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08-03-2012, 05:07 PM

What are your thoughts on global warming?

I honestly don't know enough to debate whether global warming is a factor here, but imagine how much it would take to raise the sea level like this!

Kiribati is a low-lying Pacific archipelago which is being flooded by rising sea levels. The entire population is going to be relocated.

Story: In what could be the world's first climate-induced migration of modern times, Anote Tong, the Kiribati president, said he was in talks with Fiji's military government to buy up to 5,000 acres of freehold land on which his countrymen could be housed.

Some of Kiribati's 32 pancake-flat coral atolls, which straddle the equator over 1,350,000 square miles of ocean, are already disappearing beneath the waves.

Most of its 113,000 people are crammed on to Tarawa, the administrative centre, a chain of islets which curve in a horseshoe shape around a lagoon.

"This is the last resort, there's no way out of this one," Mr Tong said.

"Our people will have to move as the tides have reached our homes and villages."
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08-03-2012, 06:16 PM

Re: What are your thoughts on global warming?

I know there was talk of the need to build more seawalls, as coastal erosion and fresh water are the biggest problems.
I think the climate change talks were ended last year and going to continue in 2015...which seems ridiculous (if I'm right?)

I believe that one of these islands is on the world heritage list, fat lot of good that is too, if it means it will still sink!

Global warming is just what it says..Global.

37 industrialised nations and the European Union are bound to reduce their carbon emissions, to certain targets by 2012. I just can't see it happening and I don't think it will go anywhere near safeguarding this island.
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08-03-2012, 07:05 PM

Re: What are your thoughts on global warming?

Global warming has been happening since the 19th century and has increased more rapidly from the 1980's. IF the rate continues they reckon that the sea level will rise by up to 4 metres.

I am glad I live well about sea level.

If the global agreements are not fullfilled the rate will increase even more. The biggest culprits are China and America with India in close pursuit.
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08-03-2012, 07:09 PM

Re: What are your thoughts on global warming?

All so very true Bob, sadly.
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08-03-2012, 07:12 PM

Re: What are your thoughts on global warming?

So a slow and steady rise is inevitable? We keep losing ice from the polar caps, and that won't reverse itself, will it?

I don't understand people who shrug it off and say the earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling and none of this effect is man-made. Yet the USA shuttle program is allegedly responsible for 10% of the loss of the ozone layer.
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08-03-2012, 10:44 PM

Re: What are your thoughts on global warming?

now this is a topic my hussband can come here for he is on another global warrming forum and has been for a long time
we have never seen temps so high in canada for feb was always been the coldest this morring at 6 am was 13 cell crazy
only wore my winter coat 3 times since dec
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08-03-2012, 11:57 PM

Re: What are your thoughts on global warming?

Pixie's husband is something of an authority on global warming and I have to admit that he convinced me after my scepticism from years ago.

This earth is definitely reacting to something that's going on, what with tsunamis becoming almost the norm, increased volcano activity, mud slides, tornados even in the UK(!) and many other things.

I honestly don't think it's caused just by melting of the polar ice caps alone, but something else I think is happening beneath the earth's crust and of course, the ozone layer is thinning, possibly due to so much aircraft in the skies these days and carbon emissions, as has been said..

It's scary.
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09-03-2012, 07:52 PM

Re: What are your thoughts on global warming?

Things certainly seem to be changing. We've had record high temperatures here, spring weather even in January. I remember such bitterly cold winters with deep snow when I was a child.

As for tornadoes - never, ever had so much as a warning here til about the 1990s and now we get them every summer - though not as severe as in the USA.
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09-03-2012, 10:04 PM

Re: What are your thoughts on global warming?

Yah Annie we have notticed how diffrent the winters are here in ont
used to be bitter cold today snow next friday plus 16 it says
bet our summers are going to be bad to with the heat humadty
will get my husband topost on this topic this weekend
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09-03-2012, 10:09 PM

Re: What are your thoughts on global warming?

Originally Posted by pixie ->
Yah Annie we have notticed how diffrent the winters are here in ont
used to be bitter cold today snow next friday plus 16 it says
bet our summers are going to be bad to with the heat humadty
will get my husband to post on this topic this weekend
I'm sure you're right about the summer coming up. Thanks Pixie - looking forward to seeing his posts.
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