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29-07-2012, 09:10 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

Like everything there is a time and a place. My background of the forces and then construction gave me a fair old grounding in the art of blasphemy, but I like to think that the time and the place is not at home, in polite company or in public. Yes I can still get caught out if I hit my thumb with the hammer, but hopefully it is the exception rather than the rule.

Times have certainly changed though, and not for the better unfortunately. When we were kids we would have been flayed alive if we had been heard swearing by our parents, but these days the parents seem to not care one iota what they say or where they say it, so the kids just do the same..
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29-07-2012, 09:50 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

My husband was a career soldier and an officer. I never once heard him swear. He believed swearing demonstrated a lack of vocabulary.
He was also a keen sportsman, loved football and played cricket and golf. None of these things seemed to have prompted him to swear.

My father was a keen follower of all sport including football and was a lifelong supporter of Derby County. He didn't think swearing was necessary either and neither do I.
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29-07-2012, 10:06 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

Each to their own-------- I knew a Padre in the services that swore more than me, if you asked his wife though, ?? well she thought him a paragon of virtue.

We all have to admit,that swearing for swearings sake is a daily event, used by nearly everyone, if one hasn't actually uttered the word out loud, but under the breath, it is still swearing, the thought was in your head.

As regards to lack of vocabluary, well thats an old chestnut, I consider my command of the English language to be better than average , but I still swear in order, either to express myself in a manner that those listening will realise my cool composed demeanour has been breached by someones iniquitous and odious behavior.
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29-07-2012, 10:09 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

Parking my motor and it's twenty foot sweet trailer in a pub car park I was approached by two youngsters.
The little lad of about five was holding the hand of what I guess was his sister...around three.

"What's on there mister?" I squatted down to their height and said..."It's all full of sweeties,loads of them!"

"Get to F***!" came the reply...and they toddled off back to their boozing parents at a nearby table.

There's only one place a kid that age would pick that up from....and that's good old Daddy.
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29-07-2012, 11:08 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

Or even mummy.
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29-07-2012, 11:14 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

I think this is an age thing, most of us on this forum were brought up in a correct and disciplined world where the use of such language was frowned upon and liable to bring forth a smack or a thick ear!
I remember quite distinctly hearing the f word and repeating it to a nun at my very catholic school.............boy was that a day to remember!!
The kids of today don't think of the word as we did, thats the diferrence............
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29-07-2012, 02:12 PM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

Personally speaking, with the use of the F word or swearing in general being used on so many occasions in our enlightened world it just bores me like the people who feel the need to use it on every possible occasion. Wonder when it will naturally run it's course (won't hold my breath )
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29-07-2012, 07:19 PM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

I must admit I have been know to swear, not frequently but sometimes a swear is satisfying, but I can't bring myself to use the "F" word or the "C" word and I cringe every time I hear them used. For some reason I seem to see these words as aggressive insults directed towards females and their feminity. Is that silly do you think?
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29-07-2012, 10:59 PM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

A Steve McQueen film...forget which,but not Bullit...there was a heck of a car chase where eventually he crashed through the side of a house,and the guy he was chasing roared off.

Steve sat there in the middle of the wreckage and just said 'S**t'
Not much of an expletive nowadays...but that scene wouldn't have been the same without that one said everything.
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30-07-2012, 06:34 AM

Re: You really must stop swearing.

I went to the cinema to see One flew over the coockoos nest and after ten mins walked out. It was my first encounter with the F word, you are right Meg its lack of vocabularly( we go into lack of spelling)In our family I was the one people checked for spelling....look at me now!.
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