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28-05-2014, 10:34 PM

Re: Picnics.

I've always loved picnics, especially when taking our grandchildren out, they love to sit on the tartan blanket and see all that goodies Nanny and Grandpa have got hidden away in the mystery basket,box These days though, we take a couple of fold up chairs for ourselves to sit on, the children still prefer to sit on the blanket.
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29-05-2014, 07:25 AM

Re: Picnics.

I love picnics and enjoy them often in Summer.
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29-05-2014, 07:45 AM

Re: Picnics.

Well, speaking as a miserable grouch, I hated them as a kid. My dad always chose a field full of cow poo, we ended up on damp grass full of lumps and bumps and attempting to balance a plate on our laps while waving off insects and trying to keep the food covered. And yes, it was very, very uncomfortable. I guess nowadays everyone takes folding chairs and perhaps little tables and those net coverings for the food, but I really would never want to replicate those far-off days. I feel the same about BBQs - can't really see the point when you can cook the food indoors and just take it outside to eat without the garden being full of smoke, and some sweaty devil standing over it all trying to determine what bits are burnt black and what bits are still raw.

It's just as well nobody ever invites me! Can't think why ....
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29-05-2014, 07:59 AM

Re: Picnics.

You might as well say I picnic almost every day! Each time I go out I have a flask of hot water, coffee, milk in a tiny bottle, and stuff to eat. Whether it's a marathon shopping trip, or when I'm on holiday, home or abroad.

Save myself a fortune on hot drinks and food. And yes, if needs be, I will sit on the ground, usually on a blanket or a beach mat.

Great fun.
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29-05-2014, 09:18 AM

Re: Picnics.

We now use folding chairs as my husbands knee is a problem getting up, but unless anyone has mobility issues they are on the blanket on the ground. Chairs are available if anyone wants them but most prefer the ground.
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29-05-2014, 09:42 AM

Re: Picnics.

I am still quite happy to sit on the ground on a rug. Not bothered about creepy crawlies - I had an elder brother!
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29-05-2014, 01:53 PM

Re: Picnics.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
We love picnics ! One of the main reasons we are making our own campervan for days out where we can cook and make tea etc in the van and sit out on the grass eating and drinking. Dogs love it too will be fun this year persuading our new Labrador puppy food on the ground doesn't necessarily belong to her. We also love meeting up with family somewhere for a big picnic where we all bring various dishes and have a fun day out, daft games of cricket (our own rules) rounders (definitely our own rules) and football (no rules at all).
I like your kind of sport!!! Much more fun that way
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29-05-2014, 02:04 PM

Re: Picnics.

Originally Posted by Jem ->
I was watching an old episode of Midsomer Murders the other night and there was a couple out on a picnic, two bicycles with the old wicker baskets in front lay beside them on the grass, a tablecloth was spread out and they laid all the utensils and goodies on it, they looked a bit silly sitting on the ground eating the food and drinking their tea with their knees up in the air. I've never been on a picnic, just didn't see the point of it, why be uncomfortable when you eat?, and what about the bugs and creepy crawlies?. Do people still go on picnics?
Jem I'm with you - cant stand critters buzzing around me - I would not be comfortable either and - eating food outside just don't taste right - yuk to picnics, yuk !
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29-05-2014, 03:49 PM

Re: Picnics.

It's nice to hear so many of you enjoy your picnics, not for me I'm sorry to say. Maybe it's just the area in Dublin I was brought up in, it's central and as a kid I don't remember anyone going off on a picnic, it was always to one of the many beaches in Dublin bay, a day at the seaside with sand in your food and everywhere else, foul tasting tea from a flask yuk!, then you'd come home with a bucket of useless shells, and when you emptied them out sand would get all over the place getting crunched into the lino, the mother shouting at you to be careful, then up for a bath to wash more sand away, how I hate sand, it's even worse than grass.
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29-05-2014, 04:30 PM

Re: Picnics.

Originally Posted by lovemyboys ->
Trees are great for back support!
But a bit tricky to get in the car.
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