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12-03-2020, 08:10 PM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

Originally Posted by cuphalffull ->
They bring them in green plastic crates, these would have to go back with him and his next delivery could be quite a distance away.
Oh I see.

I had no idea these people normally unpack the crates. Last time I looked the crates had a handful of plastic carrier bags but I guess that's changed now ... since Greta Thundberg.
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12-03-2020, 08:59 PM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

We have been asked when ordering shopping online if we need assistance unpacking. The driver may have wrongly assumed this customer was self isolating, how can any of us be sure we have not had contact with a carrier of this virus, they may not be aware they have.
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12-03-2020, 10:17 PM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

Well it's certainly put me off getting them to deliver anything in the future.
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12-03-2020, 10:33 PM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

Originally Posted by cuphalffull ->
Tesco delivered to me this week, the driver carried them in and unpacked them on to my kitchen work top as usual. I am 87 and arthritic. Thank you Tesco and your lovely drivers, up here in Northumberland!
First do they pack your items in crates ? The crates then went onto your kitchen tops ? So if the driver was infected him carrying something with flat surfaces touched your flat surfaces possibly passing the virus ? Or is that not a way the virus can pass now ?
Why I知 asking is because I知 holding off ordering a home delivery .
Plus I can稚 empty crates left at the door .
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12-03-2020, 10:44 PM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

Originally Posted by Zuleika ->
First do they pack your items in crates ? The crates then went onto your kitchen tops ? So if the driver was infected him carrying something with flat surfaces touched your flat surfaces possibly passing the virus ? Or is that not a way the can virus pass now ?
Why I知 asking is because I知 holding off ordering a home delivery .
Well, the word now is the virus can hang around for 3 hours in the air and survive on surfaces for 3 days. Even if the driver wasn't infected, people have to pick your shopping up in the store or warehouse and then pack it in the crates. I would doubt only one person is involved in the process though.

The virus could be on tins and packets as well as on the crates themselves. To be frank, you'd have to use sanitiser on everything in the delivery to be reasonably certain you have reduced the risk. All that is moot though if the driver has picked the virus up, doesn't know he/she has it and has left the virus in the air in your house.

Bear in mind there's a chance the virus is on coins and banknotes, too, which I haven't seen much mention of in the media. Let's say an infected person pays with cash for their purchases, the cashier takes the money and sticks it in the till with all the other money people have previously handled and then hands them back their change. Even if someone (shopper, cashier, etc.) isn't infected, they could be touching money that has COVID-19 on it.

COVID-19 is loose now, and all the measures undertaken now are really just to delay the spread or attempt to minimise the risks. Prevention isn't possible any more. I'm just ignoring the useless panic and regularly washing my hands while I get on with my usual routine.
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13-03-2020, 03:08 AM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

The guy sounds like a creep of the first water .
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13-03-2020, 11:32 AM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

Originally Posted by Zuleika ->
First do they pack your items in crates ? The crates then went onto your kitchen tops ? So if the driver was infected him carrying something with flat surfaces touched your flat surfaces possibly passing the virus ? Or is that not a way the virus can pass now ?
Why I知 asking is because I知 holding off ordering a home delivery .
Plus I can稚 empty crates left at the door .
He put the crates on my kitchen floor and unpacked them onto the work top. May I add, my kitchen is very small.

'If' the driver was infected he touched everything as he transferred them from crate to worktop, the same could be said of the picker and packer in the store. We could all scare ourselves to death with our 'ifs' and 'buts'.

In life, we do an enormous amount of things via trust. I am trusting enough to place another order next week.
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13-03-2020, 04:09 PM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

Originally Posted by Lion Queen ->
I think you are on your own here Todgy, it was a despicable thing to do to watch someone in such pain struggle like that.

I don't know what happened to you in your life but whatever it is has made you a very hard and selfish man and I am truly sorry for you. I know you won't want my pity but all the same. Find some compassion in your heart and I think you will be a much happier person.

I'm not attacking you, I'm saying it as I see it, I think if you look deep enough you will find there is a good heart in there somewhere.

I think it was the online Troll course.
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13-03-2020, 04:11 PM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
I'm neither hard or selfish, just always highly focused on what is important.
I'm sure you are nowhere near as heartless as you appear online Todge but you do create some good arguments.
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13-03-2020, 05:20 PM

Re: Tesco refused to help disabled customer

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
I'm sure you are nowhere near as heartless as you appear online Todge but you do create some good arguments.
With me what you see is what you get. I'm not "trolling" - simply honest.
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