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24-01-2011, 07:38 PM

Re: The British Press

I think its disgusting the things said about that poor man. Up til then he was a respected teacher. Just because he has long hair it doesnt mean hes strange.

I dread to think what theyd say about me in the same circumstances. Strange woman, bit of a loner, house full of dogs. etc etc.

Its so easy to cast doubt over anybody, very scary.

I hope he sues all the media who started rumours about his way of life.
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24-01-2011, 08:49 PM

Re: The British Press

By 'British Press' are we just referring to the printed format of journalism or the whole media frontage?.............I don't buy British papers, in fact I don't buy any papers and heard all the accusations on the radio and tv, of course at first they were hesitant to name names, but then they were up and running. The Police were and are at fault for releasing details of why that person was being held.....................and indeed why he was held in the first place..................I hope he sues the arse of the Police, the radio all the papers and most of all the TV.
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24-01-2011, 08:56 PM

Re: The British Press

Originally Posted by Azz ->

I'm generally not in favour of regulation, but in the case of the press I think I would welcome more, not less. I know there's a balance to be struck between a press with the freedom to do its job but occasionally be wrong, and a press that publishes recklessly in the knowledge that any punitive damages will never hurt it.

I think the balance is still wrong.

As it stands, they know they can get away with all sorts of lies, hurt, nonsense, because the sensational content outweighs the amount they would have to pay in libel costs (and minimal reputation/commercial damage from the people who continue to buy these rags, who just take it in their stride.)

Be interested to know what the press is like in other countries, and what everyone else thinks about this.
I suppose we get the press we deserve.

I tend to think in this country are Press better than most but not perfect.

With the press there will always be victims if they get it wrong we then slag them off.

If they get it right (MP expenses) then we say they are doing their job and what a great press we have.
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02-02-2011, 01:50 PM

Re: The British Press

On the American Blog I read, in the past Month...

A 61 year old Viet Vet called the police... Four police in the mans own home Tazerid him and he died.

A women Died in an Arson attack in her own home her two children where badly burned, this was the second Arson attack against her, the Police a month later have not issued a word or interviewed the husband

A Father and his son where convicted off raping their own children... Sentance to $100 fine and put on probation.

The Local press have not stated one word of condemnation about any of these crimes nor have done so for other crimes for the last decade.

Ok Ignore the press curtail them by law and we will end up with a Press that is toothless
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18-01-2015, 04:02 AM

Re: The British Press

Originally Posted by galty ->
On the American Blog I read, in the past Month...

A 61 year old Viet Vet called the police... Four police in the mans own home Tazerid him and he died.

A women Died in an Arson attack in her own home her two children where badly burned, this was the second Arson attack against her, the Police a month later have not issued a word or interviewed the husband

A Father and his son where convicted off raping their own children... Sentance to $100 fine and put on probation.

The Local press have not stated one word of condemnation about any of these crimes nor have done so for other crimes for the last decade.

Ok Ignore the press curtail them by law and we will end up with a Press that is toothless
I don't know what it is like where you are but in the UK it's all about money. Sensational headlines make people buy news papers. Our population find it impossible to ignore this sort of thing no matter how offensive the story is. We as a race who have become completely insensitive to common decensce or matters which may upset other cutures,
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