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25-07-2016, 08:42 AM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
JBR, I wonder why the Aussies are always so keen for us to be fair to the Muslims? After all they have more land than we do and not so heavily populated, so one wonders why they don't welcome them with open arms if they believe they are all deserving people.
Oh for goodness sake, what drivel, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Australia takes 180000 immigrants every year they include Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, atheists, Hindus and god knows what. We also take 14500 refugees each year, increased this year with 20000 to come from Syria (they may well be Muslims - shock, horror).

If you don't like it tough! but get your facts right and stop spouting such ignorant rubbish.
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25-07-2016, 10:05 AM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Oh for goodness sake, what drivel, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Australia takes 180000 immigrants every year they include Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, atheists, Hindus and god knows what. We also take 14500 refugees each year, increased this year with 20000 to come from Syria (they may well be Muslims - shock, horror).

If you don't like it tough! but get your facts right and stop spouting such ignorant rubbish.
I will try not to be quite so rude as you, but I will explain my comment. Most of the Aussies, that post about immigrants on OFF, seem to feel that Britain should take more. We have a much smaller country than you, but we have taken a number of Syrian refugees this year. As said by John Howard, "we will decide who we take", and that was why we chose to accept them from a camp in Syria rather than the mass of illegal immigrants that infiltrated Europe. I will not criticize the fact the Australia put many of these immigrants into detention, on remote islands, providing the rest of you Aussies mind your own business regarding how many immigrants we take and how we deal with them. Europe has almost daily reports of Muslim's atrocious attacks on residents, something you have little experience of in your country, so please do not try to tell us how to handle the situation when you obviously know so little about what is happening here. It is only Muslims that are causing these attacks, resulting in many deaths, and as they don't have GOOD and BAD stamped on their foreheads, it is little wonder that there is bad feelings towards them.
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25-07-2016, 10:50 AM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

We've taken a small hand full really, wriggled out of as many agreements as we can. I'm not saying we have to take all or even most and we should make sure they are refugees not economic migrants obviously. But no we have not taken and won't be taking nearly enough.
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25-07-2016, 02:51 PM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

Most of the Aussies, that post about immigrants on OFF, seem to feel that Britain should take more
can you provide any concrete evidence of this or is this just your wild imagination playing tricks with you??

We Ozzies I would hazard a guess are NOT particularly interested in how many you do or do not take - we just decided for ourselves what we will do without informing other countries what they should do. Sounds like a case of paranoia to me??
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25-07-2016, 02:54 PM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

Why does this always become Aussies versus some Brits, I'm pretty sure neither country does all they can but we are I thought talking about uk here not Australia.
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25-07-2016, 03:08 PM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
can you provide any concrete evidence of this or is this just your wild imagination playing tricks with you??

We Ozzies I would hazard a guess are NOT particularly interested in how many you do or do not take - we just decided for ourselves what we will do without informing other countries what they should do. Sounds like a case of paranoia to me??
Well you haven't been around much recently, have you, and you needn't think I am going to backtrack over all immigrant threads to find proof.
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25-07-2016, 11:50 PM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Well you haven't been around much recently, have you, and you needn't think I am going to backtrack over all immigrant threads to find proof.
In other words your comments are as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal... ill founded nonsense which you repeat over and over again. Unfortunately mindless repetition doesn't make something true.
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26-07-2016, 12:12 AM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
In other words your comments are as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal... ill founded nonsense which you repeat over and over again. Unfortunately mindless repetition doesn't make something true.
I was thinking of something to say but can't beat that - well done Wollongong.

ps: she may get so pissed off that she goes and backtracks - wait for the sparks!!

pps: come on twinkletoes you can do it!!
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27-07-2016, 10:27 PM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
In other words your comments are as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal... ill founded nonsense which you repeat over and over again. Unfortunately mindless repetition doesn't make something true.
It can do, to a captive audience.
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28-07-2016, 09:51 AM

Re: United Kingdom is not so small after all!

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
I was thinking of something to say but can't beat that - well done Wollongong.

ps: she may get so pissed off that she goes and backtracks - wait for the sparks!!

pps: come on twinkletoes you can do it!!
No I won't, I never waste my time on ignorant troublemakers!
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