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03-01-2016, 01:28 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

I have a good friend who I really love but she has no idea about suitable gifts but just buys up cheap in the Boxing Day sales and then doles them out as gifts the following Christmas.

This year I got a bean slicer and a jar lid opener - both of which i have two of already- and surely she could have guessed that! But in every other way she's lovely and I wouldn't hurt her feelings by telling her. I usually manage to re-gift everything she gives me or donate them to a charity shop.
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03-01-2016, 01:53 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

It was agreed some years ago in our family that we would only gift children. Excellent idea IMHO...some of our family tended to re-gift obvious office gifts...bah humbug. As far as clothing goes unless you know the taste and size exactly of the giftee don't do it. A nice store voucher in a greeting card is always welcome.
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03-01-2016, 01:55 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

Originally Posted by jaywalker ->
I have a good friend who I really love but she has no idea about suitable gifts but just buys up cheap in the Boxing Day sales and then doles them out as gifts the following Christmas.

This year I got a bean slicer and a jar lid opener - both of which i have two odd already- and surely she could have guessed that! But in every other way she's lovely and I wouldn't hurt her feelings by telling her. I usually manage to re-gift everything she gives me or donate them to a charity shop.
Some people are so ungrateful!
For a major anniversary I bought my wife a new set of cooking pans and cutlery.
Well, you should have heard the din when she unwrapped them. And it certainly was not noises of delight.

One Christmas I asked her what she wanted for a present.
Nothing she said. Surprise me.
So I did surprise her. I got her nothing.
Now that was a BIG mistake.
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03-01-2016, 08:03 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

I was lucky this year, had some wonderful gifts, but the only naff one was a tiny duster in the shape of a terrier! I gave it to my nearest charity shop. I really don't understand why people buy jokey presents - they're a waste of their money and a disappointment to the recipient. It seems to me so many people just rush out and buy thoughtless presents instead of taking time to find out what people would actually like or use. I don't mean this particular gift of mine necessarily, but speaking generally. I volunteer in a charity shop and every January it's full of body lotions, talc, soaps and hand stuff still in boxes that have been passed on. Such a waste, and even though they're bound to be snapped up and put aside for next Christmas, some poor devil will receive them all over again.

I know some might say it's the thought that counts - but where's the thought?
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03-01-2016, 10:08 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

Originally Posted by eccles ->
I was lucky this year, had some wonderful gifts, but the only naff one was a tiny duster in the shape of a terrier! I gave it to my nearest charity shop. I really don't understand why people buy jokey presents - they're a waste of their money and a disappointment to the recipient. It seems to me so many people just rush out and buy thoughtless presents instead of taking time to find out what people would actually like or use. I don't mean this particular gift of mine necessarily, but speaking generally. I volunteer in a charity shop and every January it's full of body lotions, talc, soaps and hand stuff still in boxes that have been passed on. Such a waste, and even though they're bound to be snapped up and put aside for next Christmas, some poor devil will receive them all over again.

I know some might say it's the thought that counts - but where's the thought?
Not really, it helps the charity shops and in my case the village hall fete
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03-01-2016, 10:46 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

I have been exceptionally lucky this year and received some lovely gifts. DVDs, Books, Amazon Vouchers, a lovely jumper, wine, cheeses and many more. The only slight disappointment was a bottle of perfume - I quite like Hugo Boss Red but a friend has bought me M&S True Red by mistake and, like most M&S perfumes, it is not very nice on me. It probably smells fabulous on others.

All in all I have had a wonderful Christmas - with good friends and good food - what more could I want.
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03-01-2016, 11:05 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

My ex mother in law once gave me a marks and Spencer bath set . I took it back to change it a few days later and was told it was years old stock !

My ex husband asked me what I'd like for Christmas , I answered some money to spend in the sales , Christmas day arrived and I got nothing , later in the day I asked where my gift was he replied you said you wanted money to spend in the sales , I'll give it to you after Christmas !

I had some nice bits and bobs from family this year .
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03-01-2016, 11:06 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

My daughter bought us the board game cluedo with the double sided game board and we all sat round and played it..
A few beers a few nibbles and we had a marvalous evening of laughs and fun.

My son gave us the best present he could , he came over and spent three days with us. We hadnt told OH he was coming so he was able to sneak in and surprise his father 100% I just wish I had had the presence of mind to film it..

I tell people point blank what I want or not to bother depending on who they are, I baked for my neighbour and she asked what she could get me in return ..I think she was surprised when I asked for wild bird food but that way it wont go to waste and we all get the pleasure of seeing the birds outside our windows..
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03-01-2016, 11:11 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

Originally Posted by susan m ->
My ex mother in law once gave me a marks and Spencer bath set . I took it back to change it a few days later and was told it was years old stock !

My ex husband asked me what I'd like for Christmas , I answered some money to spend in the sales , Christmas day arrived and I got nothing , later in the day I asked where my gift was he replied you said you wanted money to spend in the sales , I'll give it to you after Christmas !

I had some nice bits and bobs from family this year .
I can beat that my former boss once gave me a diary in which someone had already written notes

Another former boss gave me a round bit of glass with a ribbon attached. I found out later it was a single christmas tree ornament and I never have a christmas tree
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03-01-2016, 11:13 AM

Re: Unwanted presents...

I had some lovely gifts from my 3 children and 2 granddaughters, what was missing this year was my husband and the special card he always gave me.
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