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04-01-2021, 03:33 PM

Scotland in New Lockdown.

There are not enough swear words in my memory to cover how I feel about this. All because of Selfish People who keep spreading the virus as they refuse to obey the rules.......Fume..
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04-01-2021, 03:43 PM

Re: Scotland in New Lockdown.

Roxy, I think it will be England too in a few days. They, not all though, are being just as selfish here.
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04-01-2021, 03:59 PM

Re: Scotland in New Lockdown.

Originally Posted by Tiffany ->
Roxy, I think it will be England too in a few days. They, not all though, are being just as selfish here.
They are indeed - and have been from the start, sadly.
I'm sure we can all emember the flocking to beaches and the countryside even before there were celeb rulebreakers to scapegoat.

Have you seen re: the ridiculous anti-restriction demonstration in Nottingham for example?
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04-01-2021, 03:59 PM

Re: Scotland in New Lockdown.

Originally Posted by Roxy ->
There are not enough swear words in my memory to cover how I feel about this. All because of Selfish People who keep spreading the virus as they refuse to obey the rules.......Fume..
There will always be a selection of the public who will ignore advice which then forces governments to bring in laws and rules but even then the same people will ignore those laws and rules.

Speeding, drink driving, smoking, seatbelts, corporal punishment, all have laws because at the time, the public was told to be responsible and many weren't so the government was forced to do things the rest of the public did not like or want.

The problem with convid for me is the amount of people who go on about that because they are not ill, they are fine to go out and about to carry on doing things as normal. What these people have failed to understand or probably do understand and just ignoring it anyway is that whilst the government is worried about people getting ill, they are more worried about people transmitting the virus to others and both the government and virus experts have been saying throughout the pandemic that you do not have to be ill to have the virus and thus be a carrier of it. This is why the government have been saying to the public, go about your daily life as though you have the virus which would then get you to think about how you go about doing things.

Even when the whole country had it's first major lockdown in March, many people ignored it and still visited people, met up in groups in parks and other places.

The ONLY way the virus will be prevented from spreading is if the whole of the UK is put under martial law and the military are tasked with policing the streets. Anyone found breaking martial law will be arrested and taken to a military compound. The virus is a killer and for me the government is not taking the situation seriously enough where rules breakers are concerned. Drastic measures are needed and needed now.
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04-01-2021, 04:05 PM

Re: Scotland in New Lockdown.

Oh Dear, Dodge as much as it pains me I have to agree with you. Drastic situations need drastic action....before it's really too late.
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04-01-2021, 04:27 PM

Re: Scotland in New Lockdown.

Originally Posted by Roxy ->
There are not enough swear words in my memory to cover how I feel about this. All because of Selfish People who keep spreading the virus as they refuse to obey the rules.......Fume..
We’re in lockdown in Hampshire,I believe, so those who have mild symptoms are spreading it, is that right?

I haven’t been out in days.
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04-01-2021, 04:33 PM

Re: Scotland in New Lockdown.

Originally Posted by Dodge ->

The ONLY way the virus will be prevented from spreading is if the whole of the UK is put under martial law and the military are tasked with policing the streets. Anyone found breaking martial law will be arrested and taken to a military compound. The virus is a killer and for me the government is not taking the situation seriously enough where rules breakers are concerned. Drastic measures are needed and needed now.
I am with you, Roxy. I was behind a maskless man in the grocery store who was the owner of a local gym and shooting his mouth off about how the masks were violating his rights. I wonder what he will say when his gym is locked down - AGAIN. It royally ticked me off when we couldn't even go to the park or beaches because of the covidiots who refused to cooperate.

Dodge, your idea is a good one, but sadly impractical. The military could be spreaders, and some people still have to get places - like patients needing dialysis or infusions, those needing trauma care, people working in nursing (care) homes, etc.

The president-elect over here is talking about a mandate of 100 days in masks. Since crux of this problem is that it became so politicized early on that there is no way we can get any sort of cooperation. Sadly, wearing or not wearing a mask has become a presentation of one's political party; without wanting to become sheep - people have become just that.

The only way to get cooperation would be a sort of united front of cooperation that we had in different forms during WWII, but the public psyche is just too selfish.
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04-01-2021, 04:37 PM

Re: Scotland in New Lockdown.

This from a friend.
Just who the hell is spreading this thing anyway. If young people are partying etc. Issue House Arrest ankle bands and fine them hard. If they can't pay then put a future attachment of income procedure in place. Or confine them on a crumbling RAF base somewhere, heaven knows we're not short of them.
Come on 'Project Fear' where are you!
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04-01-2021, 04:55 PM

Re: Scotland in New Lockdown.

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
We’re in lockdown in Hampshire,I believe, so those who have mild symptoms are spreading it, is that right?

I haven’t been out in days.
Anyone with the virus can spread it, symptoms or not. It is the 'carriers' that the government, medical experts and scientific experts are most worried about.

Others can correct me if I am wrong but I believe every virus known to human kind will find the 'perfect host'. A person who will never ever show symptoms of the virus but will carry it and spread it around for others to catch, not knowing one bit they have the virus in their body. In the medical world that person is known as 'asymptomatic'.

What has been worrying medical experts around the world is a scientific controlled study that was done in China on asymptomatic people during the height of the pandemic last year. I believe the case study was done on 13 people. After approximately 3 weeks, all but one of the people started to show signs of the virus, yes it took 3 weeks for the asymptomatic to become pre-asymptomatic (showing signs of a virus).

What the government should have done it make public safety information broadcast programmes on TV and radio that everyone is told to listen to, programs that are designed to educate everyone about the virus, about asymptomatic and symptomatic and what they mean, about the use of masks, gloves, washing hands, social distancing, the reasons why all of that is need and such forth. Basically is much like the green cross code TV adverts that was seen constantly on television and the 'Charley Says' animated cartoon public safety announcements.

Not enough has been done to educated the public properly. Even with that said, there will still be people who will ignore the rules.
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04-01-2021, 04:57 PM

Re: Scotland in New Lockdown.

I suspect that most of the people who are spreading are asymptomatic at the time, which compounds the problem immensely.
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