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28-03-2018, 03:10 PM

Re: Rant alert

Originally Posted by tarantula ->
I was thinking that when people are really strapped for cash they can't afford to drive cars, especially CRVs, which are not fuel friendly, taxed accordingly and there is the car insurance too of course, which isn't cheap.
Not much difference between amount of petrol I used to put in the crv and now he jazz, tax we pay what we owe of course but it's necessary so we can work to have a car so have to pay it on one. Car insurance less than £200 a year good no claims policy covers us for a year. Neither car costs a fortune to run. Mainly because we are careful drivers.

If you live somewhere you have good public transport a car is likely an expense you can live without but here doing hours we do it pays to have a car or we'd both be on benefit unable to work.

What we spend our money on is surely up to us ? I don't think I've ever said anyone else shouldn't spend theirs how they wish.

You stomp into threads throwing rudeness and nastiness try and have a laugh or leave my threads alone T I rarely get annoyed but I did today I'm laughing about it now and if you had not started on one I'd be laughing here too about dottiness of it all.
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