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08-07-2011, 10:51 AM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

Originally Posted by Meg ->

What has really surprised me listening to the news programme in the last 24 hours is the extent to which many politicians fear the press, this is a very unhealthy situation for the country .

This point has been broached over the years hopefully the power of the press will be curtailed(but not generally) in being able to blackmail MPs in future.

Grant did bring up one interesting point of the MP who asked Reb Brooks in the inquiry did she pay the police which she admitted the NOTW did which resulted in a witch hunt of his sexuality and exposure in the Sun.
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08-07-2011, 11:55 AM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

Originally Posted by galty ->
Would you applaud Tony Benn if he tried to save the thousands of jobs that would be lost?
Absolutely!!! - once Rupert Murdoch's financial empire had collapsed around his ears entirely.
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08-07-2011, 01:14 PM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

I know that they have said that the NOTW has closed, but will all those people now be out of a job or will they just open another news paper under a different name. Ms Brooks is ok though she has been moved elsewhere, it is always the little people that suffer in these things.
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08-07-2011, 04:24 PM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

There is an edition of the Irish News of the World published and printed here, (probably a Scottish edition in Scotland also) I presume that will be closing too, no loss, but some jobs will go here, thats sad.
I signed the petition anyway.
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08-07-2011, 04:34 PM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

Is'nt it strange how all the politcians are ganging up on their one time friend Rupert? When the Sun etc. backed any of the parties, they were cock -oh-hoop with excitement, that he had put his weight behind them. Cameron is a buddy of Rebecca, (thats the non-pretentious spelling by the way), and both Murdoch's are rooting for her, are they giving her more than her salary? The Old Bill are on the case sir, but don't hold your breath anyone.
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08-07-2011, 04:54 PM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

I think Hugh Grant made a good impression on Question Time last night.
He always comes across a little hesitant with a bit of an affected chat but that is just his manner. I saw a good interview he did with Jon Snow and he was just the same on there. He has first hand knowledge of events like these and made some good points.

The reverse has to be said about one other member of the panel namely that paragon of good taste, Jon Gaunt, what a buffoon.
He could not resist bringing up Hugh Grant's past and making a cheap, seedy and snide comment about him. This from a guy with his track record in behaviour.

That said the BBC did well to have him on as it showed a prime example of the gutter press.

The knock on effects of the NOTW 'closure' is already showing as not only are all the people at Wapping out of work, the three printworks at Knowsley Motherwell and Hertfordshire will be feeling the pinch after Sunday.

Interesting to note that all the web domains remotely similar to sunonsunday have been bought up a while ago, either by a speculator or........... could it be?
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08-07-2011, 09:30 PM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

Just watched last night's Question Time and have to echo what most of you have said.

Shirley Williams came across as the most decent, intelligent of the lot. That Jon Gaunt is a vile loud mouth, ugh! And both labour and tory representatives are as bad as each other! Good on Hugh Grant for taking part he made some good points.

I like what Shirley said about the broadcasting rules - that a licence can only go to someone 'fit for broadcasting' - and News International have proven they are not!
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08-07-2011, 10:07 PM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

Originally Posted by Azz ->
Talking of Chris, here he is sept 2010 giving that horrible kay burley a slap! (When all this first kicked off)
She deserved it
Azz, what a fantastic clip, I often think that some of these media types are just so dumb so it's nice to see Chris giving her a (verbal) slap

Like all the posts above I also dislike the News of The World and can honestly say I've never bought it, once (when I was bored on a train) I picked up a copy someone left on the seat to have a look, it was just horrible, sleazy, innuendo, and lies, all written in bad English and full of grammatical errors, I slung it back on the train seat within minutes

Sadly people in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland do buy it, allegedly 3.6 million of them, that is one of the saddest things because at the end of the day all of these 3.6 million are to some extent fueling the papers constant need to go ever deeper into depravity and seek out more horrible details from innocent people.
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08-07-2011, 10:21 PM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

Originally Posted by Hammer ->
Given the fickle nature of the people that buy the rubbish they produce and the seemingly unquenchionable thirst for all things sleazy, talentless and tasteless, I regret they will continue much as before
Sadly I feel you are right, there are (allegedly) 3.6 million regular readers of NoTW the vast majority handing over their cash at a newsagent every week. What a sad reflection on British society, almost 6% of the population
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09-07-2011, 09:37 AM

Re: Sending a message to Murdoch

I once bought Comic Cuts (The Sun) it was bad enough, never TNoTW. I did buy the DM but eventually it sickened me, as now do all "news" papers.
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