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  1. Brexit Bill: These are the MPs who voted against the £350m NHS amendment
  2. The Price Of Staying In!!
  3. Paul Nuttall claims spike in hate crimes following Brexit is 'fabricated'
  4. UK's share oh EU assets?
  5. Tony Blair tells the people to ‘rise up’ against Brexit
  6. What does Brexit mean to you?
  7. I never thought I would hear this
  8. New Brexit Forum and sub forums
  9. split posts from Brexit sections thread
  10. Netherlands wobbling over keeping the Euro?
  11. Scotland and Switzerland to swap places after Brexit
  12. Looks like we're getting out just in time
  13. EU Immigration.
  14. Austerity Euro Britex
  15. Tebbitt the hypocrite!!!
  16. The truth and nothing but the truth
  17. First Step to an EU Army.
  18. Heseltine sacked!
  19. Poland
  20. Milking it
  21. The country that ditched us, now really wants us back.
  22. Has a thread been deleted from the Pro Brexit Forum?
  23. I'd like some answers about Brexit
  24. Would you pay to stay in the EU?
  25. Brexit Bill
  26. The Sinking £
  27. Betrayal Then, Betrayal Now!
  28. Juncker
  29. March 29th.
  30. Yesterdays Man
  31. EU citizens in UK anxiously seek security before Brexit
  32. Ireland
  33. Europe's VAT Trap!
  34. UK-based airlines told to move to Europe after Brexit or lose major routes
  35. Could a new European Trading Group be formed?
  36. Gulf Arab states push for UK free trade deal after Brexit: officials
  37. Brexit - Public's Views
  38. Dover Imports and Exports
  39. Business Taxes
  40. Today's the day
  41. March of the snowflakes
  42. Peace ?
  43. You guv poll 53% of leave voters want death penalty post brexit
  44. Politics Brexit: MPs angered by EU 'veto' over Gibraltar
  45. Brexit divorce bill
  46. Brexit
  47. Pro-Brexit MPs Tried To Bury Criticism Of Government’s ‘No Deal’ Plan In Key Report
  48. EU £200BN deficit budget CRISIS
  49. Possible 100,000 city jobs to go
  50. E U Finance
  51. Cadbury's is coming home to the UK.
  52. Oh dear, the EU is not having all its own way.
  53. National Debt - UK and World in general (split from Syria-chat)
  54. The EU and Russia.
  55. Is the European Union Worth It?
  56. May's Easter Message.
  57. France will be the loser when we leave!
  58. The Express and False News.
  59. How do you think Brexit will affect France, Germany and other EU Countries?
  60. Lies, damned lies and Tory statistics
  61. WTO Rules.
  62. EU threatens to fine UK
  63. BREXIT is a LIE. GB is located in Europe.
  64. yanis Varoufakis advises Teresa May to avoid negotiating "at all costs"
  65. EU bullying tactics
  66. So this is what TM is lining us up for!!!
  67. So it could be true - despite protestations to the contrary
  68. Some points to ponder?
  69. Juncker needs to remember
  70. Banksy's EU flag mural at Dover
  71. The Polish and Others are leaving.
  72. Brexit - We need more time Frau Merkel!
  73. Brexit, what a mess we are in.
  74. Juncker and May, the open secret.
  75. The types of Brexit.
  76. Not hard or soft but "open" Brexit
  77. May's EU Citizen's Proposal
  78. It seems we have allies
  79. Just Who are the Deluded?
  80. A glimmer of sense
  81. Canada Signs Free Trade Agreement with EU
  82. Enid Blyton - In on the act?
  83. Encouraging statement from JRM
  84. A Mess Up
  85. Looney Labour Brexit Position Untennable
  86. Would Brexiteers vote Tory if Brexit Fails
  87. "thick as mince"
  88. BrExit Poised To Rip Labour Apart
  89. That telling Picture!
  90. Duplicitous Corbyn Expected To Switch Stance On BeExit
  91. The Irish
  92. BrExit Labour MPs Warning Shot Across Corbyn's Bows
  93. The Frogs are demanding now!
  94. Liam Fox backtracks.
  95. Another mess up.
  96. Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties
  97. Independant News
  98. USA Trade Deal
  99. Free Movement to end March 2019.
  100. When is a Brexit not a Brexit?
  101. Shout it out: Brexit is good for us!
  102. Hammond and Brexit
  103. Why Do I need more than one government?
  104. The EU checking the power of multinationals
  105. Which one is wielding the knife ???
  106. Signs the economy is creaking at the seams...
  107. Will Someone Please Shut Him Up!!
  108. Brexit -no Better Off
  109. Boris is a Liar
  110. Getting it right.
  111. Stop EU exit 'catastrophe', says UK Brexit minister's ex-chief of staff
  112. Call Brexit Bluff - Tell EU They'll Get Nowt!
  113. Now here's a surprise!!!
  114. UK/EU Trade Deals
  115. Looney Labour Clueless On BrExit
  116. Looney Labour Bigwig Seeks BrExit Rebellion
  117. Drunk, bullying and inappropriate brexit chief
  119. Brexit: UK looks to keep visa-free travel from EU
  120. This puts Brexit in a nutshell.
  121. oops this is embarassing!!!
  122. The immigration policies we need won't come from Brexit
  123. Boris says we should pay EU Bill.
  124. The EU will come running if we just leave.
  125. Would you vote differently now?
  126. In order to re-address the bias (ever so, ever so minutely)
  127. Brexit Negotiations make the News!
  128. WTO Rules The Boring Bits
  129. It's all our fault
  130. Barmier: "The EU will not move one millimetre"
  131. An Illiterate as Brexit Secretary
  132. Rees-Mogg savages Corbyn’s Brexit plan
  133. What a cretin!!!
  134. Pleadings of TM
  135. The Cliff Edge
  136. Treason!
  137. Looney Labour Still All Over The Place On BrExit
  138. Davis says he now has health-care agreement post Brexit
  139. Immigration Document Leaked.
  140. No Deal is better than a Bad Deal.
  141. New speech on Brexit
  142. The biggest problem with Soft Brexit is that it's not attainable
  143. Government in Brexit chaos
  144. May's Big Speech
  145. What else are they hiding from us???
  146. This man deserves a thread of his own!!
  147. Brexit Department & Civil Servants.
  148. Branson-Brexit="worst thing that's happened to Britain in my lifetime".
  149. Theresa May and Brexit
  150. Idiots in Charge
  151. A new and serious problem
  152. Brexit Talks New Agenda.
  153. What does Brexit mean for locals or expats?
  154. Brexit Final Deal
  155. Rewind
  156. Farmers Will ‘Grow More Food’ Under ‘No Deal’ Brexit, Says Minister Chris Grayling
  157. May and Davis to travel to Brussels for urgent Brexit talks
  158. Leave Means Leave letter (2) to the Prime Minister
  159. Government's disarray over Brexit bill
  160. One In Four Remainers Now Back BrExit
  161. Why not keep it all in your own hands?
  162. Teaching Brexit
  163. Looks like Clegg and others have been telling lies about EU Army
  164. Brexit, The Lies.
  165. "Divorce Bill"
  166. EU - PESCO Defence and Intelligence
  167. The European Commission's influence on law making
  168. European Court of Human Rights.
  169. The New Austin Brexit
  170. Today's thought.
  171. The Mess we are in.
  172. The EU Will Collapse Without OUR Money!
  173. MP's reject animals feel pain.
  174. Vote Leave Under Investigation For Breaking Electoral Law During EU Referendum
  175. Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns
  176. The Elephant in the room
  177. Time to harden up.
  178. Brexit a view from abroad.
  179. The Irish Border Problem
  180. Whiter Chips
  181. Yet another example of our stupidity.
  182. An important day
  183. Regulatory Alingment
  184. David Davis compares impact of Brexit to financial crash of 2008
  185. What kind of Brexit do you want?
  186. "Divorce Bill"
  187. Trade Deal
  188. Theresa May suffers humiliation in Commons
  189. Crunch Weekend.
  190. On the first day of Brexit .....
  191. After brexit
  192. Blue passports? They say we could have had them all along...
  193. Macron
  194. jumpin Ship
  195. It's Been Puzzling Me????
  196. Vince Cable
  197. Oh Dear!!! - Brexit not going so well
  198. Bluster and Bullsh*t
  199. Brexit and the Automotive Industry
  200. Farage says Barnier is offering NOTHING to UK
  201. Nigel Farage
  202. Brexiteers hand Barnier a gift.
  203. Another economic illiterate
  204. It is not going well.
  205. Galileo satellite system installation moving from UK to Spain thanks to Brexit, EU an
  206. Behind You Theresa !!!
  207. Jaguar Land Rover to cut UK car production in the coming months amid Brexit fears
  208. The next round of negotiations.
  209. At last! Common Sense rearing it's Head.
  210. Brexit, the Situation.
  211. Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!
  212. Brexit
  213. A complete Climb Down.
  214. The Costs of Brexit
  215. Conservatives historically selfdestruct over Europe
  216. Jezbollah Corbyn Historically Wholly Anti-EU
  217. Brexit is like ‘swapping three-course meal for packet of crisps’
  218. John Major's astonishing Brexit speech attacking Theresa May in full
  219. We were lied to! Secret Document Shows Why!
  220. Tarzan's view of brexit negotiations.
  221. Is the EURO dying?
  222. Spot the Brexit Torpedo Gunners
  223. Crunch Time.
  224. Britain could leave the Bloc and do things better!
  225. Vince Cable
  226. Paying until 2064
  227. Labour Party Betrays British Interests!
  228. Should be Ashamed
  229. The new passports (Post-Brexit)
  230. Not going well for Trade deals.
  231. Not going too well for Brexit!!!
  232. Once again
  233. All is not lost.
  234. HoL delivers yet another snub to TM
  235. Another Government Disaster!!!
  236. Brexit Negotiators make huge cock up
  237. Customs Union - just what is the problem?
  238. Those Pesky Welsh?
  239. Blaming the EU
  240. Last Gasp Attempt !
  241. Not Voting Tory until We're out!
  242. "Brexit means Brexit"
  243. Brexiteers caving in???
  244. Getting Tough with the EU
  245. Soft or hard border???
  246. Don't Blame the EU
  247. Brexit backstop
  248. Brexit and the EU
  249. Labour to report May to Advertising Watchdog.
  250. Article 50 Update