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31-08-2010, 03:37 PM

Re: Tied up Tuesday:)

It's 'stained Tuesday' for me , I am covered in damson juice having stoned a load to go in the freezer .

Have a good day everyone these late summer sunny days are something to be relished before yet another bleak winter is upon us..
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31-08-2010, 04:09 PM

Re: Tied up Tuesday:)

Hi all; gorgeous morning here again: 30 C (85 F), sun, low humidity. To the other market earlier, had to water the plants as it's been so dry, no rain in the forecast. Hurricane Earl is on track to pass out to sea, just high surf along the beaches expected at this point.

I've never been lucky enough to have seen an owl
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31-08-2010, 09:15 PM

Re: Tied up Tuesday:)

Originally Posted by Rainbow ->
Hi Brandykins, May I ask what is Castle Semple in Lochwinnoch? Is it a Nursing Home you are visiting with your dog? (You said they enjoy seeing her and she loves the attention).

Or is this a holiday destination? If so, will you and your dogs be self-catering? If it is a holiday, wishing you and those you love a most wonderful time.

(Catching sight of that Tawny Owl must have been rather nice). I sometimes see a Kingfisher flying by the canal I walk along. But never able to creep up to where it lands to look closer. Always flies off!!

Geordiegirl, Are you away somewhere nice next week? (Silly question, as if someone would say that they are going on holiday somewhere 'orrible)!

Oh no it's not a home - it's a loch at Lochwinnoch and called Castle Semple, after the ruins of Castle Semple! It is quite a large loch and fishermen come to fish. Loads of water activities as well for children. They go out canoeing and kyacking (spelling?) and in water bubbles on the water - the youngsters have a great time. Schools in Renfrewshire send bus loads of school children there and there are lots of them there every day! Plenty of swans, ducks, geese and seagulls around!

There are kingfishers just down the road from the loch at the River Calder - my friend, Grant, has been trying to get pics of them but they are being elusive!!

I hope that one day they open the loch up and I can then walk all the around it to the RSPB at the top end of it!

Take care
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31-08-2010, 09:19 PM

Re: Tied up Tuesday:)

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->

Hello Rosemary, Chris,Geordiegirl,CD and everyone else.

Enjoy your day Rosemary and make sure Loki does as well.
Tawny owls are beautiful birds, we have a couple nesting close by and here them regulary at night time.

A morning full of frustration with the Computer so off to have a short walk.

Smile and say hello to everyone you meet, it could make their day.
I had a lovely time there and so did Loki - she really does enjoy it there!

That was the first I saw one in the "wild", saw a few in captivity, which I think is a shame to keep them in captivity. Never saw it today though

Hope your pc gets fixed for you and hope too you enjoyed your walk.

Take care.
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31-08-2010, 10:10 PM

Re: Tied up Tuesday:)

Evening all-busy day today and its all thanks to the weather! Got all Hatti girl's bedding washed and dried, then it was off walking. After dinner I spent 2 hours in the side garden, cutting back bushes and then a stroll along the canal-quite a few barges going up and down-must have opened the locks now as the water looked slightly cleaner than it has done for a few weeks.......
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