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30-06-2016, 07:15 PM

Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

A good analysis of the threat that Islam can pose to our Western values. And it's hard to refute.
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30-06-2016, 11:09 PM

Re: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

I've always wondered this - perhaps they don't want to be seen as racists?
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30-06-2016, 11:15 PM

Re: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

As a Western woman brought up to expect equality if I demanded equality for Muslim women ... I'd probably risk been called Islamaphobic or accused of not respecting their culture.
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30-06-2016, 11:51 PM

Re: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
As a Western woman brought up to expect equality if I demanded equality for Muslim women ... I'd probably risk been called Islamaphobic or accused of not respecting their culture.
Couldn't put it any better. As a middle class white man I'd be accused of much worse if I said the same. The ultra left wing plays into the Islamist ideology by refusing to deny the reality of the situation.
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01-07-2016, 12:27 AM

Re: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

I am wary of the objectivity of any site which proclaims

" Israel: The world's most moral army "
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01-07-2016, 09:38 AM

Re: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

I've never claimed to be a feminist I think men and women are different but I do want women and men to be and become whatever they wish, if a woman wants to stay home and make a house for her family and man is happy being the wage earner I don't think it's up to me to say that's wrong.

I know many Muslim women happy Muslim women who would be very unhappy to be forced to be equal with their men. It's not for me to tell them different IMO if they want help obviously I would do what I could for them, have helped a young woman escape before an arranged marriage because she was unhappy doing that. It has to be up to the woman to ask for help if they want it, many don't.
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01-07-2016, 12:26 PM

Re: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

It is all about emancipation and education but as far as Feminists fighting for them I don't think it would be appreciated as many seem quite happy with their lot. I've listened to Muslim women - well the ones that are allowed to open their mouths that is - and they display massive levels of indoctrination, whilst others show ignorance with regard to their own Ideology and even naivity, with some just being rebellious for the sake of it (young UK converts). The problem though is they are under the guidance and domination of crazed radicals more often than not. These are the ones that need targeting. Removing these would help some of these women break free. Not sure appealing directly to the women themselves will help much in many instances. Sure as hell worth a try though.

The above is referring to those that are considered needing help (burka wearers for example) and not all .
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01-07-2016, 12:39 PM

Re: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I've never claimed to be a feminist I think men and women are different but I do want women and men to be and become whatever they wish, if a woman wants to stay home and make a house for her family and man is happy being the wage earner I don't think it's up to me to say that's wrong.
I see Feminism as an altogether different thing to Equality.
Some feminists look like big burly gobby I am better than a Man. types.
To me, Equality is having the choice and if that choice means a couple are happy to allocate who is best suited to a particular role between them, that's fine. Nothing wrong with a househusband if his forte is domestic skills. Some men are pure genius when waving a ladle or an iron, or dusting under the bed.
It's having the choice that is important.

I know many Muslim women happy Muslim women who would be very unhappy to be forced to be equal with their men. It's not for me to tell them different IMO if they want help obviously I would do what I could for them, have helped a young woman escape before an arranged marriage because she was unhappy doing that. It has to be up to the woman to ask for help if they want it, many don't.
A bit of rigid social or religious conditioning can make a woman believe she is destined for a particular role.
One again's having the choice ..having the confidence to know you can be who you want to be, can be Yourself and find out your own potential as an individual. Doesn't mean any woman is obliged to become a female wrestler or a police woman.

I think it a shame how they're treated. They could well feel safe and secure treated like that. I call it impersonating a doormat but of course, would never say so as it is their way.
If a guy treated me like that he'd get a pork knuckle butty.
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01-07-2016, 12:53 PM

Re: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

Yes I can see your point and agree with most of it morti. I don't claim to know best I just know what works for me so I hope what others have works for them. My best Muslim friend has happiest marriage I have ever seen if she is under his rule I will happily eat my new hat. She nags him to death and he loves it ! Wouldn't work for us but never see either of them without a smile or a laugh going on between them.
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01-07-2016, 05:32 PM

Re: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I've never claimed to be a feminist I think men and women are different but I do want women and men to be and become whatever they wish, if a woman wants to stay home and make a house for her family and man is happy being the wage earner I don't think it's up to me to say that's wrong.

I know many Muslim women happy Muslim women who would be very unhappy to be forced to be equal with their men. It's not for me to tell them different IMO if they want help obviously I would do what I could for them, have helped a young woman escape before an arranged marriage because she was unhappy doing that. It has to be up to the woman to ask for help if they want it, many don't.

I have lived with Muslim women in their own countries for over a quarter of a century . I have never met one who would be very unhappy to be forced to be equal with their men .
Of course I tend to know intelligent feisty women who hold their own with men and whose men love and respect them and didn't marry a doormat.
Yet even these woman could be subject to humiliation .
Ie when their husbands wanted after years of marriage to take a second younger wives .
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