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08-12-2016, 06:51 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
It is more like do you want your entire head chopped off or just severed enough to able to stich it back on again, tho it will never be as good.

How do you think the UK will make a living post Brexit M if passporting is refused, which is the likeliest result of being kicked out of the single market.

Here we go again ..... not two posts ago in this thread you yourself announced no one knows .... now your lecturing doom and gloom ...:: geez
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08-12-2016, 07:03 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers


There is no certainty that we will be kicked out.

I voted to leave, so a soft Brexit, something along the lines of Norway and Switzerland would be fine by me.

In fact I would love to be like Switzerland, still free trade, even though you have to pay and loads of referendums so our Politicians have to do what we want.

No more Merkel or Junkers telling us and Immigration easily controlled by our own Benefits System.
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08-12-2016, 07:13 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers

There is life outside of Europe
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08-12-2016, 07:34 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
something along the lines of Norway and Switzerland would be fine by me.

In fact I would love to be like Switzerland, still free trade, even though you have to pay and loads of referendums so our Politicians have to do what we want.

No more Merkel or Junkers telling us and Immigration easily controlled by our own Benefits System.
Sounds like a plan Swim.
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08-12-2016, 07:56 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

There is no certainty that we will be kicked out.

I voted to leave, so a soft Brexit, something along the lines of Norway and Switzerland would be fine by me.

In fact I would love to be like Switzerland, still free trade, even though you have to pay and loads of referendums so our Politicians have to do what we want.

No more Merkel or Junkers telling us and Immigration easily controlled by our own Benefits System.
So are Norway and Switzerland not subject to the much discussed free movement of people?

And are Norway and Switzerland free of all EU rules and regulations?

I do like the idea of Switzerland's referendum system, though. That sounds like the most democratic democracy in existence.
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08-12-2016, 08:02 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers

Originally Posted by marmaduke ->
Agh..... so let me get this straight ..... first of all we are lectured that the banks will leave us and the city of London will be no more ...... now we're saying they won't actually leave but will open another office somewhere in Europe just in case ?

Well that does surprise me ( not!) ..... so again project fear still alive and well eh when realities are somewhat different

Wasn't so long back these same experts were saying we're all fools if we don't join the euro ......

Rule number one in life ' never believe anything a banker or politician tells you '
Think about it logically MD you are a major bank based in London with a large staff happily housed here with children settled in schools.

Are you going to pay relocation costs for all those staff to move to Europe some of whom you may lose to other financial services based here because they don't want to relocate . Or are you going to try to find some other way of accommodating your banking business here maybe with the use of a loophole (as mentioned in my earlier post number 4) or by way of some means yet to be explored .

It is in the interests of doom mongers and 'remainers' to talk the country down and to promote the worst possible scenario, i'm having none of it.
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08-12-2016, 09:21 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers

Originally Posted by marmaduke ->
Lovin’ it! McDonald’s is moving EU base to the UK

But at least we get Ronald

Fast food giant is set to pay tax on income from outside the US in Britain
Base is being moved from Luxembourg after EU launched probe into taxes
McDonald's warned before referendum that Brexit would be damaging

Fast food giant McDonald's is moving its European base to the UK in a dramatic vote of confidence in Brexit.
The firm is to establish a new holding company in this country where it will pay tax on most of its income outside of the US. The Treasury could rake in hundreds of millions of pounds a year as a result.
The shift, which will begin in the New Year, comes after the EU launched a probe into the company's tax arrangements at its current base in Luxembourg.
It represents a significant turnaround, as McDonald's warned in the run-up to the historic EU referendum that Brexit would be damaging and drive up unemployment.
In July the company announced it was creating 5,000 jobs after franchise managers made a £600million investment to overhaul the 1,250 restaurants in the UK.
In a statement today the company said: 'McDonald's pays a significant amount of corporate taxes.
'From 2011-2015, we paid more than $2.5billion in corporate taxes in the EU, with an average tax rate approaching 27 percent.'
The news will be a welcome boost to Theresa May, who has made attracting major firms to Britain a key part of her post-Brexit strategy.

That is extremely good news. Heard it on the Radio today.

Lets hope more Companies follow their example as well.

A good boost for the UK economy
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08-12-2016, 10:03 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers

Originally Posted by marmaduke ->
Here we go again ..... not two posts ago in this thread you yourself announced no one knows .... now your lecturing doom and gloom ...:: geez
Why do some Jeremiah 's insist on running the UK down?

This country has many talented people in all walks of life. There is now opportunity too start manufacturing goods in the UK, instead of importing rubbish for the Far East. Britain makes some of the best goods in the world and many are exclusive as well.

The Government should pay Companies or at least give then concessions to set up shop here in areas of mass unemployment where families have not worked for generations.

We need someone to instil pride in British goods an British workmen as well.

The Swiss have got it right. There is no class system and even to work in a shop you must pass an exam and have a certificate . The wages are three times higher then UK but the cost of living is not three times higher,
My daughter and family live in Switzerland and have Dual Nationality .
She is a Carer and that entails many months of training to be qualified. It is a highly respectable career there and she can spend two hours or more with each client unlike
here where carers spend 15 minutes which is a disgraceful way to treat the elderly.

Her Salary is £18.00 + per hour

The Swiss are not always up the mountain yodelling or making Cuckoo clocks, The work hard and take pride in there work as well.

This slightly off topic but some one did mention Switzerland
and it is just an example.

We must encourage people to be proud of Britain and all the goods they produce with their hard work
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08-12-2016, 10:44 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers

Originally Posted by Azure ->
Why do some Jeremiah 's insist on running the UK down?

This country has many talented people in all walks of life. There is now opportunity too start manufacturing goods in the UK, instead of importing rubbish for the Far East. Britain makes some of the best goods in the world and many are exclusive as well.

The Government should pay Companies or at least give then concessions to set up shop here in areas of mass unemployment where families have not worked for generations.

We need someone to instil pride in British goods an British workmen as well.

The Swiss have got it right. There is no class system and even to work in a shop you must pass an exam and have a certificate . The wages are three times higher then UK but the cost of living is not three times higher,
My daughter and family live in Switzerland and have Dual Nationality .
She is a Carer and that entails many months of training to be qualified. It is a highly respectable career there and she can spend two hours or more with each client unlike
here where carers spend 15 minutes which is a disgraceful way to treat the elderly.

Her Salary is £18.00 + per hour

The Swiss are not always up the mountain yodelling or making Cuckoo clocks, The work hard and take pride in there work as well.

This slightly off topic but some one did mention Switzerland
and it is just an example.

We must encourage people to be proud of Britain and all the goods they produce with their hard work
I think you're right, and we should concentrate on quality products. Mass produced tat says 'far east', and we couldn't compete with their cheap manufacturing costs.
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08-12-2016, 10:59 PM

Re: Bye bye bankers

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I think you're right, and we should concentrate on quality products. Mass produced tat says 'far east', and we couldn't compete with their cheap manufacturing costs.
I agree JBR.

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