.
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