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17-03-2020, 08:58 PM

Other Side of the Panic Buying.

This on my FB from a friend today. Makes you think..........Doesn't it?

TO YOU SELFISH, HORRIBLE CUSTOMERS that have been in Tescos today I hope your f#@cking proud of yourselfs. My wife has just come home from work and in tears telling me that today has been the worst day ever!!!! She's had to endure being shouted at, called names and treated with no respect being told that this is her fault! that the queues are massive! and why are the queues taking so long to go down?, why is there no toilet roll?, rice?, pasta and hand clenser? etc.!!!!!!!. Just to put you straight you assholes. It's not my wife's fault! And Its not the normal customers fault. It's the bloody idiots like YOU! that have come into the store in there thousands today and all week panic buying, being selfish and not giving a care in world about the other vunrable people in your community that actually need the items and food more than to anyone that's going into any Tesco store or big retailers just remember that the people that are serving you are just trying their best! And just remember that just like my WIFE and the rest of her colleagues. They have more likely a higher chance of catching this corona virus more than you, as they got to deal with the thousands of customers that walk through the doors. We got kids at home! We have grand parents over 65 at home, so what the chances of her getting it and passing it on to the rest of the family.??????????. YOU SHOULD BE THANKING THE STAFF IN THE SHOPS FOR BEING THERE AND TREATING THEM WITH SOME UNDERSTANDING AND MOST OF ALL RESPECT. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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17-03-2020, 09:09 PM

Re: Other Side of the Panic Buying.

Yes, true in some respect but if you were told to self isolate for perhaps months and you had no-one to get a loaf of bread or a pint of milk would you not stock up?
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17-03-2020, 09:12 PM

Re: Other Side of the Panic Buying.

The point is more about people's attitudes to the staff.
You can buy a bit extra without, losing your temper, or being nasty to the staff in the stores.
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17-03-2020, 09:18 PM

Re: Other Side of the Panic Buying.

We were lucky enough to get more than our fair share of loo roll in Tescos the other day. Selfish gits we are, but in our defence I must explain we have friends & family living locally who are too dozy to think about do it. When the going gets tough we'll come to their rescue.
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17-03-2020, 09:57 PM

Re: Other Side of the Panic Buying.

I was talking to a staff member in Asda tonight and he told me he was getting abuse from customers. I said I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this, obviously it's not the fault of the staff, what's the matter with people. I felt really sorry for him.

I do understand in a way why some people are carrying on like this, I guess its about survival and it's having a knock on effect on other people.
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17-03-2020, 10:00 PM

Re: Other Side of the Panic Buying.

I don't blame the guy for writing/posting this at all. None of the staff should be treated that way by any of the customers, be they young, old, or somewhere in the middle.
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17-03-2020, 10:41 PM

Re: Other Side of the Panic Buying.

I think shoppers are feeling very stressed and psychologically messed up at the moment. So some are taking it out on anyone around including each other and staff. The staff at tesco have been fantastic. I really think some of them deserve a medal. I must remember to write and say how fabulous the lady at our local superstore was the other day. I wasn't bulk buying but there was a group of people buying a trolley load of mineral water and she was having to negotiate with them etc. I have said already that they should be protected in some way. They are not even wearing gloves. I remember having a saturday job in dairy produce as a teen and they didn't even give us gloves then even though it was freezing. We had to wear a stupid hat and white coat in those days. Ugh.
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18-03-2020, 02:45 AM

Re: Other Side of the Panic Buying.

I must remember to be extra polite to the grocery staff.

I feel so sorry for that poor woman in the story who came home crying. I hope her husband is cuddling her tonight.
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18-03-2020, 03:13 PM

Re: Other Side of the Panic Buying.

We're just relieved that we stocked up early as a result of reading the runes. It was obvious that the sensible thing to do was stock up once it became clear just what covid-19 was going to become WEEKS ago and once the MSM started on about not to "panic buy" was a very clear message STOCK UP NOW!.

No point 'avin a go"at the counter jumpers or anyone on the shop floor. Much more sensible to go to the next supermarket.

Stuck in queue? Just cough noisily and comment to the person next to you that since coming home from France or Germany or Spain or Italy a few days ago you just "can't shake this ****ing cough off". It's astonishing just how suddenly people move out of the way for you.

It's what my son did on Saturday in Asda and is still laughing how effective it was!.
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18-03-2020, 03:22 PM

Re: Other Side of the Panic Buying.

So far, I have not encountered any abusive customers just frustrated ones which is understandable but I'm sure you all know me fairly well by now on here. I do go out of my way to get along with everyone but if one of them does choose to start on me, I will not hold back on my reply. Job or no job.
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