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Uncle Joe
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11-03-2016, 08:03 AM

Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???

'Call me Dave's mother has been sacked from her voluntary job because Oxford Council have closed the children's centre where she volunteered, all due to budgets cuts imposed by the government.
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11-03-2016, 09:29 AM

Re: Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???

There's no winning with you is there Joe, I can just imagine your rant if it was found that cuts hadn't been imposed on her council so that she could have kept her job!
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11-03-2016, 09:46 AM

Re: Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???


Just to state the bleedin' obvious.

We would not be in this if

A. Blair and Brown had not deregulated the Banks.

B. Brown had not done the unthinkable and effectively Nationalised Private Debt.

He could have just ring fenced ordinary deposits from workers and the money in their current accounts and let the Mega Rich, the Hedge Funds and the Private Equity Companies go bust.

Serve them right if he had have done.

The result of this stupidity is that the average person is suffering Austerity and the rich have got richer.

Now that's Socialist Economics for you.

We borrowed money to save their money and they are now lending our money back to us and getting Billions for doing so.

Very clever I don't think.
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11-03-2016, 09:52 AM

Re: Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???

Originally Posted by Barry ->
There's no winning with you is there Joe, I can just imagine your rant if it was found that cuts hadn't been imposed on her council so that she could have kept her job!
It's not about her and her job, it's about the fact that a good and useful children's centre is being axed.
She's right to make a fuss, good for her, we need far more centres like this not less.
If Cameron is embarrassed by being made to see that their stingy cuts affect real people...well good.
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11-03-2016, 10:06 AM

Re: Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
It's not about her and her job, it's about the fact that a good and useful children's centre is being axed.
She's right to make a fuss, good for her, we need far more centres like this not less.
If Cameron is embarrassed by being made to see that their stingy cuts affect real people...well good.
Well said.
Fondly Remembered
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11-03-2016, 10:21 AM

Re: Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
It's not about her and her job, it's about the fact that a good and useful children's centre is being axed.
She's right to make a fuss, good for her, we need far more centres like this not less.
If Cameron is embarrassed by being made to see that their stingy cuts affect real people...well good.
I couldn't agree more, stop the ruddy points scoring and think of the kids who miss out.
Uj was right to highlight this, good for him.
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11-03-2016, 10:32 AM

Re: Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???

I've seen first hand how these spiteful cuts affect ordinary people trying to live ordinary little modest lives.
There's a little lady who lives up the road who has multiple mobility problems and a heart condition. She's always busy and jolly...goes to a heart drop-in clinic once a week where she has a cup of tea and a chat with other regulars, gets her blood pressure checked, sugar checked, can discuss any problems with the nurse there. This kind of facility is a life line for some, might seem trivial but it's ongoing and important..Axed.

They're all devastated. It seems so mean and spiteful.
Actually, d'you know what it IS mean and spiteful.
The saving made by cutting it is pitiful.

I'd like to see Cameron and his cronies on f****** bikes instead of flash cars...I have huge respect for Boris and his bike.
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11-03-2016, 10:40 AM

Re: Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???

Yes we had a small service here been axed it was set up to teach people to read, some classes for non English speakers some for people who failed through school, it had excellent results but axed. Another was a health bus went round the county checking people for stds and talking to people about any worries (helped many out of abusive relationships) axed.
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11-03-2016, 11:00 AM

Re: Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???

If only the PM and others were normal they might have more sense of what is normal and what holds normal lives together.
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11-03-2016, 12:17 PM

Re: Oops another embarassing gaffe for Cameron???

I think that this particular centre has been axed on purpose so that Cameron can say "Look, even my Mother has suffered". It may have backfired on him now, bet he sacks his spin doctor!
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