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29-10-2015, 07:35 PM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

Originally Posted by summer ->
In my last house I lived next to a farm and a few horses lived in the field at the end of my garden. Overnight one night someone drew patterns on one of the horses with a Stanley knife... what anyone gets out of doing that is beyond me... truly horrific. The person/people were never caught
It really does make you despair. I find it impossible to get my head around such things, I truly cannot understand what pleasure anyone can find in abuse and cruelty.
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01-11-2015, 08:00 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

So sad, disgusting thing to have happened. People are so cruel, but I can't help wondering why nobody heard anything as surely the horse would have made a heck of a noise. Our Clydes are very close to the house and they are better watch dogs than the dogs....
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03-11-2015, 10:57 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

According to yesterdays paper, there is new craze called 'phsyco poaching' (I think), where evil nutters are capturing people's animals and torturing them. They video the suffering and put it on the internet on a special site.
Alot of cats and dogs have been beheaded along with other gruesome deeds.
I believe it was somewhere in S.London that the cope had 5 reports in one day recently.

It said many famous murderers like Sutcliffe, Fred West, and the boys who killed little Jamie Bulger, all enjoyed killing or maiming animals first.
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03-11-2015, 11:09 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

Originally Posted by Mups ->
According to yesterdays paper, there is new craze called 'phsyco poaching' (I think), where evil nutters are capturing people's animals and torturing them. They video the suffering and put it on the internet on a special site.
Alot of cats and dogs have been beheaded along with other gruesome deeds.
I believe it was somewhere in S.London that the cope had 5 reports in one day recently.

It said many famous murderers like Sutcliffe, Fred West, and the boys who killed little Jamie Bulger, all enjoyed killing or maiming animals first.
OMG!! Whatever next ?! I think we really need to come up with a way to stop this behaviour before those involved move on to other things ...... children next?

It's true, a lot of very dangerous psychopaths start out this way, that and setting fires. God help us all ... how low have we sunk?
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03-11-2015, 11:27 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

It seems that the human race is going from bad to worse, just how depraved can people be. It makes no difference whether these horrendous acts are carried out on animals or humans, the pain and suffering is the same for both. There are simply no suitable punishments any more, you are not allowed to smack your child, you are not allowed to shout at it, basically you are not even allowed to discipline your kids so they do whatever they want without any fear of punishment. Time to get rid of the "human rights" brigade and their lawyers and bring back some good old fashioned punishment.
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03-11-2015, 11:42 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

I agree, clumsy, there's a big difference between disciplining a child and regular beatings.
My daughters' workplace, a pre school nursery went up in smoke on Sunday evening, wonder if the arsonists were ever reprimanded for any earlier wrong doing, like to bet they weren't !

Society is going down the pan !
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03-11-2015, 03:58 PM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

STICKY post notes and colour codes left outside homes are helping dog nappers target pets.
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03-11-2015, 05:56 PM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

Originally Posted by solo ->
STICKY post notes and colour codes left outside homes are helping dog nappers target pets.

I heard warnings of this before solo. Apparently they are putting marks on drainpipes, pavements outside homes, etc describing where dogs are and whether large or small and even how many.

I think the crosses on the doors in the pictures you sent are quite obvious, but how many of us inspect our property each time we go in and out. If there were marks on pavements I bet most people would assume it was workmen.

It's a very worrying trend this is. I've even read about dog walkers being stopped and threatened and their dogs taken off them.
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04-11-2015, 07:03 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

Could be rumours..

However there have been several cases of people having dogs stolen from gardens and from outside shops so never leave your dog unattended. This is a situation where you have to regard a dog as if it were a small child,

I heard of one woman (On crimewatch) who was attacked by a knife weilding man who wanted to steal her bulldog and OH was apporached once as he was loading our dogs into the car and asked how much he wanted for them by a very shady man and his mate who had a van with dogs in it.

OH's reply was two words beginning with F and ending with F and he made sure he got in the car and drove off quickly.
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10-11-2015, 12:28 AM

Re: What vile creatures humans can be

The better face of the human race
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