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Uncle Joe
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11-12-2013, 12:57 PM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

Originally Posted by plantman ->
I do agree it is true Julie that there are many hard working people such as yourselves who fare less well in life, but it is also true that there are many, many others who take advantage of the system, much the same as they take advantage of the benefits system generally.

We must find a way somehow to discourage such selfishness because it will finally bankrupt us as fewer and fewer have to support the more and more. If you were to strip the better off of their pensions then where would be the incentive for anyone to save? It is no different to penalising higher earners with punitive tax rates, all that it does is to take away the incentive to earn to that level and the overall tax take actually decreases. Basic economics. Hard work and frugality needs to be nurtured, not punished.

Which is why Barry today Lloyds bank has just been fined £28 million in a fraud case involving the Bank's bonus scheme. They can't even manage that honestly!!!
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11-12-2013, 01:40 PM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

All this stuff is relative, for example, there are 100 residences in a road, the occupants of which spend all their money in the local shop, the owner of which is very frugal, and banks all the proceeds of the business, if it weren't for the locals spending ALL their money in his shop, he would not have a nest egg, so for someone to be well off and comfortable is interdependent with other folks spending, and ending up with nowt I.E, not everyone can be rich, rich folks are rich because they want to be, that is also the reason some are poor. Imo.
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11-12-2013, 02:41 PM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

That sounds like people are poor because they want to be. I don't agree with that and the idea we are all born with the same brain is clearly not right either.

People in general do what they can not everyone are able to earn a lot of money and some people don't want to do so, some are plain lazy and want it given to them.

What we need are wages even at the bottom of the rung that people can live on and can afford to save while living. What we have are jobs that don't even pay us enough to rent a house
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11-12-2013, 09:07 PM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

Well Julie, I actually agree with you. People should be paid at least an adequate wage - enough to live on, save and the odd treat too.

When I left my job in IT, I looked around for something to do, and I was gobsmacked at the low wages being paid for some jobs. I wondered if anyone would get out of bed for that amount.

I found a job as a school janitor although I was better qualified and more experienced than most of the teaching staff. It was salaried and had incremental scales and a final salary pension, but it still paid less than my occupational pension from my time in IT. I'll admit I took it because I could afford to, but no way could I have lived on it. I was not the only well qualified member of the support staff who were just passing time till retirement.

The senior caretaker earned about £24k pa which was OK for a fairly low skilled job, but most caretakers earned under £20k.
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12-12-2013, 09:07 AM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

An extra 3k to bring us up to 20k would be helpful, we may actually be able to live a little easier (not worry so much about the rent).
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13-12-2013, 05:45 PM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

I'm really not bothered about the Old Grotts fuel allowance or the deja vu box free licence , but I do get chafed when the grungeous eternally bleat about the benefits given to the wealthy pensioner( i.e.; One who has saved 50 years for his retirement and thus does not have to draw on the state for support). I pay tax on my pensions at basic rate, I am taxed on some investments and as pleb of this nook-shotten isle bear a spurious enhancement tax of 20% on all of life's necessities.
The consequence is that I pay into the exchequer 4000% more in direct and indirect taxes than any gratuitous benefits I receive. I kid you not; also most people will not be aware that the Chancellor has made tax conditions in recent years which exclude the better off pensioners from budget increases in tax thresholds , fuel payments and state pensions, thus clawing back the value of any benefits given.
By all means stop the freebies to pensioners over a certain value of income but in doing so remove the discrimination against them in the legislation so that they are not DOUBLE disadvantaged
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14-12-2013, 04:34 PM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

I have 3 properties for sale in Dubois, have just booked my second world cruise since March, have 10 more properties I rent out and really don't know how to spend my dosh fast enough. Oh yes, I forgot the space trip to the moon accompanied by Richard Branson. . . . ey, what, who's that, who woke me up, yawn, stretch, I was having a lovely dream . . better go and feed the dogs.
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14-12-2013, 06:48 PM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

Things still dodgy in Wyoming then ?
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15-12-2013, 12:35 AM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

Who's in Wyoming?
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15-12-2013, 04:43 PM

Re: Rich Pensioners.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
An extra 3k to bring us up to 20k would be helpful, we may actually be able to live a little easier (not worry so much about the rent).
If your wages are so low that you have difficulty paying rent why aren't you getting housing benefit?
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