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14-11-2020, 12:51 AM

Re: Last to post wins

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
Feel free to dip Mups, Mutts must be looked after.

Fear not, Spitty. I will dip deep.

So far I found Judd's is full of moths, plus those big old fivers from when he was a boy, Dongle's is full of foreign currency dosh and bits of old bubble gum, and I am still trying to get the Superglue off yours.

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14-11-2020, 12:58 PM

Re: Last to post wins

Right you lot - Mups and Liffey both need some TLC - so out of here now - go in search of treats for them both and leave this place tidy and peaceful for them - or else!
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14-11-2020, 03:23 PM

Re: Last to post wins

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
Right you lot - Mups and Liffey both need some TLC - so out of here now - go in search of treats for them both and leave this place tidy and peaceful for them - or else!
I've got some of my old mum's dog-biscuits she had for her pooch a few years ago if they're any good? A bit hard at the minute, but she can soften them in milk and have them for her breakfast. Liffey can have them too of course, but without the milk.
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14-11-2020, 06:18 PM

Re: Last to post wins

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
Right you lot - Mups and Liffey both need some TLC - so out of here now - go in search of treats for them both and leave this place tidy and peaceful for them - or else!

Quite right too, Tabby.
Unfortunately we can't expect sympathy and understanding from this tight-fisted lot, let alone any treats. It's against their religion.
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14-11-2020, 06:20 PM

Re: Last to post wins

Originally Posted by Judd ->
I've got some of my old mum's dog-biscuits she had for her pooch a few years ago if they're any good? A bit hard at the minute, but she can soften them in milk and have them for her breakfast. Liffey can have them too of course, but without the milk.

That's just typical that is. Mean to the bone you are.

I am surprised you didn't make your poor Mum eat them so you don't have to get her any shopping for a while!
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14-11-2020, 06:22 PM

Re: Last to post wins

'Allo 'allo . . . . I just caught of whiff of Devonshire flowing through the fanlight window.

Quick Tabs, shut the window cos I have a feeling he's home from work - even though I paid his boss to keep him there till his next shift.



Hmm, he must have put on a bit of weight, as I can see him stuck in the window frame now.
Jolly good.

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14-11-2020, 09:05 PM

Re: Last to post wins

Judging by all the dirty footprints, empty gin bottles, discarded makeup, and the furniture covered in cheap nail-varnish I gather that wimmin have been in. Trailed the mud in on their Doc Martin's, got pie-eyed on Aldi gin then tried to apply cosmetics while inebriated in a feeble attempt to make themselves look more attractive. May I suggest a paper bag apiece? A lot cheaper than Boots No. 7.

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14-11-2020, 09:57 PM

Re: Last to post wins

Aha, caught you out good and proper this time, Judsy.

It's bad enough you and your cronies being here, but now it seems you are inviting the local floosies in as well, for I can assure you it wasn't us!
We were having afternoon tea at Claridges if you must know, along with Martin Shaw and the real George Clooney.

You should have known it wasn't us anyway, because all you would detect had it been us lovely ladies, is a pleasing whiff of our Channel No.5 which would drive you mottley crew utterly mad with desire - instead of just mad .

So after you have cleaned up your floosies gin bottles, lipsticks, and tacky underwear, you can leave us a note of humble apology along with the flowers you'll be buying.

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14-11-2020, 10:33 PM

Re: Last to post wins

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Aha, caught you out good and proper this time, Judsy.

It's bad enough you and your cronies being here, but now it seems you are inviting the local floosies in as well, for I can assure you it wasn't us!
We were having afternoon tea at Claridges if you must know, along with Martin Shaw and the real George Clooney.

You should have known it wasn't us anyway, because all you would detect had it been us lovely ladies, is a pleasing whiff of our Channel No.5 which would drive you mottley crew utterly mad with desire - instead of just mad .

So after you have cleaned up your floosies gin bottles, lipsticks, and tacky underwear, you can leave us a note of humble apology along with the flowers you'll be buying.

You'll note that I said wimmin, i.e. you lot. Floozies have a lot more class.
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14-11-2020, 10:39 PM

Re: Last to post wins

I prefer the floozies any day.

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