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13-09-2018, 02:25 AM

Re: Neighbours!

Due to the property size our neighbours aren’t really close but we have two. One on either side of us. We must be blessed cause we have great neighbours. They are polite and neighbourly but mind their own business and so do we . Neither of us are the ‘come over for coffee’ types which is great cause I don’t like that.

Having said that we trade garden vegetables, share baked goods and treats for special occasions. The neighbours on one side we have known for over 20 years as well as the neighbour down the street.
We actually leave flower bouquets at each other’s house occasionally which I really like. They just went away on vacation and offered that I help myself to their vegetable garden which I did.

People around our area are friendly and compassionate. They wave as they drive by and I can’t think of living in a nicer area.

It will be hard to get better neighbours which is why I’m scared to move or downsize.
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13-09-2018, 12:22 PM

Re: Neighbours!

It was 1996, we lived on a development of about 150 privately owned homes, ours was probably the best for kerb appeal, so, after putting it up for sale, to move the kids to another school catchment area, it sold immediately. During the sale process, the old guy next door, after losing his wife put his house up for sale, his house was neat and tidy, but, completely as it was when first built, so took a while to sell.
Our sale was made to a couple obtaining a mortgage with a third party association, so the onus was on us to provide certificates of safety for the Gas/Electricity, Drains etc etc, at a cost of £750.00, we didn’t mind because the sale was progressing smoothly, then, with about two weeks to completion, next door sold, to a Housing Association, who’s procedure was to secure the property with metal grills on the windows and door.
Well, our purchasers were rightly concerned, and, this event sent shudders through the neighbourhood, our buyers did some research on the new potential tenants and withdrew from sale. We were still due to pay our legal fees £2000.00 ish
I order to sell again, I further improved the house spending £6000.00 on a kitchen extension and utility, knowing full well we were moving anyway, the house did sell again immediately, and one year later, the house next door was returned to private ownership, I travel the road weekly, and all is peace and tranquillity.
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13-09-2018, 02:35 PM

Re: Neighbours!

I get on well with all of them, am really good friends now with one of them. The Chinese couple and toddler and baby in my stair I don't get on so much with. We're polite to each other but it's just their cooking smell that spoils everything. I can smell it in my bedroom and it's not a nice smell plus it's there permanently.
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