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09-06-2019, 04:08 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

One on each arm just above the elbow,either that or my face when I fell off a bike many many years ago,one on my top lip,talking when I should have been listening.I had keyhole 6 yrs ago and not a sign of the 6 holes.
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09-06-2019, 04:14 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

One major scar from about four inches below my navel, and three inches above, ten years ago this November I was admitted to hospital for major ( life saving) surgery, the scar below my navel is fading nicely but the one above will probably never fade, as this opened up after the clamps came out, I had to have the district nurse out every day for a month or so, to pack it out, I’d be very conscious of going swimming as it’s still visible, I have a few more minor scars from years of working on laundry eqpt, as the panels and edges are like razor blades..

Ps, my 50th birthday was spent having the clamps removed, at the hospital..
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09-06-2019, 04:48 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

Originally Posted by susan m ->
Many internal scars , they go deep

Physically nothing to mention
They can be the most painful of all !
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09-06-2019, 05:05 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

I have a scar about 2cm long on my forehead from when I tumbled headfirst from a wall I was climbing, at the age of about 6. I was such a tomboy!
It blends in with the other horizontal lines there now!

Just underneath it I have a chicken pox scar
I'm sure together they spell out something useful in Morse code!!
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09-06-2019, 05:27 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

Does circumcision count?
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09-06-2019, 05:48 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

Originally Posted by Rhian ->
I have a scar about 2cm long on my forehead from when I tumbled headfirst from a wall I was climbing, at the age of about 6. I was such a tomboy!
It blends in with the other horizontal lines there now!

Just underneath it I have a chicken pox scar
I'm sure together they spell out something useful in Morse code!!

Trust me Rhian.

Nobody notices your scars at all.

You are absolutely stunning
Well out of my league.

You are unassuming, which is lovely.

When we had a day together, the men were salivating, even with their wives.

It was hilarious to watch, even though you are are an absolute stunner.

I went to the loo when we were waiting for the food.

The man next to me said what is your secret, how did you get a woman like that?

I put him down, she is my sister.

It is the same with Art, she is stunning as well.

Very different, a blonde and a brunette.

Both absolutely gorgeous but well out of my league.

I know my place in life.
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09-06-2019, 06:01 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Trust me Rhian.

Nobody notices your scars at all.

You are absolutely stunning
Well out of my league.

You are unassuming, which is lovely.

When we had a day together, the men were salivating, even with their wives.

It was hilarious to watch, even though you are are an absolute stunner.

I went to the loo when we were waiting for the food.

The man next to me said what is your secret, how did you get a woman like that?

I put him down, she is my sister.

It is the same with Art, she is stunning as well.

Very different, a blonde and a brunette.

Both absolutely gorgeous but well out of my league.

I know my place in life.
You're always so generous with your compliments x
Thank you
You are a good-looking, snappily dressed, intelligent, interesting, funny, courteous and caring man.
You aren't out of my league at all.
But you were right that I wasn't ready to move on relationship-wise which also makes you very astute and empathetic.
Any woman would be lucky to have you
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09-06-2019, 06:02 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

And that's enough of the mutual appreciation society...
What abut your scars people!
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09-06-2019, 06:09 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

Scars on stomach from cancer op.
Scar from appendix removal.
Scar on right arm when stabbed during a tear up.
Scars on inside of lower lip from tear ups.
Large long scar on forehead from going through a car windscreen at 70mph.
Scar on left finger when it nearly got ripped off in a motorbike crash.

That's all I think?.........
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09-06-2019, 06:23 PM

Re: Do Your Scars Tell A Tale?

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Most of us have a scar on our bodies, be it from childhood scrapes, operations, in combat/war or, for some other reason. A shark bite even!

I know that if, l look at the ones l have. I can recollect how it happened and where!

Like the long scratch down my arm. It looks like l self-harm but it happened some years ago and we were getting ready to go on holiday in Cornwall.
One of my dogs, Finn seemed to sense the excitement and jumped up at me. As he came down, his nail caught my right arm and scratched it in one long, deep line. I remember it bled so much.

Another, is on the side of my knee where l caught it on barbed wire and it went septic. I was about seven at the time.

I have three tiny scars on my tummy from keyhole surgery after my gallbladder operation approx, two years ago.

You must have some scars too. Please tell me about them and the story that goes with them.
Hi Art, I'm sure you must be one that has heard this story of my scar before, Apologies for that.

I have a scar on my ankle and I remember vividly when it happened!

When I was 16, I worked in the office of a factory that used to stand on its own down a very, very dark road for about quarter of a mile, without one single lamppost light. Fine in the summer with its light evenings, but truly spooky in the depths of winter when it was already darkness by 4.30pm.

When everyone, factory and office finished at 5.30pm, about half a dozen of us girls would always walk together linking arms for comfort and safety (although safety was the furthest thing from our minds whilst walking together).

Anyhow, one pitch black evening,six of us girls set off up the road unable to see anything in front of us except the dark outline of the trees on either side. There was a bit of a breeze at the time which only made the tree branches sway and look even creepier, but we were all having a laugh about boys, music etc, when I noticed that my lace was undone on one of my shoes, (navy blue suede to match my navy trousers I had on, in case anyone was thinking ... laces??)

I digress. I stopped and took my arms away from linking my workmates either side of me and bent down to do my lace up.They slowly walked on, waiting for me to rejoin them.
Suddenly one of the girls screamed, pointed to behind me and shouted RUN!. And they all started running!

Well, that was it! I froze with absolute fear for a few seconds, then, without ever looking back to see what was behind me, started running so fast I swear to this day, my feet took wings!! All I wanted to do was to catch up with them and overtake them so I wouldn't be the one at the back that got grabbed, stabbed, beaten to death, mauled to death or whatever by whatever or whoever was chasing us.

The problem is that my left foot caught my right foot whilst running on air and I went flying in a heap on the tarmaced road. I just lay there sobbing, knowing I had hurt myself, and resigned myself to my fate.

Then they all came running back to me, laughing their heads off, but concerned when they saw me fall, asking me if I was alright, they were only kidding and having a bit of fun!

I could have slapped each of them. I felt humiliated, hurt, my ankle which was now bleeding was really sore and I had also scraped both of my elbows! but of course, I laughed along with them, told them off, linked arms again and winced as I tried to keep up with their jovial trot up that dark lane.

54 years later, I still have the scar to prove it!!
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