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11-05-2019, 01:08 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by Realist ->
But only a tiny tiny 3-4 people continually attack people in any health related thread. Same people, same rhetoric every time. Personal jibes, made-up statements, holier than thou attitude. Just laughable really.

This is how they come across:

I'm sure it just harps back to out-dated values and prehistoric ideas of "I'll give you a piece of my mind young lad !!"

Comedy gold though

I disagree Realist.

I am a scientist, everything I do is open to review.

I am not funded by anyone, especially Big Pharma.

I am quite capable of changing my view of things in the light of new, comprehensive Research.

That is how the Human Race progresses.

I do not know everything and learn something new everyday.

They have no need to be scientists either, just commonsense and life abilities.

I learn from fender, Judd, OGF, Mups etc.

Real people with skills and talents.

Areas of expertise that I simply do not have and my life is so much better for doing so.

A closed mind is not a good thing, it is not how we better things.

I would venture to suggest that if you opened your mind to criticism your life would be better.

I am regularly bollocked for my stupidity by the ladies on here.

Rhian, Twinks, Ruthio, Morticia, Mups etc.

I am a prat at times, and yes, I do deserve what I get.

I am a slow learner, but I do learn from them.
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11-05-2019, 03:17 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I disagree Realist.

I am a scientist, everything I do is open to review.

I am not funded by anyone, especially Big Pharma.

I am quite capable of changing my view of things in the light of new, comprehensive Research.

That is how the Human Race progresses.

I do not know everything and learn something new everyday.

They have no need to be scientists either, just commonsense and life abilities.

I learn from fender, Judd, OGF, Mups etc.

Real people with skills and talents.

Areas of expertise that I simply do not have and my life is so much better for doing so.

A closed mind is not a good thing, it is not how we better things.

I would venture to suggest that if you opened your mind to criticism your life would be better.

I am regularly bollocked for my stupidity by the ladies on here.

Rhian, Twinks, Ruthio, Morticia, Mups etc.

I am a prat at times, and yes, I do deserve what I get.

I am a slow learner, but I do learn from them.
Well said Swim! Nobody knows everything, but those who are prepared to listen & question will always learn more. Those who have fixed views, and never listen to the other side of a discussion, will never learn. Maybe we would all be better people if we try to see things through another person's eyes.... I have found that occasionally, that has helped me change my opinions on some things.
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11-05-2019, 04:21 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
it is a waste of time if somebody tries to turn it into a debate to show that they are right!
It's not a show, it's a simple discussion which involves flow of information. What's important is to get the right information, the truth.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
We can all use the internet if we want to do research, but I strongly object to being pressured to read the research that others have found.
Crazy statement. Who is pressuring you to read anything? No-one. It's YOU that keeps reading the posts, following the thread despite all this ranting and raving. So you clearly don't object to anything. I will say once again, if you don't like what I post, or the way I post it then just filter me. It's as simple as that. If you need help with that the mods will help.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
so I only take notice of absolute proof.
Yet when that proof is put forward in the various vaccine related threads you ignore it and refuse to take it on board. Peer reviewed evidence from people like Cochrane. The UK Public Health's own statistics and records on the mortality rates etc etc.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
I do feel that they are spoiled when one person tries to convince us all that all Big Pharma are just interested in making money.
Yet the truth is that they ARE just interested in making money at the expense of our health. You don't have to accept that truth, each to their own.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Of course that is one of their priorities, but isn't that why they are forced to produce safe goods and be responsible for their safety?
God this is like pulling teeth ! They DON'T produce safe goods at all. Their vaccines harm thousands, literally thousands of people and it's all well recorded.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Believe me, if it is ever proved that they have deliberately sold unsafe products, the shareholders of their company would rip them apart... because it would be a scandal that headlined every news outlet
You can't be this naïve or ignorant of the facts !!

Thousands of people are continually harmed by vaccines. It IS ABSOLUTE FACT. The vaccine compensation programme has already paid out over $4 BILLION to victims. $4 bloody billion !!!! Get yourself acquainted with the facts.

And no, the companies don't care one jot because they are untouchable. I mean that literally. The laws have been changed and put in place which means that no citizen can sue a vaccine company for health damage or even death as a direct result of their vaccines. Again this is FACT. They are beyond the law, protected by the law. That is why their vaccine programmes continue unabated and that is why thousands of people continue to be harmed by the vaccines, many with permanent life debilitating conditions.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Please give you conspiracy theories a rest Realist
What I post is not conspiracy. It is fact and I always provide the factual source references to prove that. The rest of you (with the occasional exception of Annie) never offer anything factual, just hearsay and conjecture.

Please therefore do not call it conspiracy theory, it most certainly isn't.

Now please go find the filter button and put me on filter. You've made your personal points and jibes numerous times before, it's the same old same old every time. I'm not the least bit interested. It's tired, boring, unnecessary and pointless.

There are 100s of people on this form and many don't share your views. This forum is not all about YOU YOU YOU. Get off your soap box and get on with your life.
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11-05-2019, 04:53 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.


Yet the truth is that they ARE just interested in making money at the expense of our health. You don't have to accept that truth, each to their own.

How do they get away with that?

They DON'T produce safe goods at all. Their vaccines harm thousands, literally thousands of people and it's all well recorded.

But surely their vaccines help others as well?

Thousands of people are continually harmed by vaccines. It IS ABSOLUTE FACT. The vaccine compensation programme has already paid out over $4 BILLION to victims. $4 bloody billion !!!! Get yourself acquainted with the facts.

And no, the companies don't care one jot because they are untouchable. I mean that literally. The laws have been changed and put in place which means that no citizen can sue a vaccine company for health damage or even death as a direct result of their vaccines. Again this is FACT. They are beyond the law, protected by the law. That is why their vaccine programmes continue unabated and that is why thousands of people continue to be harmed by the vaccines, many with permanent life debilitating conditions.

What I post is not conspiracy. It is fact and I always provide the factual source references to prove that. The rest of you (with the occasional exception of Annie) never offer anything factual, just hearsay and conjecture.

I just don't understand how they continue to get away with it?

If thousands of people know this,why don't they make a stand?

There is also a lot of conflicting information out there,Realist,regarding vaccinations,!.
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11-05-2019, 06:04 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Realist just said to Twink:

Quote - " This forum is not all about YOU YOU YOU. Get off your soap box and get on with your life. "

Erm . . . . pot calling kettle black don't you think?

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11-05-2019, 06:22 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Realist said to Twink:

Quote - " This forum is not all about YOU YOU YOU. Get off your soap box and get on with your life. "

Erm . . . . pot calling kettle black don't you think?

He also said "Play the ball, not the man...if you can" so I would like to suggest that he reads all of his posts, where he criticizes peoples intelligence and calls them childish. The rules do say attack the post, not the poster!

If he objects to sturdy debate , perhaps he should air his opinions where the majority agree with him, or post on the debates section , as the mods suggested
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11-05-2019, 06:34 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
He also said "Play the ball, not the man...if you can" so I would like to suggest that he reads all of his posts, where he criticizes peoples intelligence and calls them childish. The rules do say attack the post, not the poster!

If he objects to sturdy debate , perhaps he should air his opinions where the majority agree with him, or post on the debates section , as the mods suggested

You forgot we have also been called - Ignorant, brainwashed and full of emotional drivel too Twink!

But it seems it is quite acceptable to be 'brainwashed' as long as it is by him though.
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11-05-2019, 06:37 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
How do they get away with that?
By being a multi-billion dollar if not trillion dollar collective wielding immense power. They have government in their pockets and pass their own laws. They are untouchable

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
But surely their vaccines help others as well?
Yes Pauline. Once you understand that some are helped and some are harmed it then comes down to an objective analysis of the numbers. Do they harm more people than they help? That is the question that should occupy your mind I would suggest. To find out you must research and look at the evidence.

Measles like all diseases is uncomfortable for a short period but for the VAST MAJORITY of people it passes and those people then have lifelong immunity.

Just 1 in 10,000 people who get Measles will die from it.
1 in 80,000 of them will end up with some kind of serious complication or condition.

As tragic as every death is, those are not huge numbers.

It means you will vaccinate 10,000 people just to save 1 person. But how much damage will you do to the other 9,999 people by having them vaccinated?

For example 1 in 640 of them will have serious seizures. How many will get lifelong problems or be killed by the vaccine?

You need to know these numbers to be able to make an informed decision. The same is true of every vaccine.

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
I just don't understand how they continue to get away with it?
And that's because the world you think you live in is not the true world. The world is run and operated by crooks the world over. They rule their patch with ruthless efficiency. Go to Italy and its run by the Mafia. Always has been. How do you think THEY get away with it?

Go to China and it is run by a ruthless underworld.

I read only last week that the game of snooker is one of the most corrupt in the world and that numerous players have been threatened with violence of death if they refuse to fix a game. James Wattana was threatened in Thailand. His father was gunned down by an assassin.

Big Pharma conglomerates are hugely wealthy and immensely powerful. They have Congress in their pocket.

Vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued over design defects, US Supreme Court rules

Read this whole article for more:

Why vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability

"Despite this research and the dramatic rise in autism that seems to correspond with the methods used to manufacture vaccines, NCVIA, although passed over 30 years ago, protects vaccine manufacturers from liability."

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
If thousands of people know this,why don't they make a stand?
They do Pauline. They are 100s of anti-vaccine groups actively working across the globe. The populous is waking up more and more to this and lots of other problems.

Mammography, which we have discussed in detail on other threads is another area where people are waking up and starting to look at the actual TRUE FIGURES which show that Mammography harms more women than it helps.

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
There is also a lot of conflicting information out there,Realist,regarding vaccinations,!.
You're right. And equally lots of conflicting info pertaining to just about every medical treatment and supposed cure.

We shouldn't have to, but we absolutely must, now take responsibility for our own health and do our own research and do it thoroughly because there is a war going on currently. A war against our health.
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11-05-2019, 06:49 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

Realist has just said:

Quote -
" We shouldn't have to, but we absolutely must, now take responsibility for our own health and do our own research."

Yey!! At long last!!

We finally agree, Realist.

We WILL do our own research and take responsibility ourselves. thank you.
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11-05-2019, 06:53 PM

Re: Anti Vaxxers Rubbish.

For those of us who support vaccinations, this makes interesting reading from the World Health Organisation....
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