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07-10-2017, 12:37 AM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

Seems to me that we label certain factions and there after shout them down every time they open their mouths.

Speaking from a UK point of view...........I am sure Katie Hopkins, our very own Ann Coulter is right.....sometimes..............but because she/they are professional agitators or gobshites..........they are either lauded by their disciples or totally derided by their opposition................what ever they say.

Same goes for our PM in waiting Mr Corbyn, or indeed Mrs May our charisma challenged current PM

These days you are judged by how far right or left wing you are.....and neer the twain shall meet....sadly
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07-10-2017, 01:26 AM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Yes we do, but we don't call them Liberals. Our Liberals are a wishy-washy ineffective political party with ideas above their station.

We have extreme left-wing loud-mouths who attempt to shout down and suppress any opinion but their own. They attempt to tell people what they should be doing while they ignore their own advice and do what the hell they like. Total hypocrites .
Bakerman replies
Yes, sounds extremely familiar. All of this business of trying to control people reminds me of certain anti-capitalist nations.
It is going to take a concerted, diligent effort on all our parts maintain what freedoms we enjoy.
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07-10-2017, 01:39 AM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
These days you are judged by how far right or left wing you are.....and neer the twain shall meet....sadly
Bakerman replies
I not only agree, I fear it is daily growing worse. Here in Yankdom the violence has already started.
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07-10-2017, 07:20 AM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

The problem of late seems to be, some Leftists want "True Socialism" with a Capitalistic Twist.
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07-10-2017, 08:12 AM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
The problem of late seems to be, some Leftists want "True Socialism" with a Capitalistic Twist.
Yes, I can see you're correct, but what I don't get is why are they so afraid of people with opposing points of view ? I am unshakably an evolutionist , but if a creationist wished to speak at my club I'd not oppose him and I most certainly would never try to disrupt his speech.
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07-10-2017, 09:13 AM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

We have plenty of the type you mention bakerman. People such as The Tw*t in the hat, the great sir unwashed Bob and Lily Allen. They are basically gobshites that are incapable of listening to opposing views and delight in disrupting whatever they can.

All of our so called 'comedians' are the same, I can't think of anyone who isn't far left, anyone right of centre has been phased out.
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07-10-2017, 09:17 AM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Yes we do, but we don't call them Liberals. Our Liberals are a wishy-washy ineffective political party with ideas above their station.

We have extreme left-wing loud-mouths who attempt to shout down and suppress any opinion but their own. They attempt to tell people what they should be doing while they ignore their own advice and do what the hell they like. Total hypocrites .
It pains me, but I have to agree with you. What laughingly passes for "the left" nowadays is little more than a bunch of middle-class privileged white people, poisoned by "white guilt" and obsessed with identity politics. I've been a socialist all my life, but my socialism is based on ideals of equality, fairness and working class solidarity which are diametrically opposed to those of today's liberal lefties who despise the working class.
Journalist Patrick West sums it up like this:

He says that the snowflake "left"

tend to mask themselves as ‘progressives’, ‘liberals’ or ‘left-wing’. ........ it is the ostensible left that is now the most intolerant, humourless, miserable, pessimistic, censorious, puritanical, finger-wagging, backward-looking, prole-hating lot these days. The modern left are the new reactionaries.
It is those on the left who censor people for their ‘offensive’, blasphemous words. It is they who pull down statues. It is the modern left that hates the accursed, ignorant masses for daring to vote for Brexit or Trump. It is the left which is now infused with nostalgia — for a Golden Age of a European Union or NHS. It is the left that will sermonise to the masses about their wrong tastes in food, newspaper or political party.
It is the puritanical left as embodied in Momentum, Black Lives Matter and Antifa that goes around bullying and assaulting stupid, poor people for their unacceptable and uneducated opinions. It is left-liberal environmentalists who protest that Man is reaping the whirlwind for the sin of despoiling the planet.
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07-10-2017, 10:18 AM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

Originally Posted by MickB ->
It pains me, but I have to agree with you. What laughingly passes for "the left" nowadays is little more than a bunch of middle-class privileged white people, poisoned by "white guilt" and obsessed with identity politics. I've been a socialist all my life, but my socialism is based on ideals of equality, fairness and working class solidarity which are diametrically opposed to those of today's liberal lefties who despise the working class.
Well said !
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07-10-2017, 03:38 PM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

Originally Posted by MickB ->
It pains me, but I have to agree with you. What laughingly passes for "the left" nowadays is little more than a bunch of middle-class privileged white people, poisoned by "white guilt" and obsessed with identity politics. I've been a socialist all my life, but my socialism is based on ideals of equality, fairness and working class solidarity which are diametrically opposed to those of today's liberal lefties who despise the working class.
Well said + 1.

I come from Labour supporting background but became disheartened over the years with the direction the party was taken in. Firstly when the militant tendency increased their influence and secondly when Tony Bliar became leader and eventually PM. If John Smith had become PM instead of that piece of sh*t I would probably still would have been a Labour supporter. As it is, I see the rise of the Militant Tendency and their Trotskyist agenda (in the guise of Momentum) coming to the fore once again.
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07-10-2017, 04:48 PM

Re: Loud mouthed, liberal hypocrites

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Yes we do, but we don't call them Liberals. Our Liberals are a wishy-washy ineffective political party with ideas above their station.

We have extreme left-wing loud-mouths who attempt to shout down and suppress any opinion but their own. They attempt to tell people what they should be doing while they ignore their own advice and do what the hell they like. Total hypocrites .
--------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you, Judd
Language can often be confusing, especially when 2 people of different nations attempt to communicate. So, even though we are speaking the same language, we stem from different nations, and thus use words differently.
In the states we don't see a difference between a socialist and a leftist or liberal.
It might help me to understand better if you could tell me how you see the difference between a socialist and a liberal and a leftist ?
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