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30-11-2014, 02:47 AM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Originally Posted by Alan Cooke ->
For me it's the hassle of going through an airport to catch a flight. All the walking that it can require, nearly having to strip off to go through security and all the hanging about. It makes you wonder if it's worth it.
I had the same issues and more going through Atlanta airport which is a nightmare to navigate through, the staff were rude and unfriendly and shouted at us rather than ask us to move forward, I wont be going back there again!

I blame online romances which was why I went there in the first place, had a wonderful romantic holiday but the travelling was rough
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30-11-2014, 08:16 AM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Blimey, that was some trip for a bit of romance, you should have got the geezer (I assume it was) to come to you.
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30-11-2014, 10:11 AM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Originally Posted by Losos ->
Alan, get yourself a motorhome, you can go anywhere in UK or Europe, never have to breath the air from fellow passengers, never have to hang around waiting hours while they use your plane to replace a plane with a technical fault, never have to undergo all the security hassle, never have to eat an airline meal again, and the best bit is the same applies to trains and buses, it's the only way to travel these days
A motorhome seriously appeals to me these days.
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30-11-2014, 10:35 AM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Originally Posted by alice76 ->
A motorhome seriously appeals to me these days.
I will admit to the same. Theres just one thing, and one thing alone puts me off them. The 6 metre rule.
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30-11-2014, 10:40 AM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Originally Posted by Fender Bender ->
I will admit to the same. Theres just one thing, and one thing alone puts me off them. The 6 metre rule.
Pardon my ignorance fb, but what is the six metre rule?
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30-11-2014, 11:00 AM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Originally Posted by alice76 ->
Pardon my ignorance fb, but what is the six metre rule?
Simply put, the price of a vehicle longer than 6 metres on some ferries/bridges is a lot more than vehicles under that length.

For the majority of people with campers, that wouldnt be of importance. Its when several trips to mainland Europe are made every year that the extra cost begins to mount. Especially if those trips include, as they would normally do in my normal year, extra ferries between Germany and Denmark, and Denmark to Sweden. In the latter case, that even includes the bridge.
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30-11-2014, 11:39 AM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Originally Posted by Fender Bender ->
Simply put, the price of a vehicle longer than 6 metres on some ferries/bridges is a lot more than vehicles under that length.

For the majority of people with campers, that wouldnt be of importance. Its when several trips to mainland Europe are made every year that the extra cost begins to mount. Especially if those trips include, as they would normally do in my normal year, extra ferries between Germany and Denmark, and Denmark to Sweden. In the latter case, that even includes the bridge.
I see. Thank you for that. I would happily travel in it all over Scotland. A dream come true for me.
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30-11-2014, 11:50 AM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Originally Posted by alice76 ->
I see. Thank you for that. I would happily travel in it all over Scotland. A dream come true for me.
I hope nobody minds me going a little off topic with this post.

I've been to Scotland on a number of occasions, but there is still one dream trip there for me. Its to follow the same route as H V Morton did in his car in 1929(?). Theres a book of his travels there, a really good read.
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30-11-2014, 12:02 PM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Apropos my comment yesterday about buses, I had the most horrendous journeys yesterday, going and returning!

The second bus (to get to Stratford station for the train) was the longest. I had to endure kids kicking the side panel beside my seat (I was on a single that faces the aisle), having an EE woman folding up her pushchair right in front of me, knocking me, (it was her kids), the boy wriggling around up and down, on and off the seat, kicking my legs, having pushchair wheels getting dangerously close to my newish and unblemished shoes, having the father leaning up against the half partition to my right, with his back just inches from head. Then a sholley next to me getting close to my shoes.

Generally I had my space invaded for the whole journey, as the entire bus was jam packed.

Coming home, for quickness, I decided against the train/bus/bus route and took the bus/bus/ one. The first bus was fine, but on the second a woman sat next to me, from start to finish (15-20? Minutes) and had something in her mouth that was noisily clonking against her teeth!!! It couldn't have been a sweet. One bus stop from my getting off I pushed past her irritably muttering 'FFS, I can't sit next to you any ffffg longer!'

In an ideal world I'd love to be able to justify the cost of a taxi there and back, or be chauffeur driven.
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30-11-2014, 12:36 PM

Re: What Aspect of Travel Do You Dislike The Most ?

Roads are too congested for me: I would go so far as I feel ill at ease being on them - threatened. Trains I like, though I haven't been on one for yonks. Airplanes - God no: all that turbulence; very unnatural way to travel. I tend to travel by trainers these days but have a bad knee at the moment so my range is pretty limited.
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