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15-02-2012, 08:57 AM

Lighter Wednesday

Good morning everyone

What a lovely day it is today. Dry, no wind and quite warm, well compared to the last few weeks it is. Have you noticed that the days are getting longer, it is coming light earlier and staying light longer at night. Our morning walk was done in part dark and part light and I think that is why Mother natures creatures are up and about earlier.

Plans for today now that the weekly shopping is out of the way are to relax until Lunch, which is to be consumed at some local establishment, then the afternoon will be filled with some merriment as we have friends over for a quizz.

Yesterday turned out quite evenful in the afternoon. We noticed that the Peacocks from the farm were graxing on our lawn which is unusual, after a couple of hours we decide to herd them back to the farm which was quite good, she who must be obeyed walking in front and the Peacocks following, I was behind making sure that they did not do a u-turn, the fun was when they insisted on walking down the middle of the road holding up all the traffic.

Rosemary I do hope Loki is better, give him a hug from me.

Have a wouderful day everyone and
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15-02-2012, 10:05 AM

Re: Lighter Wednesday

Morning all, mild here too at 8 deg and rising...

We have the prodigal brother visiting this morning and staying for lunch, which will be Mrs PM's famed steak and kidney pie with mash and veg....yum yum....

Hope everyone is well and you all have a good day.

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15-02-2012, 10:22 AM

Re: Lighter Wednesday

Wow today feels like spring, as i speak the sun is shining it is warmish, it makes you feel like the nicer weather is just around the corner, not getting too excited though, i know it can turn colder in an instant. but loving the sunshine
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15-02-2012, 10:31 AM

Re: Lighter Wednesday

Good Morning Bob and Everyone What a beautiful day it is outside! Lovely sunshine and a blue sky - but! White clouds coming in from the west!! Hope that does not spell out rain - or worse, snow!! Change to look out and see dry pavements and roads!

Loki took one fit last night and none during the night! She is at the wandering about stage now, smelling everything! Fingers crossed!! My next door neighbour sat with her yesterday afternoon to let me go to the vet to pick up more rectal diazepam and I made an appointment for her blood test for beginning of March. The vet said her Potassium level was a bit low last time and the Potassium Bromide tablets would be increased and not the Phenobarbs, which I am pleased to hear!

Won't be going far today though. I did manage to get a bit of sleep last night, thankfully, but I look as though I've been pulled thru' the wringer backwards

Enjoy a good day everyone and many thanks for the clips Bob and wishes and to everyone from yesterday as well, for Loki.

Take care.
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15-02-2012, 01:43 PM

Re: Lighter Wednesday

Hello everyone mild, overcast and grey here and hoping to see a glimpse of the sun this afternoon.

Called into Sainsbury's earlier to stock up on treats, we have Katie and Jamie for the day as it's half term holiday for them. Planning to take them into town tomorrow to hopefully ride on the town's newest addition, a 197ft big wheel. It was last used in London's Hyde Park at Christmas, and was transported to Bristol on 11 trailers. If the weather is clear, hopefully we should have spectacular panoramic views across the city.

Rosemary, I hope Loki is improving ..... sending him a big hug.

Enjoy your day all
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15-02-2012, 01:46 PM

Re: Lighter Wednesday

Good morning all. We're heading from 4C to 10C and sunny today. I'll be taking the scooter to McDonald's this morning and may go for an additional ride afterward. I've got to take the opportunity to keep my battery charged while these rare sunny days still exist. Winter's not finished yet.

Have a good day all!

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15-02-2012, 02:09 PM

Re: Lighter Wednesday

Good afternoon all, a nice Spring day here today but no birds singing etc. just the occasional dog barking, and the kids playing in their mid-term break. We had a good time in the pub last night, I was surprised to see so many young people enjoying the 60's music, just goes to show you those old tunes were made to last. I didn't buy the wife any flowers and I didn't want to fatten her up with chocolates, I know that once she tasted one she would go through the whole box, and that would not be fair, I was going to surprise her with a heart shaped ironing board but I couldn't find a store that stocked them:, in the end I got her a gift token for the garden centre, she's looking forward to getting out to the garden and her plants.
Take good care of yourselves Folks.
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15-02-2012, 02:35 PM

Re: Lighter Wednesday

Good afternoon all a reasonable day fairly mild with some sunshine.

Been out this morning to look around a local garden centre and bought a couple of little plants to brighten the house

Rosemary I hope Loki is better soon .

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
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15-02-2012, 11:33 PM

Re: Lighter Wednesday

Been a milder, dry today here with a little sunshine later in the afternoon.

Had a lovely walk this morning round the reservoirs. Spent a couple of hours with my lovely neighbour who is not well at all, waiting for the doctor to call. His feet are so swollen he can't walk. Doctor very concerned and wanted him to go into hospital straight away, but he refused. Am hoping his Son might be able to persuade him, as he really does need help. Apart from his health problems, I personally think he's giving up on life since his Wife died just before Christmas....very sad Tomorrow, he might have changed his mind-I really hope so....

Brandykins, hope Loki has been ok today....

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