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09-10-2014, 10:42 AM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

Originally Posted by MickB ->
I've never used Twitter (and have no interest in doing so) and only use Facebook out of necessity (I admin several Facebook Groups concerned with our Siberian Husky rescue organisation). To me, social media is like Cannabis - the IQ of users seems to drop several levels as soon as they become users.
I would say that is s good analogy Mick
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09-10-2014, 11:44 AM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

I have a Facebook and Twitter account. Use Facebook a reasonable amount though nothing like the amount I post in here - I make a couple of posts a week.

I quite like Facebook I have a fairly small number of 'Friends' built up over a number of years - 64 (I just looked) mostly family, a few friends/acquaintances and some people that I have worked with over the past 50 years.

Facebook privacy is pretty good if you keep up with it, my posts go to no-one except 'friends' so apart from my profile pictures they are invisible to the world in general.

As for Twitter? I think I sent one tweet when I opened the account to try it and I follow about three twits but only visit it very rarely when I am using my tablet, can't say it appeals to me.
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09-10-2014, 12:46 PM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

Like most things as long as you are aware you should be fine. With FB problems arise when settings are too lax, but you are in control of who you are friends with and even within the friends who can see what so no problem. I never feel that my privacy is an issue. FB can make suggestions about people that you may know but that is all they don't connect you in any way.

I love talking to my family on there often with 3 or 4 of us in different countries having a laugh or a fun conversation. You can share what is going on instantly and feel part of each others lives on a daily basis. That works very well for me. I prefer it to a phone call for informal chats and fun.

I do also have a Twitter Acc and use it a lot less but I do follow things I'm interested in and keep up to date with events locally and to spread the word about local events and also lots of information relating to programmes I watch from the people who are taking part or actually making them.
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09-10-2014, 12:50 PM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

I only have Facebook friends I ACTUALLY know!! I'm not like some who have 100's of acquaintances.

Twitter seems very popular, but still holds no attraction for me.

I wouldn't condemn anyone using networks or forums. Each to their own.
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09-10-2014, 12:59 PM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

My children and all their friends (they are in their 30's) have 100's of friends on FB, their friends from school and college and previous jobs etc. It's normal to have lots and you don't put private information on there, it's for light conversation and fun in the main.
As you say if it works for people fine, if you don't like it no worries.
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09-10-2014, 01:10 PM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

Originally Posted by Anita ->
Like most things as long as you are aware you should be fine. With FB problems arise when settings are too lax, but you are in control of who you are friends with and even within the friends who can see what so no problem. I never feel that my privacy is an issue. FB can make suggestions about people that you may know but that is all they don't connect you in any way.
Anita I feel it is pushy and patronising for FB to say in effect 'This is a friend of your friend , you might know them too, do you want to make them your friend' or 'I see you live in Leeds did you go to this school or university'
Next it will be 'Your friend likes this food in this restaurant ,do you want to eat there too' .

I am in my 60s not a child and I am not yet senile as far as I am aware . I do not need anyone to suggest whom I might like to choose as a friend or where I went to school or worked. FB uses a form of insidious prying for information which can later be used for financial gain.

Photographs or no photographs I was off there like a shot.
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09-10-2014, 02:06 PM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

Originally Posted by cranberry ->
Hmmm, curiouser and curiouser!!

I use Facebook - you have to know how to avoid trouble though but I quite enjoy it. No time for Twitter, not that interested in what the Kardashians and such like are doing!
Originally Posted by aquablue ->
I'm not a Member of Facebook,and I'm definitely not interested in tweeting (I'll leave that to the birds)...So I'm hanging on here to see what Azz has in store for Us in the future.
Originally Posted by lovemyboys ->
I'm neither a Twitterer nor a Facebooker (though I did try it.)

I'm curious about your social network Azz.
For it to be better than FB, it would have to be nothing like FB!
So, I'm thinking it has to be like a forum., just with more features!
When do we get to see it?!
Pleased to see you are all interested in seeing it - must admit I can't wait to start work on it. Was planning on moving first, but that plan has gone to pot now!

Originally Posted by Anita ->
Like most things as long as you are aware you should be fine. With FB problems arise when settings are too lax, but you are in control of who you are friends with and even within the friends who can see what so no problem. I never feel that my privacy is an issue. FB can make suggestions about people that you may know but that is all they don't connect you in any way.
What about the psychological studies they have been doing on users without their consent? I would not trust FB as far as I could throw it

FB has a lot to answer for - the bullying, the mob mentality that seems to have taken over the world. Ugh. If I was a parent of one of the children who have taken their own lives because of bullying on FB I would sue them. They do not do anywhere near enough to deter bullying.
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09-10-2014, 03:17 PM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

Originally Posted by Azz ->
Pleased to see you are all interested in seeing it - must admit I can't wait to start work on it. Was planning on moving first, but that plan has gone to pot now!

What about the psychological studies they have been doing on users without their consent? I would not trust FB as far as I could throw it

FB has a lot to answer for - the bullying, the mob mentality that seems to have taken over the world. Ugh. If I was a parent of one of the children who have taken their own lives because of bullying on FB I would sue them. They do not do anywhere near enough to deter bullying.

So agree with that statement
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09-10-2014, 03:27 PM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Anita I feel it is pushy and patronising for FB to say in effect 'This is a friend of your friend , you might know them too, do you want to make them your friend' or 'I see you live in Leeds did you go to this school or university'
Next it will be 'Your friend likes this food in this restaurant ,do you want to eat there too' .

I am in my 60s not a child and I am not yet senile as far as I am aware . I do not need anyone to suggest whom I might like to choose as a friend or where I went to school or worked. FB uses a form of insidious prying for information which can later be used for financial gain.

Photographs or no photographs I was off there like a shot.
Yes I do understand what you mean Meg, but I am speaking personally when I say that none of that spoils the experience or takes away from what I like about it.
FB uses all those prompts to keep everyone making contact which is what keeps it all going and of course it's a business, it is there to make money just like any business.
In the end there is no need for anyone who is not happy with it to use it and I do because it works for me though I am aware of the pitfalls.
Things have changed a lot and sites like FB and Twitter and Forums are a new way of socialising and I think they are here to stay, in a few generations they won't know what it is like not to use them. I think that subsequent generations will be so internet savvy that they will be quite aware of what is what on-line and used to dealing with it.

I agree about the bullying Patsy and of course the bullies have found an ideal means of targeting others. The problem is the bullies not social media, the bullies are spoiling it for others which is what they specialise in and they do need to be severely dealt with.
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09-10-2014, 04:31 PM

Re: tweet tweet twitter

Originally Posted by alice76 ->
I only have Facebook friends I ACTUALLY know!! I'm not like some who have 100's of acquaintances.

Twitter seems very popular, but still holds no attraction for me.

I wouldn't condemn anyone using networks or forums. Each to their own.
my nephew has over 800 FB friends, he probably knows 20 of them
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