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19-02-2017, 01:24 AM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?


I'm only 22 and voted leave.
I only joined this site as I'm kinda fond of you "oldies".....
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19-02-2017, 09:16 AM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by Shadowman ->
Almost forgot my question. I was listening to a program about Brexit this afternoon, and one of the speakers claimed the most of those (in general) that voted for exiting the union were the older generation (he did not give an age cut off) and that younger people tended to favor staying. In that this site has mostly those that might be called "older", what is the opinion on this and what did the polls say on the demographics of the vote?

One of my lovely clients is 90 and she voted out , the reason she said is ,

"I don't want the Germans telling us what to do "

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19-02-2017, 09:53 AM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

unfortunately that is how a great deal of people from that generation voted
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19-02-2017, 10:53 AM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by Shadowman ->
Almost forgot my question. I was listening to a program about Brexit this afternoon, and one of the speakers claimed the most of those (in general) that voted for exiting the union were the older generation (he did not give an age cut off) and that younger people tended to favor staying. In that this site has mostly those that might be called "older", what is the opinion on this and what did the polls say on the demographics of the vote?
HI SM I would say there was definitely an age related vote.
A lot of young people seem to think their elders dislike of the EU is all about immigration when that is not the case.

The younger generations like my young relations who voted remain were not around or aren't aware of the many idiotic
actions of the EU to name a couple the interventionist Common Agricultural Policy which proved beneficial to some countries more than others and lead to mountains of unwanted food being produced like butter which cost us a fortune to store and had a limited shelf life anyway, also the decimation of our fishing industry and idiotic rules on fishing and many other things .

When I look at the EU I think of all those years I earned a wage and gave some of it to the government to pass on to a third party who then give some of it back to us to be spent as they dictated the rest to be used as they saw fit including on bureaucracy like this farcical traveling circus.

I would rather my government decided how my money is spent and what rules I must follow rather than that the EU should decide these things, at least I have the satisfaction of voting my government out if I disagree with them unlike with the EU where many of the officials are unelected.

Ok we get free trade with the EU by being a member but that comes at a price and one that is to high for me.
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19-02-2017, 11:29 AM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by Shadowman ->
The current population here in America is 330 million and growing by about 2-3 million per year. We have 100 Senators (two per state) and 435 Congress people for a total of 535 Federal representatives. The low end of their pay is about $175,000 per year, with allowances in addition for travel, staff, etc. Yet, somehow a disproportionate number seem to have become millionaires or more.
Yes, as I said earlier.

US population = 330,000,000
upper house = 100
lower house = 435
total = 535

UK population = 65,000,000
upper house = 805
lower house = 650
total = 1,455

Proportionally to population and compared to the US, the UK parliament should then comprise:
upper house = 20
lower house = 87
total = 107

This, I think, illustrates the ridiculous situation in this country with regard to our government organisation and, more importantly, its cost to us the taxpayers.

I'm not suggesting that our parliament should be reduced to such small numbers, though. For one reason, that would mean that each MP would have to represent, and answer to, far too many people. However, I think the numbers could be drastically reduced, especially in the Lords who, after all, answer to no-one other than themselves!
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19-02-2017, 11:34 AM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by Shadowman ->
Almost forgot my question. I was listening to a program about Brexit this afternoon, and one of the speakers claimed the most of those (in general) that voted for exiting the union were the older generation (he did not give an age cut off) and that younger people tended to favor staying. In that this site has mostly those that might be called "older", what is the opinion on this and what did the polls say on the demographics of the vote?
The 'younger generation', who mostly voted to remain, would argue that they are the ones who will be most affected by our leaving the EU.

On the other hand, the 'older generation', who mostly voted to leave, have had a lifetime of experience and, more importantly, have benefited from seeing life both under the EU and before we lost our sovereignty.

I know who I should believe.
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19-02-2017, 12:09 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Good post Meg, and you highlight many of the reasons why I voted to come out. If the EU is allowed to continue in it's present state all the countries in it will lose their customs and identity and just become all the same. Remember the old USSR? Look what happened there. Countries eventually want to become independant, history proves this with examples such as the Rome and British Empires. America fought Britain to become independant. Ireland and Scotland are also fine examples. If Britain had remained in the EU we would have been sucked dry of all that we hold precious and ended up just another satellite state ruled exclusively from Brussels. I believe other countries will come to the same conclusion and follow our lead.

According to the remainiacs we are just poorly educated, racist, little Englanders. The reason why the majority of the older generation voted to exit the EU is because we have grown up watching the ever growing snowball that is the EU, manifest itself into the all consuming financial money pit that it has become, with only the rich and powerful finding a place at the trough. Look at the demographics. London, Harrogate and Leeds all voted to stay, with the industrial Northern towns voting to come out. The EU has done nothing for the working classes.

Do not mistake my vote to leave the EU as a vote to leave Europe.
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19-02-2017, 12:55 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->

According to the remainiacs we are just poorly educated, racist, little Englanders. The reason why the majority of the older generation voted to exit the EU is because we have grown up watching the ever growing snowball that is the EU, manifest itself into the all consuming financial money pit that it has become, with only the rich and powerful finding a place at the trough. Look at the demographics. London, Harrogate and Leeds all voted to stay, with the industrial Northern towns voting to come out. The EU has done nothing for the working classes.

Do not mistake my vote to leave the EU as a vote to leave Europe.
Interesting post OGF. Can I ask how the EU regulations have negatively affected you personally?

For me it was the forced change from Imperial to metric. Although at school everything was metric and I learned imperial later, it immediately made sense and apart from metres, metric is still a bit of a fuzzy numeric stew that's been incredibly annoying.
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19-02-2017, 01:53 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Interesting post OGF. Can I ask how the EU regulations have negatively affected you personally?

For me it was the forced change from Imperial to metric. Although at school everything was metric and I learned imperial later, it immediately made sense and apart from metres, metric is still a bit of a fuzzy numeric stew that's been incredibly annoying.

Ooh Annie, I agree with you there. It's 'MM's' that always stuff me. I get so fed up when I'm looking for a certain size of anything, and it is given in bl**dy millimetres!!
I really resent having to waste time trying to convert it before I know if it will be what I want or not. Then if it isn't and I toddle on elsewhere, blow me if I don't get the same again . . and again and so on.
It can take me 10 times as long to buy something than it used to all because of bl**dy MM's.

Are we going back to imperial later?
Be nice to have gallons again as well, instead of flippin' ltrs.

I know most of you will tell me to move with the times, but I don't like metric measurements and never will.
The money doesn't bother me, it is just measurements.
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19-02-2017, 02:01 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by Shadowman ->
Almost forgot my question. I was listening to a program about Brexit this afternoon, and one of the speakers claimed the most of those (in general) that voted for exiting the union were the older generation (he did not give an age cut off) and that younger people tended to favor staying. In that this site has mostly those that might be called "older", what is the opinion on this and what did the polls say on the demographics of the vote?
I'm not sure how true it was, the media leapt on the idea and ran with it but since I've heard plenty of young say they voted leave or didn't vote at all and plenty of older folk claim they are superior in some way to have voted to stay in too.
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