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Lion Queen
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14-05-2020, 09:23 PM

Falsified death figures?

I've just seen this video on facebook and I really don't know what to think.

I must have missed this briefing because I can't remember this one but Patrick Vallance is actually admitting that the death figures are wrong. He is saying Covid-19 was put on the death certificates but they weren't sure if they had really died of that because the people who died hadn't been tested?

Why would they do that? The government want the figures to go down don't they? Surely if they put everyone down as died of Covid-19 the figures are going to be very high?

I don't understand what is going on, can anyone please enlighten me. I'm fed up of not knowing what to believe and what not to believe, I'm fed up of hearing so many different conspiracy theories and planting seeds in my head, it's all so confusing.

I'm even hearing some people saying Covid-19 doesn't even exist, it's just another way for the government to control us?

But surely world governments wouldn't want their economies to fall so badly that we will all be in trouble economically for nothing, or would they? See, I'm totally confused.

Did anyone see this daily briefing when it went out, with Matt Hancock and Patrick Vallance?
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14-05-2020, 09:41 PM

Re: Falsified death figures?

Originally Posted by Lion Queen ->
I've just seen this video on facebook and I really don't know what to think.

I must have missed this briefing because I can't remember this one but Patrick Vallance is actually admitting that the death figures are wrong. He is saying Covid-19 was put on the death certificates but they weren't sure if they had really died of that because the people who died hadn't been tested?

Why would they do that? The government want the figures to go down don't they? Surely if they put everyone down as died of Covid-19 the figures are going to be very high?

I don't understand what is going on, can anyone please enlighten me. I'm fed up of not knowing what to believe and what not to believe, I'm fed up of hearing so many different conspiracy theories and planting seeds in my head, it's all so confusing.

I'm even hearing some people saying Covid-19 doesn't even exist, it's just another way for the government to control us?

But surely world governments wouldn't want their economies to fall so badly that we will all be in trouble economically for nothing, or would they? See, I'm totally confused.

Did anyone see this daily briefing when it went out, with Matt Hancock and Patrick Vallance?

I shouldnt take any notice of any Utube stuff like that LQ!
They can manipulate the the real broadcast by superimposing
their video onto it using a commentator to put whatever they want
to project out there?
We have a lot of mischief makers in uk media at present!!

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14-05-2020, 10:00 PM

Re: Falsified death figures?

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
I shouldnt take any notice of any Utube stuff like that LQ!
They can manipulate the the real broadcast by superimposing
their video onto it using a commentator to put whatever they want
to project out there?
We have a lot of mischief makers in uk media at present!!

That actually crossed my mind Donkey, if you notice in the video their faces are blurred a little and you can't tell how their mouths are moving if you know what I mean, did you notice that?
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14-05-2020, 10:03 PM

Re: Falsified death figures?

I am also finding all this very confusing as there's just so much of it on the news and in the newspapers. Often I've heard one figure and then another, either lower or higher. The other day there was one statistician, a professor from the ONS where the government get their figures from. He was very interesting to listen to but again it was figures different from those I had heard from other sources. This is well worth watching I reckon and is probably closer to the true figures as he works for the ONS, this professor starts about 47 minutes into the video, this was posted on OFF the other day on the link below, and was post #58:
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14-05-2020, 10:23 PM

Re: Falsified death figures?

The trouble is that you can be hit by a bus and killed and if your autopsy reveals that you have the Corona virus, that's what they'll put down as cause of death.
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14-05-2020, 11:36 PM

Re: Falsified death figures?

Originally Posted by Judd ->
The trouble is that you can be hit by a bus and killed and if your autopsy reveals that you have the Corona virus, that's what they'll put down as cause of death.
Now that's what I call being bloody unlucky!!
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15-05-2020, 12:53 AM

Re: Falsified death figures?

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
I shouldnt take any notice of any Utube stuff like that LQ!
They can manipulate the the real broadcast by superimposing
their video onto it using a commentator to put whatever they want
to project out there?
We have a lot of mischief makers in uk media at present!!

I have come across an example of that. When I researched the apparent speaker it was a completely different story. The story was of an italian expert saying covid wasn't real. But if you googled him he was saying the opposite. You had to translate italian to find out the truth. The trouble is people believe what they see. Most of the stuff on the net is complete garbage. Some of the stuff in our papers is the same. But anyone who believes there is a conspiracy should look to the skies for UFOs and line their house with tinfoil....
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15-05-2020, 12:56 AM

Re: Falsified death figures?

Originally Posted by Judd ->
The trouble is that you can be hit by a bus and killed and if your autopsy reveals that you have the Corona virus, that's what they'll put down as cause of death.
If you walk under a bus delirious with covid then ....
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15-05-2020, 04:07 AM

Re: Falsified death figures?

This post deals with the issue of the unreliable UK figures pretty comprehensively.

>>>>Click Here<<<<<

If the ONS figures are correct then the true figure for the UK would be 50000 to 60000
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15-05-2020, 04:10 AM

Re: Falsified death figures?

Originally Posted by Judd ->
The trouble is that you can be hit by a bus and killed and if your autopsy reveals that you have the Corona virus, that's what they'll put down as cause of death.
You have something to prove that is the case? Rather than, for example, Land Road Traffic Accident?
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